NINA-FREEDOM live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 26, 2022

8 thoughts on “NINA-FREEDOM live webcams for YOU!

  1. It all depends on what you want from this, and how much shit you're willing to injest to get it.

    Do you still want to be with her?

    Do you believe you can trust her again?

    She cheated on you with a married man… That by itself is enough of a non starter for me, but she also demeaned you to her friends… Who then smile and laugh through closed teeth thinking about it when you saw them.

    Sure, people change.. but not by themselves, not without a catalyst.. and she's still hiding this from you, you weren't told and your agency was taken away for about 3 years…

    …that's a heaping pile of shit she needs to ascend to get the the summit of Mt. Trust, and you will have to Sherpa this woman… Who did this to you, whilst slogging through it again.. this happened a while ago but it's fresh for you.

    Discussion time with her… She will defend herself and flip the script with the invasion of privacy, but that's not privacy, that's secrecy… She kept things from you that would of 100% changed the course of all of this… And you both know that now. Privacy vs secrecy is a hot topic here… And i agree that you should have privacy, but no secrets between romantic partners.. especially ones that would direct effect the other partner. There is no Love without trust.. and she's a liar of 3.5 years… So do with that what you will.

    Good luck, you have a shitty partner, but it's up to you to decide how much more shit you're willing to eat for her.

  2. i had a gf that was 19 when I turned 21, and she completely ruined my 21st birthday party by threatening to harm herself while me and my friends were out.

    There's just some people that can't be alone, and you don't want to be their only outlet for socialization. cut her loose, my guy.

  3. if he can’t be there for you, emotionally or care about your feelings or your boundaries, but then turn around and comfort someone else. You’re not in a relationship you’re being used.

  4. i've been wrestling with whether or not we're actually happy together, and whether we should seek therapy and figure out ways to compromise for each other, or whether it's the right thing to cut things off here and find someone who's more similar.

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