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5 thoughts on “Nice-Kittylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. This is a tough situation. I know you are probably feeling very lost, scared, and stressed out right now. Everything is going to be ok. First, I would say to try and keep calm and talk to someone close to you that you can trust for support. I would try and not focus so much on the choice of telling your boss right away, I think now it’s more important to to focus how you want to navigate this situation overall and make a plan. You have a lot of serious questions you need to ask yourself and choices to make and it’s better to have a plan.

    I see a lot of comments are saying to get an abortion. Well this is up to you and not a choice that others get to make for you. Having a kid is going to change your life, they are right in this regard.

    Everything is going to be ok. Please remember this.

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