Princess Tiara live webcams for YOU!


31 thoughts on “Princess Tiara live webcams for YOU!

  1. If hes not working through his childhood trauma in therapy there is absolutely no reason to stay. Youre moving apart in 1 month, what would happen if you had kids? They spend 50/50 at each of your homes? Find someone that absolutely adores you and does not hesitate to commit to you.

  2. Why is it wierd he knows this ex is bad news and I would hope tried to raise his children not to be a cheaters.

  3. I absolutely hate how both of you made him seem as if he was equally or even half way as bad in this situation as her. He didn’t indicate that she owed him a date, he didn’t make any poor decision except trusting someone who not only told him to but also was suppose to be a very close friend to him. She was wrong, this is the same as talking someone into sex after then giving you not sure answers. It’s not okay, he told her that he sleeps with people he trusts enough to date and she agreed to that just to sleep with him. She lied, this wasn’t something she woke up and realized, she knew when she preceded to persuade him because of a rumor she heard. I never like to pull this card but I think it’s the only one that fits. If this was reversed and he was a women who was tricked into sleeping with guy and then lied to and told he only did it because she was a good fxck, these opinions and comment would be different. This isn’t ok

  4. I would never say “hey just so you know, another mans ball in your face is a boundary i have, dont cross it!”

    Its OBVIOUS in a relationship. No sexual touching, cuddling, kissing, with other people.

  5. I just offered to be friends because that is what you say after you break up.

    This is very immature thinking.

    You're supposed to go along with it. for example. “can we just be friends?” “yes of course.” It doesnt mean you are actually friends. do you know what I am saying?

    Yes, you are saying you are childish. Adults know there is no script or rules for break ups and this approach you think should be done is is as insincere as it is patronizing. No one wants this.

    instead with her, she's like no thanks. to me, that's not very civil. that's being difficult.*

    No, that's her being honest AND civil. Honest enough to let you know she is not interested in anymore friends and won't feed into your patronizing and pretentious friendship offer. And civil enough to politely say “No Thanks” when she could have told you to take a long walk off a short peer.

  6. Without reading all of this here is what you should understand.

    You're 18 and immature. So is she. You're both new at this… 2 months is fucking nothing dude.

    Forget it happened, don't bring it up again, and chill the fuck out. You guys will either make it and laugh about this 30 years from now or you won't and it won't matter.

    Either way, don't feel bad and don't mention it to her again.

  7. Posted on NHS England. We have different sites as we can access different services. NHS itself is United Kingdom not England

  8. Thank you very much for the comment. I think i also definitely have a freeze and fawn response, kinda hate it lol. I feel kinda lonely because I would like to talk about this with some friends or family but I feel like they will just make fun of me

  9. Pee after sex always to stop getting UTIs. Drink lots of water and take probiotics.

    Set ground rules. It is reasonable to expect him to be clean before sex. Hygiene is an important aspect of attraction.

    Also make sure foreplay is a rule as well.

  10. If you're not about opening your relationship in any capacity and that's something she's down with, that's a baseline values difference that's going to cause compounding problems over time.

    Ultimately you guys want different things out of a relationship, imo. You know what to do already, you just wanted cosigners.

  11. yeah sure he got it for work /s

    no he got it specifically so you couldn’t see anything if you look over his shoulder

  12. He just started this job this month, because he lost his previous job in december (not his fault I believe). I dont want to break up, but for him to realize that we have bills to pay and to still work even if he wakes up late

  13. They should sleep in the same room as you, not next to you on a mattress that can kill them, blankets that can kill them, pillows that can kill them and an adult next to them that can kill them

  14. Right, nobody ever goes to the internet to double check their assumptions. To check if they're reading too much into something or too little. People always know all the answers and never have any doubts. Never want to reassurance if something is borderline, or be told their assessment is right.

    If all I needed is to re-read my own thoughts you're right, I wouldn't be writing in. So why did I, indeed.

  15. Agreed, she is using you as an emotional crutch. Let this be a life lesson to you both. Breaking up is the kindest thing to do for BOTH of you.

  16. The reminder that his girlfriend existed as a whole entire person before she was blessed with meeting him.

    The reminder that she knew and interacted with people before he came along.

    The reminder that she was not waiting in a sealed pod virginity fully intact until she started dating him.

    How dare she exist! Not only did she exist, but she also had the audacity to functionally live a happy and fulfilled life BEFORE he came along. This is VERY difficult for him.

    He did catch her. He caught her having a past. That is really difficult for him. Just knowing that she was not waiting for him to come along. Being a person, living her life. That shit starts with him, and she should have known that. I don't want to have to be the one to say it, but… How dare she! /s

  17. Your boyfriend is centering this issue on him. You are the victim. You were harassed. You handled it in the way you are comfortable and doesn't blow up your job.

    He needs to check his male privilege.

  18. With literally anything else, she's super sweet. But you can cut the jealousy with a knife over the PC. It's weird, like you can see it, I may as well be at the bar talking to another woman.

  19. This is honestly what it seems like. He was used to and comfortable with OP the way she was. She has made a lot of great changes and, unfortunately, instead of being happy for her/proud of her, etc. – he is clearly seeing these changes as a threat to him/their relationship. And he's clearly not handling it well. And as you say, he may not be doing/saying these things on purpose as some grand manipulation tactic – I don't think he is. I think he's super insecure with all the changes OP has made and he's handling it horribly. Not an excuse and doesn't make it ok. But it's the reason why I'd give him the opportunity to go to couple's counseling first.

    If he doesn't want to or doubles down or anything like that – well, then – you can't work with that and it's time to consider ending the relationship. Which is sad, because he'll think it's all the reasons he feared, instead of understanding it was solely based on the way he handled himself.

  20. So you changed your mind, we all do that, run it by her and if her answer is still 'No' then accept it like a good partner should!

    On a side note it's a being constantly around a baby will trigger what experts call 'baby hormones' the desire to have some of your own, if that baby has not triggered those hormones on your gf, give it up stud muffin, she's probably not cut to be a mother, strike two, but don't take my word for it, I'm no expert!

  21. I just want to clarify about what was happend between 2 of us. She was the first person for me. So i made have the whole thing worse just because of my stupidity and inexperience.

    And the thing is that i tend to move way from clubs where she is already there. So as not to make things more awkward with her. Thats it. I am not blaming her for these situations.

    Thanks for the reply.

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