Olivia live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 30, 2022

13 thoughts on “Olivia live webcams for YOU!

  1. Thanks. He was been definitely more withdrawn for the last week. Most bizarre thing is that he mentioned he's been having these thoughts for the last 2 months, so before I sat him down regarding our bedroom. Why go through all that effort if you were to break things anyway? I just don't understand.

  2. Well, count your lucky stars that your idiot husband is this stupid. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have let you transfer his files from one iPhone to another and you wouldn’t know what a cheating POS he is. He is either dumber than a bag of rocks or he’s been doing this so long and getting away with it that he got careless and thought you wouldn’t notice his texts. I would follow everyone else’s advice and take this fool to the cleaners and get tested ASAP!

  3. Dynamic and kink that we experiment with. Like, we had firm boundaries and safewords in the bedroom, and he'd/I'd always stop even if it wasn't a safeword to check on the other person. I didn't think I'd have to tell him like, “hey, this isn't chill in public,” nor do I think really should've had to.

  4. Unless it is brought up in the first couple months, most monogamous relationships in western countries are assumed to be heading towards marriage for one or both parties. Just because you decided to string someone along because you didn't feel like marriage isn't an important part of a relationship, does not exempt you from societal norms. By not addressing marriage early on, you allowed her to believe that you were of the same mindset of a majority of people.

    Since that is not the case, you led her on. Whether it was malicious or just stupidity on your part does not matter. The damage is done. She cannot get that time back from you. Time that she spent with you in good faith that this would be a lifetime partnership, which for many women means marriage and a wedding. You don't have to be a mean, vindictive person to make a decision that negatively impacts someone else. If you truly care for this woman, I'd go ring shopping soon and start planning a wedding. If not, leave. Simple as

  5. | She said today she woke up crying because she felt she cheated on me even though nothing happened.|

    Bad judgement doesn't always mean cheating, it may just mean bad judgement. You can check with the guy to see what he says happened but it sounds like she over did the drugs and is feeling guilty.

  6. They don’t hang out often because it’s overseas. They text each other once in a while and he showed me conversation- they just ask about each other etc. And now she knows about me.

    I just don’t know. Starting to think “it was too good to be true”.

    I really don’t think he has feelings for her and he usually makes me feel super happy and safe. I guess I just can’t understand why he didn’t tell me he was going to see her and also why he wanted to see her twice.

  7. I don’t know if I can trust him, at this point I don’t even care about the pictures, it’s more so that he keeps doing something he knows hurts me.

    You clearly can't trust him, as he keeps saying sorry throws in a few tears but then carries on as usual

  8. He’s not ready for a relationship right now. You leave him. No need to confront him. I like the note idea that someone else had.

  9. No keys that I know of, but I didn’t know much apparently. I’m probably gonna go back to my father’s for a bit, it’ll feel nicer I think idk

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