porn–girllive sex stripping with hd cam


5 thoughts on “porn–girllive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I mean i guess a paternity test is some sort of protecting your finances aswell, as in making sure you arent up to pay 18 years for a child that might not be yours.

  2. Both of them. Sort of. The lie was that she hadn’t fucked one of my friends previously. The one that introduced us. Then she confessed, but said it was 7 yrs ago and that nothing happened afterwards. On Sat I found evidence of them sexting right up to the day we met.

  3. Knew it was ADHD, intersting you omitted that important detail from your original post. So she has a disability which is causing her annoying behaivors.. is she being treated? Medication, Cognitive behavioral therapy?

    It is her responsibility to find strategies that will minimize the worst symptoms, but it will always be a struggle. The most important part is intent, if she is trying and self aware that's great. If she's not and doesn't make any effort than that's not cool.

    What you need to realize is she isn't going to be 'fixed' permanently and will have days that are tougher than others. If she was diabetic and had bad days because of it would you be as frustrated, or more empathetic?

    That's what's so frustrating about having this condition that we were born with, people who don't understand it think we are intentionally making our lives harder and can't just snap out of it. Imagine telling a person in a wheelchair that.. it really fucks with your mind.

    Having a supportive partner, who focuses on all the good things you accomplish and contribute, instead of one who makes you feel like a fuck-up all the time for relatively small things that are harder for you than others.. makes a world of difference.

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