Peach-Princess live webcams for YOU!


⭐, ️Pinch my nipples hard⭐️ Welcome! Debut week! #young #bigtits #feet #blonde #anal [Multi Goal]

Date: October 30, 2022

43 thoughts on “Peach-Princess live webcams for YOU!

  1. Being annoyed in this situation is normal but giving you the silent treatment is stupid and indicative of deeper issues.

    You have said in the comments that you have an issue with drinking which you should definitely work on for yourself, but his response is worrisome.

    Get better for yourself and have some standards regarding how you want to be treated. being concerned is good but plenty of people have forgotten to send messages indicating that they're fine and plenty of people have not received said messages until later.

    Unless this behavior gets repeated several times his frustrated should've been over once you explained what happened.

    Oh…and if he doesn't trust you because of his insecurities that's his problem, not yours

  2. Oh please, if you need to express yourself in a relationship like that, and it’s not your job or for any type of money, just to please the men who wish they could sleep with you. You should be single. He’s not controlling for feeling that way, she’s just disrespectful and doesn’t think about how her partner would feel. Especially how she chose not to communicate about it.

  3. Don't move in with him. You'll regret it. You move in the place and get a proper housemate who will help pay bills.

    You're also not his mother, nor are you his paid carer.

  4. Yeah this was what bothered me. Part of what makes cis straight men more afraid to explore anal is this dumb stereotype. It isn’t gay to want to razzle dazzle your Prostate. Like you can totally have a preference of not engaging in pegging; that’s fine. But calling a sex act gay is so immature and lame. It’s only gay if you’re doing things with the same sex. Sexual acts aren’t inherently heterosexual or homosexual.

  5. Since she is having body issues I would take her out shopping for lingerie together. That way you both can comment on what you like or don’t like as far as style goes and you can actively reinforce how you think she would look great in x,y and z outfit.

  6. It really hurt me to see a Christmas card that says I love you and hope you're having a good year with guilt money in it. I was distraught. I don't want her to attempt to contact me again.

  7. If I were you, I would have went there with baseball bat and smashed the f*ck out of whatever the device playing music in front of those assholes. But it’s just me.

  8. This relationship IS toxic. Having space does not mean it’s not toxic. This guy is a pig and you should stop letting him treat you like a doormat. Dump his ass and get some healing therapy so you can stop getting into toxic relationships. Also work on your self-esteem.

  9. damn, I can already imagine the state of you in 10 years, stuck in a relationship with a man who groomed u, unable to leave because ur so dependent on him, and incredibly heartbroken when he decides ur 'too old' for him and goes after someone younger once again.

    he has groomed u, as in, manipulated u, as in, USED u for his fetish, he doesnt care for u as a person and he never will, he likes u because ur 'his type', because ur asian and he 'has a thing' for asians.

    get away as fast as u can please, this will not turn out well for u.

  10. Why? He wants to sleep in bed, with his wife. He probably thinks it is their responsibility to raise this child to self soothe and be an independent human until he is of age to get married and have intimate relationships. He likely got married to have that nighttime intimacy. How is co sleeping helping this child or this marriage? I mean if she wants to choose sleeping with the child for her own sake, over her husband and convince herself that it's healthy, fine, that's her choice. He can go find someone who will sleep with him.

  11. OP you don’t sound like a bad person. And I’m sorry your relationship is over. I can tell you’re genuinely heartbroken.

    That said, it doesn’t sound like you’re genuinely sorry. You’re allowed to be human and to make mistakes on drunken nights. Your boyfriend is allowed to decide this particular mistake is a dealbreaker.

    Stop blaming everyone else but yourself. You are responsible for your actions and your boyfriend isn’t unreasonable for not wanting to be with you after you cheated on him.

  12. It's quite shocking because she was right there, legs in the stirrups and the new IUD could have been inserted. It lasts FIVE years, it's the cheapest and most effective BC other than abstinence. Four going on five kids under 8. Damn.. I'm hoping this is a troll because the lack of judgement here on both sides is unbelievable

  13. My experience is that when they are shit or disrespectful to other women, that will be how you are treated as soon as theres no reason not to.

    I don't want to have to count on someone loving me or being into me for basic respect and consideration.

  14. You wait for them to grow-up since they still think they are in high school. She’s 21 and sounds like a child having a child. Next time date someone your own age and yes I think you’ll be a single father soon.

  15. I was 34 ?? found him on Tinder, we've been together 2 years now and things are perfect. OP take it easy. You have an age filter on any of the dating apps, use that lol, how is no one your age? If I went on an app now, there would definitely be people there in the range on 25-29

  16. You may be shocked to learn that what a person knows can be different from what they feel. I'd never resent my wife over this and alot of my energy is going towards making sure she feels no guilt or shame about this.

  17. Yeah I don’t blame you man. If I were in your shoes, I would leave as well.

    She knew how it made you felt, she didn’t care and she did it anyway. I guarantee she told this guy that you were upset she was dancing with him.

    The fact she would get mad if you did the same thing shows where her head is at in the relationship as well. She thinks her feelings are more important than yours. That’s not the kind of person you want to be in a relationship with.

    Leave her, tell her exactly why you’re breaking up with her, and you’ll feel much better. If you stand up for yourself and respect yourself, then it doesn’t matter that this girl doesn’t respect you.

    Good luck

  18. Holy shit the ages do not matter here.

    People are only bringing them up to point out how nonsensical you are.

    If you want to stay with your boyfriend, you know what you need to do. – stop hanging out with other people – stop having any contact with other guys (yes, this includes guys at work, don’t talk to them) – forgive him when he cancels – be understanding when he cheats – do whatever he says, your opinion and needs to matter

    Or you could consider looking for a healthy relationship where the guy doesn’t treat you like shit.

    The decision is yours!

  19. I did some therapy back then when our situation got better because I used to work a lot at school + with dad to have a better life. We had a lot of hard time and after this dark episode I fell into depression. I’m off antidepressant since the last 2 months and started to feel better but all this is killing me back

  20. Are you sure you want to marry into a family where they enable and encourage BIL’s narcissistic need to be centre of attention while he humiliates others with his selfish bullying and disrespect? Your fiance will never have your back with her disrespectful family as she prioritizes their comfort and cruel enjoyment over yours and her own. If she has made it to her 30s and still doesn’t have the self respect to stand up to her family and get firm boundaries then you will have a miserable marriage having to deal with her abusive narcissistic clown brother and his enabling parents who think his abusiveness is hilarious.

  21. So he's great, apart from when:

    he uses your disability to benefit himself then ditches you immediately afterwards

    has multiple incidences of being selfish and inconsiderate, with the plane incident being the biggest (so far…)

    has shown narcissistic traits

    continually hurts you with his thoughtless actions

    This guy is horrible! Being a dick to others isn't a type of personality, it's a choice. He's choosing to treat you like this and by staying you are not only letting him do it, you are saying it's ok. Listen, I get how your confidence can take a battering when you come out of a significant relationship or marriage but please, aim higher! If he's treating you like this now, when you should still be riding on a wave of new romance energy, then stop and think how he'll treat you in the future. Think about how unhappy his behaviour is making you right now and then triple it. He's not worth this level of heartache. Nobody is.

  22. Do you have the vaguest idea of how viscerally disgusting it is to have your parent fucking a teenager the same age as you?

    Add to that the horrendous things you then said, making it clear your wife was 100% your priority and your daughter was relegated to an inconvenience and a hindrance, I don't know that there's anything you could do to rebuild that relationship.

  23. He sounds like an immature buffoon, of course you'd be willing to take care of something that is YOURS but why should you absolve HIM of HIS responsibilities, he thinks you OWE him something..I'd dump him because he's already set in his ways and they aren't good ways.

  24. It's understandable that your fear of her leaving is rising. However that shouldn't be your main concern, your goal is to live in a healthy, fulfilling relationship (I assume) and not talking about it will get you nowhere.

    I know those types of conversation are scary af and they need preparation and bravery. Your partner turns your conversation arround and starts pointing fingers? That's not healthy at all, remember you are trying to work against the problem and not against each other.

    Try to get her to sit down with you when there is a quiet moment and try something like this: “Hey can I talk to you for a moment? There is something on my mind that's bugging me a lot and I need to talk to you about it, do you have time right now? … Okay thank you, I want you to listen to me first before answering so we can avoid misunderstandings. I've noticed you were not honest about where you are in some situations. I've looked at your location and called you and you were dishonest. I know it's not okay to keep track of where you are, that's controlling and I try to better myself and not do that anymore. However now I know that you were lying to me about your location, I cant unknow it. Can you explain why please? I trust you but because of these incidents I start to get anxious about you having an affair so I want to get things sorted out. Whatever you answer I want us both to be more honest. I tracked you, you lied, we both need some work here. So please explain your side.”

    Either she explains that she is throwing you a suprise party/something normal or she lies again or she admits being a cheater.

  25. How do you go about chasing in a way that is not creepy? Get to know them better as friends first then formally ask them out?

  26. Thanks for your response, and especially how quick it was!

    See I dont think I'd ever laugh when someone's telling me what they do, or what their partner does, but maybe thats just me and I've just got the wrong end of the stick ?

    She didn't seem to be receptive though, that I responded like 'wtf?' And just carried on as normal. Then there was definitely a lack of contact between the two of us for a couple days while I took a step back to reassess how I felt, she never reaches out or checks in etc.

    So just to clarify, you think it was completely innocent? Would you do the same, and message your partner like that?

  27. why the hell would a guy be masturbating if his GF is right next to him? this is so sick! You need to leave and tell him to enjoy his masterbation fantasies alone!

  28. Reach out to a friend or family member you used to have a good relationship with, pack your things while he is at work and leave. This situation will never improve and he is manipulating you to be dependent. If you don’t do this he will ruin the rest of your life and you will regret it until you die having never done anything you wanted to in life.

  29. ”… if i brought this up to my boyfriend, he’d get mad and me and probably get violent.”

    OP, I’m so sorry things happened this way—though it sounds like it may have spared you from far worse. You deserve so much better.

  30. OP, get out while your investment in this man is still relatively low. You have no obligations to him, no kids to share and (I assume) no shared owned property. Cut your losses and protect your own identity.

    The five years suck, sure, but have not been wasted. You've hopefully enjoyed it and learned a lot about yourself. Now go find someone who actually deserves you. Don't settle for lying, mediocre men.

  31. I know you’re gonna block me but yes you’re a repulsive troll. You post ENDLESSLY here, hence why you keep having to create new users. I strongly recommend therapy for whatever trauma making you constantly post to Reddit and then berate the people who try to help you.

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