Nikolasandnora live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 10, 2022

10 thoughts on “Nikolasandnora live webcams for YOU!

  1. I don't know exactly what you should do, but it's sad seeing people pick you apart for wanting your wife to dress better. I dated someone who wore ill-fitting, tacky Walmart clothes, and wanted better for her. I offered to pay for comfortable, good-looking clothing and boost her confidence. It backfired, and she didn't take it well. She lacked the confidence to dress better and felt guilty having money spent on it, so she chose to stay simple. I left her a long time ago, but she still wears tacky, tattered clothing.

    Maybe plan a nice date and buy yourself something stylish. Then she may feel better buying something better.

  2. At first she saw the way he flirted but she thought he couldn't possible like her that way because usually guys like him don't like her (he's the athletic type and she was quiet and shy). But when we saw each other again I pointed it out to her and she started realizing and said that when she told him we weren't talking that's when she realized he does like her because she tried getting even closer like making plans to go out on weekends with a group of friends( male and female can't be buddies unless there's atleast one more person with them). She told me that I don't compliment her like how he does and she wants me to do those kinds of things (this is something I realized I didn't do so I'm trying to work on it). But she's also been cheated on before so she Said she doesn't want to put me in that place and that she's set boundaries wiht him, but from the sounds of it he doesn't care. So maybe she is lonely because he does what I haven't been doing.

  3. I once met a guy after a year of being single. Everything happened so fast.

    ILY were exchanged in the first month, every night was spent together, we became financially dependent on each other within months.

    The relationship didn’t last. I think we put everything into turbo mode and didn’t bother to take things slow. When we broke up there was a big explosion between the two of us.

    Do I regret this relationship? No. I learned a lot about myself and my dating expectations. I think we both grew as people separately from each other.

    I think what I’m trying to get at is you need to make sure you’re being true to yourself. It’s great you have a wonderful relationship. However, you’re still healing from trauma and you need to remember to keep yourself in mind. When anyone starts a new relationship I think they want to spend every waking moment together but that doesn’t last forever.

    You’re young, about the same age as I was in the first relationship. Everything might feel like it has to happen now but you’ve got time. I’m 30 now with a great partner. We take things slow and we don’t compromise our individuality. He said something once (I think we were talking about shift work) about having our whole lives to spend with each other so it’s not a big deal if we miss a day here or there because we can make it up a different day.

  4. She isn't ready for marriage and you sound rather condescending about her TBH. That may have contributed to problems in the relationship, but she should have handled her feelings in some way other than cheating.

  5. I wouldn't call it insecurity. If the man is attracted to women and he lives with one who is even remotely attractive it makes sense that the changes of something happened much higher. Not that it will happen just that the chances are too great to ignore. It's just common sense.

    That said you should do what you feel is best for your overall long term happiness. If you Deny the job you most likely will hold resentment for your bf, and have this as a regret. However if you go you are opening new windows, just understand you may also lose your bf.

    …actually now that I think about it there is no option where this relationship survives in the long term.

    So you do you.

  6. You have been a horrible partner to her and if you want to do the right thing, move out and let her move on. As someone that has gone through recovery using a combo of talk therapy/being in various support group meetings, didn’t work the steps because of my own problems with them, you are clean but not truly sober. A huge part of true sobriety is changing your overall lifestyle and addressing the core issues of your addiction. Even if you aren’t actively drinking you are still acting as if you are. Focus on improving yourself and becoming a better person for yourself. If you don’t odds are you will continue to act this way and fuck up your life.

  7. If youre going to break up your family because your husband was shocked by his sisters revelation and sad to see his parents so upset and thus didnt react perfectly, I suggest you get off Reddit and these stupid echo chambers and reflect what kind of character you have. Not everyone reacts perfectly and automatically to things, particularly when their beloved parents are struggling. Oh but the parents are wrong, yes they are, so break up your family over that. Of course your husband will support his sister. Jesus Christ, what self righteous tools in this place

  8. If you don't have a long time left with your mom I'd wait. He doesn't have to know that you know, frankly I'd use him. You need emotional support right now, he can provide it. Fuck him, use him. Then break up later.

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