Noranooir live webcams for YOU!


undress me and see my body [Multi Goal]

Date: October 31, 2022

20 thoughts on “Noranooir live webcams for YOU!

  1. Honestly 4 days to myself with my pets going for walks and watching Netflix would be heaven. I love his family and bet it would be great to go, lots of laughs, but ultimately we could break up tomorrow and I’d still have debt and he’d be fine.

  2. I personally cannot fathom a 17 year old drugging another person but crazier things have happened. I see that you are going to get tested for drugs which is the only way to find out definitively but regardless you should break up and be single for a bit. The fact that you feel that she is capable of doing that is not a good sign. Either you are dating someone who is capable of violating you or you’re dealing with some paranoia ( which is understandable given your comments). You have a lot going on personally that needs to be sorted first before you consider a relationship imo. The drinking is doing more harm than it’s perceived rewards. Please update us! We are very concerned about you ?

  3. Hello /u/bigfeelings1231,

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  4. Well the other “caring” guy is married too so filing for divorce on her part is stupid atm. Maybe when the “caring” guy comes clean to his “monster” wife then they both will file for divorce and live a “caring” life together.

  5. I’m so sorry you’ve been put through this. I had a similar experience in my 20s. On again off again with an a-hole. The last time he showed up at my door begging to make up he brought a single daisy. I put the flower in water but told him no – we are never never never getting back together. I deserve better and I’m looking for a husband not a little baby-man. Anyways, he left. Good riddance. The next morning I went to the kitchen and the flower he brought me DIED IN A DAY. So if that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is. A few days later I left on a volunteer abroad trip for a week and on that trip I met my now husband. So don’t ever think there aren’t better men out there.

    This is not a healthy situation for you. This relationship won’t lead anywhere good. You deserve someone who wants to share his life with you and wants you to share your life with. You deserve a man not a little baby-man who will have a temper tantrum if he doesn’t get his way.

    Someone better for you is out there, I promise. Someone who wants to take care of you, and laugh with you, and wants you to take care of them too.

  6. It's absolutely divorce level bs. You should have never married her. I am sure it was obvious earlier as well. Better correct your mistake.

  7. If they are pushing after you said “no”, that means they rejected your no. They are openly disrespecting you. A coerced “yes” means nothing, that's not consent. Look, those people are not your friends.

  8. No he threw it away. He's asking you to give her another chance and its not a coincidence that the list of reasons not to just happened to go missing at the same time. You keep it in the same place and don't move it how could you have lost it. He's part of the problem and even if he isn't he is not doing anything to help you. You have to leave for your sanity because he is not going to cut them off and you won't ever get away without a divorce.

  9. If you feel like breaking up is the right move, then do it! It’s still a very new relationship and I’m sure you know what’s best for you and your future. Good luck!

  10. You need to learn to tell her no, at least. Block her if you must, but TBH you're just being a real pushover here even entertaining this.

  11. 28 with a kid and 21 partying in college is definitely a little bit abnormal but not gross or anything. But I'd you are going to run into people judging you a bunch, just let it roll if your shoulders. If your gf doesn't mind the difference in life stages then who cares

  12. It’s not you, it’s him. Pay no attention of how he acts. This could be a blessing because you almost settled for a future with this guy. He probably thought about being single and F-ing around for awhile in your relationship and now that the breakup happened, he posted a status to send out feelers for any interested females out there (huge turnoff if you ask me). If he ever unblocks you or reaches out, it means he’s had no luck and he wants to try again- he left so easily do NOT let him back in. Good riddance girl.

  13. He’s not a good friend. If he was a good friend he’d respect your boundaries and be an actual friend. Instead, he’s trying to wear you down until you cave and sleep with him. He doesn’t see you as a friend.

  14. If you want company, surely there is someone else you can invite who you feel more secure in your relationship with – have you considered family? Otherwise, I would cast aside what you feel like you want out of the friendship that she isn't willing to give and only consider whether you think having her there would make the trip more enjoyable for you. If yes, then invite her if no, then don't. Happiness isn't built by keeping score of friendship benefits.

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