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38 thoughts on “preet-raajlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. That’s useless advice. People are entitled to their opinions / preferences. Different horses for different courses.

  2. Thanks I’ll try this she doesn’t really know of the friend but she had suspicions about me talking to other girls.

  3. Just tell her the truth. I feel uncomfortable around you and I don't think we are compatible. I wish you the best. Or just break up with her. I want to break up with you. And do it. Good luck.

  4. He definitely committed assault he violated your body autonomy and he cruelly took something from you because he wanted it knowing you didnt want this this is without a doubt a relationship ending thing, and the fact that he thinks it's about hair shows how incredibly stupid and self centered he is

  5. It's only been 2 months, she doesn't want to deal with a long term long distance relationship at the time. Maybe in the future if you guys aren't so far apart it would be more appealing to date.

    Put a pin in it and move on for now.

  6. There's a bit of truth on both sides.

    Yes, comparison is the thief of joy. Especially when you compare your real life to someone else's public social media face. I know so many people who are so unhappy with their life, but their social media makes them look like the brady bunch. I know that I have been super sick for two and a half months and can't leave the house, but my husband has been posting a bunch of holiday toddler pics on social media so no one is the wiser to how sick I have been, other than our immediate families (nothing serious, just super persistent).

    That being said, if you're not happy, you can take steps to change that. And in your case, this sounds fixable. If your husband is thoughtful and caring normally, and not one to argue, then it's likely he just doesn't realize how his being a homebody is affecting you. I know it seems like common sense that when someone constantly asks to go out, it's important to them, but some people don't piece individual events together like that.

    I recommend sitting him down, and telling him you want to seriously talk about something you're unhappy about. Tell him that you feel like you don't get enough time with him, and that you as a couple have stopped having new experiences together with which to build memories. Tell him that you love him, and are happy when you're home as well, but that these kinds of memories and this time spent bonding is really important to you, and you aren't going to be happy unless you can keep that in your relationship. Then I'd ask him whether it's really money, or something else which has been making him reluctant, and address whatever comes up.

    If it is money, tell him you'll make a list of low-cost or free dates and experiences you can do together. There are beach trips if one is nearby, picnics at the park, geocaching, playing frisbee in a field, driving to a scenic historical area and walking around, maybe getting a coffee and/or stopping at a bakery as part of the trip. There are a lot of ways to make low-cost memories at home too- crafts which are sentimental which you work on together, romantic/naughty picnics in the living room (maybe skip posting those pics on social media), candles and massage oil.

  7. I think Annie has had a hard time in relationships and that’s why she can’t decipher between actual caring love and love bombing. She’s projecting for sure so don’t stress what she’s said.

  8. I don't know a single person, rich or poor, who acts like this. This isn't a wealthy people thing; creating some slush on your plate and spoon-feeding it to others is weird no matter your income or social stratus.

  9. This is so beautifully phrased, well done. I agree the focus should be “it takes me back to the attack/ it makes me feel guilty” and not “it makes you ugly”.

    I just hope that that's the real reason and he's terrible at communicating (in this case, in his post) because otherwise he might be unattracted to her again after childbirth and that's hell of a lot harder to phrase. She might not swallow “I feel terrible that during Sex you became pregnant and not I and it makes me feel like less of a man”.

  10. Dude – give her a chance and end it. She can say she trusts you… she’s just being nice. You’ve done more damage to her than you realize and thinking you can “fix” it or move past it is the height of selfishness and narcissism.

    You downloaded Tinder. That’s not a “moment of weakness”… that’s deciding you want to pursue other women or shop your options.

    Say it all you want. But you don’t do that while you’re “in love”.

    Your partner deserves better and you need to go fix yourself before starting or restarting a relationship.

  11. Dude – give her a chance and end it. She can say she trusts you… she’s just being nice. You’ve done more damage to her than you realize and thinking you can “fix” it or move past it is the height of selfishness and narcissism.

    You downloaded Tinder. That’s not a “moment of weakness”… that’s deciding you want to pursue other women or shop your options.

    Say it all you want. But you don’t do that while you’re “in love”.

    Your partner deserves better and you need to go fix yourself before starting or restarting a relationship.

  12. I saw some people commenting this and thought it's important to say. Don't make it a public spectacle. This sister will start the most unbelievable smear campaign you could ever imagine. does not matter if most people don't buy it some will and this will hurt your wife. It will cause family drama and then everyone is involved and your wife will spirals even harder than she has before since now it would be direct attacks on your and her character. Do not make a public statement about this about how she sexually harassed you. Do the the no contact, get the therapy for your wife and yourself and if possible get the RO. Do not give a narcissist a public spectacle they feed off of it and will do crazy shit to attack those they feel are attacking them.

  13. I salute your strength. What you went through is beyond my ability to understand, but your desire to forge on and find love is inspiring.

    I think you should let them know you went through something very traumatic in your past that means you do not have a lot of experience. That you enjoy being with them and have a positive feeling where this is headed, but want them to know so they can understand you are in somewhat uncharted territory.

    Someone that feels the same positivity and interest will accept without much prying. They will know you will or wont share in your own time and can understand that is down to your comfort and happiness.

  14. So I know two people who have been in relationships like this. Both hetero relationships with men giving the silent treatment. The first, stayed together for the long haul. The woman died and the man misses her dearly but everyone knows the pain he caused her and how there was always a sadness and a resentment about their love from her end. I think a lot of people who knew and loved her feel a tinge of that resentment too. I think if she’d been born a different time she wouldn’t have stayed with him. There seemed at least a significant part of her that began to think she had “settled”.

    The second are a couple I know. They’ve split up. I actually spoke to the guy about why he does this and how he can’t ever expect to have a sustainable relationship if it continues. He said it was a number of reasons. Learned behaviour from his parents, feeling incapable of expressing himself, anger, frustration and a form of punishment. Obviously everyone has different reasons.

    It isn’t acceptable. If he doesn’t want therapy, even though you will be fine again in a few days, I don’t think it’s sustainable. Reacting this way may be instinct or emotionally feel justified but it’s not. It’s disrespectful, lacking in care and love, selfish, petty, spiteful and immature. For me it would be therapy or out.

  15. Is this new behavior? Are either of you depressed, dealing with outside factors, or having financial difficulty?

    You should both separately make a list of all the chores you think need done and review the list. Then have a conversation about it. Tell him what you're doing, have him tell you what he's doing. Where are you both overwhelmed? Can you help each other out in that area? Figure out the best path forward together.

    If this is a new thing and you've had a communication problem, direct conversation can go a long way in helping you both get on the same team.

    If this is not new, and he regularly tells you you're not meeting expectations and won't define them, you've got a boyfriend problem and need to rethink the relationship.

    Either way, good luck!

  16. What good would an apology do? He expresses his true feelings when he is enraged. An apology won’t turn him into a normal, loving husband as his rage will return the next time he is behind the wheel. Do you want this to be your future? You are not safe.

  17. How much does he weigh? You can lose that much weight _so fast_—and help him move on at the same time!

    Dump him.

    Bodies change over a lifetime. If he can’t handle it now, he won’t handle it better in the future.

  18. Get over yourself. She was dancing, not having sec FFS. Drunk dudes always get handsy and she handled it. No need for you to act like a caveman.

  19. Thank you so so much for this thoughtful comment – it's extremely validating and really goes right to the point of why I posted. The thing that I struggle with is that we really do seem compatible (or maybe that's me “subtracting” the things that make us incompatible), we really do love each other, we really do physically appreciate each other… and yet the last few years are “bittersweet” (probably slightly more sweet) rather than just sweet and with unclear trajectory. If anything, the ambiguity (ie. this isn't clearly dysfunctional or 'bad') makes it even more difficult, I'm just left with a sense of longing and incompleteness.

    If I may ask, what brought you (or him) to proposing the end of the relationship and was it a clean break / one conversation?

  20. Well, you have to state your preferences clear with the obvious risk that she’ll end the relationship. But keeping silent and accepting things that you don’t want will end the same but with much more resentment.

  21. I feel like I'd become a control-freak if I insist that she remove them.

    But you can say you're uncomfortable with that. That's not controlling or insecure, you have a right to your feelings. And her reaction to your feelings is going you tell you a lot. If she dismisses them, then consider if this is someone you want to be with. Likewise in this situation, tell her you're uncomfortable with you two (or just her) hanging out with the guy. And see her reaction and that will tell you everything including if she's a keeper. If she would hang out because she's afraid to say no to people or ruffle feathers, do you want to be with someone who can't stand up for you?

  22. If you want to get married and stay married, this isn’t the guy for you.

    Based on what you’ve written about how horribly he treats you, I understand why he’s been married and divorced 4 times already.

    The honeymoon phase is over and he’s showing you who he is. He’s not going to change. There is a reason 4 marriages didn’t work and I guarantee that his version is that every split was the woman’s fault. I guarantee if you spoke to any of them they would tell you to run.

  23. I rather be single than financially crippled. Financial Fraud is not a small matter, its jail time once convicted.

    leave or you will be dragged down with him

  24. He acknowledged it comes from the trauma he experienced in his life from people making public spectacles of themselves and him having to take care of them.

    See, this is sickening. This is him taking zero ownership or responsibility for terrible behavior and weaponizing his past as his excuse to abuse you. Let me tell you something about public spectacles. My fiance has 2 siblings that are special needs both in their mid forties. One of them sometimes bites and claws at his family when out in public, the other one has full on toddler meltdowns, throwing herself on the ground while screaming out swear words at us. She even decided to do this at her nieces first communion when all was quiet and the priest was doing his thing, she starts with..”fff…..fuuu…..FUCK!” She gets told by her dad to quiet down and responds loudly with “Fuck you!…..Fuck David and fuck his girlfriend too!” That was just a sample of a 20 minute obscenity laced melt down with her grabbing onto the church pew for dear life so she can’t be taken out to the car. My fiancé is the big brother than took care of them very often, including always being the one babysitting them. Sometimes in life, I have done embarrassing things, like one time, suddenly sneezed so hard it went everywhere. Another time, shaking a ketchup bottle so hard, it splattered all over this guys white dress shirt at a restaurant. Another time I got sick when we were out and had to puke in a bush (no bathrooms nearby). Even though my guy has been through the ringer and trauma of public spectacles all his life…..want to know how often he has treated me like shit, had no empathy, abused me, and/or demanded I explain myself when I was sick or sneezed badly? NEVER. Want to know why? Good decent human beings that love and care about you do not do such a thing. Abusive toxic ppl on the other hand will make you feel like complete shit and a lowlife, while blaming it on something from the past. It’s tragic that you think this is so good because this is your best relationship. I am very sad for you.

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