NicoleAnistoun live webcams for YOU!


show tits [Multi Goal]

Date: October 18, 2022

57 thoughts on “NicoleAnistoun live webcams for YOU!

  1. I wouldn't have kids with a guy who doesn't even want to live with me. You'd be setting yourself up to be a single mother if you procreate with this guy.

    He's showing you his true colors. Believe him and don't move in with him.

  2. Well she's fucked. Good luck to her now trying to find a man in her 45.

    You stay strong my man. You did nothing wrong and you will get over it. Let time do its job.

  3. Its interesting that you said you want him to feel respected, instead of saying that you want to respect him more.

    I would work on that.

  4. But seriously, though. Unless he's some kind of mastermind he won't be able to make up anything that would stick even if he tried.

  5. So, he gets a free pass of not paying child support just because he gets her a gift that he knows i want to give her but cant afford atm and he is doing out of spite?

  6. If your family and friends think he’s toxic they must have reasons. And maybe sort out mental health issues before getting into a relationship. That’s better for you and your partner.

  7. I don't have any advice to add that others haven't already said. I just wanted to say that even the influencers themselves don't have the glamorous life they make their Instagram out to be. Their so called glamorous lives are just advertisements for the products they're trying to sell.

  8. I think it's bad that he lied to you (and yes, this definitely needs to be addressed, possibly in therapy) but at the end of the day this was just a stripper (at what sounds like the most pathetic album release party ever!). You are going to be the mother of his child. You also admit that you know he didn't intend for it to happen

    So no, I don't think you should leave him over this (deep down, you know it too). I think if you kick him out or break up with him it will just end up being temporary (and you will only cause yourself more stress and hurt). Maybe you should try couples therapy for the trust issues he's created.

  9. I live in a community-property state. If a married couple gets divorced, one spouse may be eligible for maintenance (alimony) under certain circumstances. While a cohabiting couple that meets certain requirements may be required to abide by some community-property divisions for assets acquired during the relationship, spousal maintenance will never be permitted.

    I know a couple of people who won’t get married in our state because they feel they’d lose their shirts in a divorce scenario. It’s a hard stop for them.

  10. Sorry babes. Im afraid the only way out is through.

    Cry cry cry! Then cry some more its okay to be super sad and grieve.

  11. Also, how can you trust this woman not to just tell your wife? You're not her best friend. She is. She has opportunities to tell her and you will always be the husband that kept it secret. Just tell your wife.

  12. You already talked about her coming over and you didn't know about it. I am sure you have talked about this girl more than once.

    My advice is still to trust your gut and investigate. But there are reasonable explanations.

  13. this might be a bit different then everyone saying just leave but take the time and process before you make a decision. there’s lots of different and unique ways to be in a relationship and if option 2 is something you can handle, no harm in trying! just truly follow your heart, we do crazy things for people we love and maybe her seeing you stick through this can strengthen you two. it also might not. regardless take care of yourself and your mental health

  14. If you're no longer that person, what have you done to make amends to the people you have admitted to hurting?

    Having a list like that would go a long way towards showing that you are no longer that person.

  15. You crossed a clear, set boundary that you both agreed to. You fucked up and you broke her trust Apologize and hope she’s willing to move past it.

  16. He has friends and even family members from his home country (including his own father) who have done this too.. So it’s definitely a situation not exclusive to the western world. Maybe there’s hope for us.. we’re gonna find out the hard way.

  17. I actually like them for the most part. They're not bad people when we see them every month or so they're just overbearing. I know for a fact I never want to live with them though. It is a dealbreaker for me and I told her that and we just had a big fight with no conclusion. I just dont know at what point do I stop trying to change her mind and just accept that the relationship is now incompatible. It really sucks, a month ago I was 99% sure I was going to marry her

  18. You are going to chase away every single girl who might be interested in you with this shit. They’re ALL going to dump you, and rightfully so. Extreme insecurity is an incredibly unattractive look.

  19. “creative writing exercise” WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT

    Who does creative writing that inserts yourself and your friends explicitly raping a drunk, passed-out girl in graphic detail??

  20. Think of how many times he's probably done this in 5 years. Do you really think just the ONE TIME you know about is because of the scammer? Sus.

  21. You know, technically marriage makes husband and wife family. How disgusting! How could you sleep with a family member by marriage? It’s clearly incest by decree of marriage.

  22. He is getting mixed signals. You spend time together and say you care. But you don’t have sex or initiate communications. You might want to take it slow because of past experience, but sounds like he is running out of patience.

  23. My father passed away 5 years ago. It’s something you’ll never be prepared for and everyone handles grief differently. My friends could attest that I was extremely difficult to get a hold of, and on my end, I was staying busy. Doing things that my father would do around the house, went back to work, and kept on going to the gym.

    I also changed, mentally. I viewed the world, and life in general, for what it is; beautiful, sad, and fleeting. But it also made every day, and every goal, big or small, that much worth it.

    He just needs time.

  24. He hasn't been nothing but caring and supportive of you! He threatened to kill himself to manipulate you!

  25. Ya ever hear the term that people tell you who they are? Often we ignore it and overwrite with our versions of them. But an asshole is always gonna tell ya hes an asshole.

    If it makes you uncomfortable, say something. If he reacts in a way that is opposite validating, yiu have your answer.

    Would your 8 yr old self be proud of this relationship? Thats my go to question….. back before bias.

  26. I did an egg harvest without anesthesia, the harvesting itself was painless since they gave me a dose of some fentanyl containing cocktail and it was neat to watch the procedure on the screen as it happened.

    It was all the prep for weeks leading up to the procedure that were worse in my mind. The hormone blocking drugs that make you feel a little dead inside, the injections (“luckily” my husband is a T1 diabetic and agreed to give me all the injections as his contribution), frequnt vaginal ultrasound monitoring, and super swollen overies; I couldn't sit comfortably for at least a week leading up to collection.

  27. What advice are you looking for? Whether her reason is valid or not to you, it's determine the validity of her feelings or how she chooses to navigate the relationship with her grandparents.

  28. Yeah. Don’t even for a second fall for this. It’s just gonna repeat itself. Hes full of shit. Probably only hitting you up cause his BS isn’t working on others. If you wanna get hurt again and waste your time again go for it.

  29. Do you think she gaves a shit about you and yours when she was having sex with someone else? Hell no! All she cares about is herself.

  30. In your day to day life, by accepting his lies and gaslighting, you are excusing, and accepting, his behavior and treatment of you.

  31. That's what I don't understand. Did she know who they were initially or did she find out afterwards?

    What a messy situation.

  32. My head is telling me to choose my dog, even if I'll be alone forever. But my heart is making it hard for me to choose.

  33. Thank you very much for your thoughts.

    You're absolutely right, and I'll always be on the same page with regard to my alcoholism. I know that it's a failure on my part, and I would like very much to do better.

    Addiction is more than I know how to navigate right now. I hope that that changes.

  34. Is there any way to make subtle enquiries with his manager or a colleague to see if there was even a work related trip? Or, since you are already concerned, hire a PI to get some verifiable info?

  35. Op don’t let these people change your opinion on your girlfriend. If you truly know your girl and don’t think she’s sleeping with the coworker TRUST YOUR GUT! My partners location was showing up in a shopping store for hours and not texting me which is very unlike him. I was very worried but I was certain he lost his phone considering he’s kinda clumsy lol. But my friends don’t know him like I do and they assumed the absolute worst of him. Yet I was right alllllll along

  36. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My (26F) partner (27M) and I have been together almost 3 years, and have lived together for a little over a year. We’ve got a house and full time jobs and the real “adult” stuff, so we have a lot of responsibilities and we’ve settled into our relationship and are very comfortable with each other.

    I love him so much, he means the world to me, but I miss how things were in the first year of our relationship. I miss the intimacy and the infatuation with each other. How it felt to never get enough of each other. He’s constantly showering me with compliments and praise, and I know he loves me very much, but I miss the physical affection and The attraction.

    There was a period of time where we were not intimate due to a bunch of medical things and mental health, and that seems to have thrown us off quite a bit. He says he feels almost out of practice, as if he is unsure how to even be intimate in that way anymore (for backstory, we met as FWB and had no intention of dating, he’s had a lot of hookups before we met, and I was also someone who didn’t want to date at the time).

    I don’t know how to bring that up to him, because we’ve both got many things on our minds and so many responsibilities and stressors…anyone have any advice or experience with this? I’ve been in long term relationships before but none that I’ve continued to feel so strongly for like I do with him.

    I almost feel foolish for wanting that “movie-esque” intimacy, since I’ve always been so open and honest about the realities of sex, but I do…

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