NicoleBoss live webcams for YOU!


NicoleBoss Public Chat Channel

Date: November 2, 2022

22 thoughts on “NicoleBoss live webcams for YOU!

  1. The thing with boundaries are YOU HAVE TO SAY THEM. OP never told the guy I’m just looking for FWB so in their head they are moving towards being in a relationship.

  2. Well you need to work on this! If your whole personality is maybe I’ll fuck you? then you will have issues in your relationships. Friendship that are solid are usually based on common interest, shared experiences, aligned values and interesting activities. If you can’t be yourself around males without subconsciously looking for sexual validation you may need to assess you self-esteem. All of this is to say that unless you work in a industry that requires it, this isn’t normal behaviour.

  3. Hello /u/ThrowRAqwerty00,

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  4. Hello /u/Blue_Lower_Public,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  5. The only one I was convinced was real was the Jewish lady in uh… Arkansas? maybe who was being harassed by one of her coworkers and posted on legal advice, where someone found a post on a different subreddit from said coworker that matched and included details she said she left out. The writing styles were totally different and it seemed plausible.

    Most of the rest of these are just blatantly obvious.

  6. HOLY CRAP yes of course you break this off. Do not contact her again. Block her on everything. If you were with her and got stopped, if she had anything on her you could also get arrested. You are not responsible for helping her quit. She must do that on her own.


  7. You let it go.

    As a dude, I’ve been rejected enough I don’t take it personally.

    When I reject people, they’re not to my taste in some regard I value. Doesn’t hurt my feelings when people decide that about me.

    Honestly it saves me time that might have been wasted otherwise. No biggie.

  8. Oh noooo. That's seriously toxic. I'd leave. If you want to try to salvage this, she needs to learn better strategies for coping with negative emotions and arguments. But it's not your job to make her grow up. Seriously you deserve better

  9. When speaking to people who have been cheated on, or reading about it they always say that their cheating partners were always attentive. The relationship was perfect. But the attentiveness is to divert attention from the affair so that you don't have a reason to dig. Try snooping on your own. Ask her friend that she was supposedly with. All in all trust your gut until you make sure that nothing untoward is happening

  10. Tell her you are sorry but you're saving your money for the I phone you may be getting your next girlfriend for Christmas.

  11. There is nothing you can do. You told him about it, he was fine with it. It’s time for him to be an adult and get over it.

  12. You're the beard. If you want sex then divorce and find a different husband. You should have done this 6 years ago

  13. There was only one day we didn’t text and it was yesterday, he said he went out to eat with two friends but never mentioned anyone being over here

  14. I’m not gonna show her weakness. Me sleeping on the couch/floor wasn’t in option for me. One of them should have done that.

  15. You will always feel lonely if you're stuck with someone who is only staying with you out of a percieved sense of obligation. And you cannot magic chemistry that is simply not there. You will feel a lot less lonely and isolated in life if you reconnect with family & friends more, put an end to this relationship and start engaging more with people who are actually interested in and like you.

    It takes 2 people to make a relationship work. If your partner doesn't feel invested in the relationship then you only have 2 choices: end the relationship, or just accept the status quo.

    Your partner doesn't do anything to just because at the end of the day, despite your complaints you keep on staying even though he makes no efforts on his end. And in life, (within reason) people will treat you exactly how you allow them to treat you.

  16. Nah don’t waste your time. He isn’t serious about you. He’s also a fair bit older than you and lives a long way away which can cause problems. There are too many issues for such a new relationship (if you can even call it that).

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