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pinkie_princesslive sex stripping with hd cam


49 thoughts on “pinkie_princesslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Lay into your MIL, ask if you should tell Your Husband. Then let her know that she’s a p.o.s. and (you) obviously care for her son than she since you wouldn’t break his heart and tell him how his Mother really feel about he & his wife.

  2. Is it possible she is having an affair? Staying late at work… not showing you affection for seemingly no reason. These are all detachment strategies. Usually ones associated with guilt

  3. Talk your boyfriend about this. Don’t “play it cool.” Never “play it cool.” If something bothered you or made you feel insecure just talk to him about it, be honest about your feelings. If talking face to face is a hard thing for you just find a way to feel comfortable when expressing yourself. Don’t hide your emotions or thoughts. It’s perfectly normal to feel insecure, it’s perfectly normal to compare yourself.

  4. Do you have an open Phone policy? If you do, the looking into her Phone is a previously agreed upon boundary. I would still advise you against staying in a relationship where you feel the need to do this all the time. Trust but verify is a valid policy, but constant verification is simply the inexistence of trust.

  5. ok I am a grown woman. -and I have seen in the past and present and know of these behaviors, in girls and young women.

    So she jokes and gets physical and says she: “knows I have a crush on her”

    and you want to know what this means. I think it means that she is into you and is sending signals that if you make a move on her she would be into it. She is doing it that way because if you are not into her like that and do nothing then her self-esteem is preserved.


    “What would be the best way to react and to reply next time she says this?”

    Well, if you are interested in her – make a move

    if you are not interested in her like that – you could pretend to be oblivious – and just keep doing what you are doing now with her when she says that kind of ignoring the statement or moving on to a different topic. Or you could tell her that you don't have a crush on her. Honestly, after a while, if you don't make a move to escalate the relationship to a romantic one – she will move on. And I bet she is off somewhere currently asking her friends if they think you like her and what should she do and what does it mean when I say this and he responses like that?

  6. I am also sure that there is an evil stepparent troll as well. All these wild stories popping up about stepparents doing X,Y, Z thing and the kids being forced to recognise them etc etc – it’s just variations on pretty much the same story all the time but nobody seems to notice it’s the same thing every few days.

  7. He wants a woman who has no opinion and follows what he wants all day. Is that the kind of man you really want to be with? Not judging if it is just seems chauvinistic and unattractive to me.

  8. Sounds abusive and awful. He’s not your father therefore you can’t talk back to him. Partners should be equal, I would definitely breakup with him and not move ANYWHERE with him

  9. “Years to come” it’s been 3 years already. If you don’t like her by now then stop wasting her time

  10. “Years to come” it’s been 3 years already. If you don’t like her by now then stop wasting her time

  11. Alternative is prep before hand so you don’t need the pause in the middle. I realise this is less fun that your version but would satisfy both of their requirements

  12. Ugh. I know. It sounds crazy but he is very good to me minus this huge exception. I'm just so confused! But it's driving me nuts.

  13. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck odds are pretty solid it is a duck. Honestly just ditch this guy and get it over with. This relationship is over the moment you go to basic anyway so go ahead and rip off the band-aid. I promise if you are having problems now all going into the military is going to do is make it 1000 times worse.

  14. “me personally I wouldn’t leave my crib blah blah blah” really desperate to be less at blame here huh??

  15. He is already dealing with his own very valid issues. It's not his job to manage your anxiety as well, and I'm really not surprised your mistrust need for reassurance is adding a lot of pressure to his life and pushing him away. You really need to work on your own issued hy yourself / with your therapist.

  16. Honestly I thought AMC and Gamestop were funny memes. Put down 150 on each, and then walked away. Honestly have no clue how the money is doing, because I know if I watch it like a hawk, I will be sucked into constantly gambling on it. I just put in money I wasn't afraid to lose and moved on.

  17. If he does it again, I'm done. I believe in second chances, but a screw up after that means the end of the relationship. If I see a pattern its over?

  18. You post this almost every day on different throwaway accounts and it never makes sense; what kind of advice are you looking for?

  19. Meet them. You don't have to interact with your siblings to do this. Make sure it's not a money grab (it probably isn't, but still had to mention it),

  20. OP – you are hella abusive.

    You ignore your SO's boundries daily You stomp off like a toddler when he doesn't get his way You refuse to see it from her side You are waaayyyyyyyy to grabby for it not to be creepy at this point. Relationship or not, a woman doesn't need to feel like she is going to get bent her nipples pulled, or her pants pulled down while she's cooking. You are demeaning as hell and the fact you refuse to see that and are arguing about it just proves what a piece of crap you are.

    I hope your gf finds this and runs like hell. You are gross.

  21. I certainly wouldn't react with violence but that's why I said they'd both been stupid. However, talk about over reacting to this..

  22. My husband was cheated on. He found it hard to trust me, but it was always his problem. He never made it mine. He never looks at my phone. I never look at his.

  23. yeah it's hard to give useful advice given that leaving is off the table – it wouldn't be abandoning your children incidentally, assuming you made an effort to get custody or otherwise maintain a relationship with them – because that's what I would do. idk how to not feel contempt at someone treating me like that, especially when they remain completely unrepentant about it.

  24. Ig there's nothing to prove. He'll have to decide for himself what to believe. He knows my character.

  25. What if he volunteered, without you asking, that his ex had a tight vagina, unbelievable grip, more so than yours. This would be the equivalent. Would that make you wonder if sex really was better with her? Wouldn't you be wondering why he brought it up?

  26. We weren't best friends right away. It took some years of us hanging out together for that to happen.

  27. It is an extremely old tradition, and he will probably tell you all the nice stuff, but the men will have the last word, they will decide. Dont be delusional, there are plenty of fish in the sea, leave the syrian guys to the arab girls. We know how to deal with them lol. My husband is syrian.

  28. Trying to walk on eggshells to circumvent a partner's trauma that they're not working on fixing themselves, will make you resent him at best.

    Don't do it. Explain in as short and succinct way as possible that you're not his ex, you deserve the same trust you give him. And that his issues won't ever go away if he doesn't attempt to fix them. You will live your life like a normal trustworthy adult, and if he can't handle that….

  29. 3 months in and he's in Tinder??

    Fuck no, let this one go. Not worth the trouble and hassle. He can go crash with a friend or one of his Tinder hookups. You owe him nothing because he didn't seem to care about you.

    I get bored, I do other shit that does not involve cheating on my husband, what a motherfucking lame as excuse. Not buying it at all.

  30. Exactly. He’s refusing to let her communicate and this stupid game is definitely a ploy to make sure she doesn’t communicate in the future and just goes along with what he wants so he won’t pull this bs again. So childish.

  31. You might some validation by looking up the term “covert sexual abuse”. It is sexual abuse that does not include physical touching. However it is equally damaging and a lot more confusing. It is the emotional abuse of being sexualized and violated, having your boundaries ignored, your self image distorted, and many other unpleasant experiences.

    I've never understood why some guys think it is such an achievement to get with a much younger woman. It is actually easier because young adults don't usually have well defined standards around what they are looking for in a partner. They haven't learned painful lessons about what red flags to look out for. Guys who date much younger women are usually unable to form relationships with women their own age because those women see through their bullshit. The young women they spend their time and money on eventually get enough life experience to see through their bullshit as well and leave them behind. Or they were only using him for his money all along.

    Having sex is no great achievement. Almost everyone has had it for as long as humans have existed. The vast majority of animals do too. It's a weird thing to form his entire identity around, sacrificing every other meaningful relationship in his life for it. What an empty existence.

    Disgust rolls off of him because he believes that underneath it people are impressed by his immaturity. If he realized it actually makes him look ridiculous rather than virile he might discover some shame, but it's a long shot.

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