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photomodellive sex stripping with hd cam


5 thoughts on “photomodellive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Have confidence so she will respect you. Find what you like. If you wanna be skinny then be skinny but be fucking confident. If she doesn’t love you for that then kick her out. Have enough confidence that you know there’s plenty of other women that will love her for who you are. If you wanna go to the gym and get big then do it. but do it for you not for sum bitch that’s gonna probably cheat on you anyway. She’s not unattractied to your appearance it’s how you feel about your own appearance that matters. She’s tore your confidence apart and she’s a evil women for that. Even when you gain it back she might not respect you. I’d say leave but ive never been in a situation with children and what not so I’m sure that’s very difficult for you. I’m sure your great man keep your head up.

  2. He has a decade of experience over you. That's a long ass time. The reason older men like this go after younger women is because women their age rarely put up with their shit. Look at the comments of all the older women in this thread and really think about them. There has to be a reason so many of us are telling you to dump him, yes? Take advantage of that wisdom. After a year, this man could tell you grass was blue, and you'd absolutely believe it. That's how abusers work. You're young. Go to therapy for your daddy issues(the primary cause of dating much older men) and live your life. Take some time to yourself for a while.

  3. Don't mention the sex lacking at home. That's adding insult to injury and does not need to come from the mistress. He can tell her that himself when they argue about it later.

  4. I don’t think u should see her :/

    Let the lawyer give u the stuff. I don’t see a reason why u need to come in contact with your mom while in turkey

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