NeoMira live webcams for YOU!


topless [Multi Goal]

Date: October 12, 2022

7 thoughts on “NeoMira live webcams for YOU!

  1. He won’t stand up to his boys for you.

    I was 20 when I met the 22 year old love of my life, and he couldn’t even defend me in front of his own mother, so now I’m 33 and divorcing.

    You’ll still think of this 13 years from now, and it will still cause a twinge of distrust. I can almost promise you that for certain.

  2. You didn't rape her. Her brain is fucked from the guilt religion gives you from sex and pleasure. I would back off from this relationship, i don't see how you could ever feel confortable or trust her ever again in any intimate situation.

    Source: I was raped and i was raised catholic.

  3. Yeah. What would be mature is choosing your well-being and your safety. But you’re choosing manipulation, control and pettiness. You’re young, si it’s normal for you to be immature, I guess, but this is a learning opportunity.

    Don’t try to make him react. You’ll never win and it’ll be never-ending. Just do what needs to be done and move on.

  4. His insecurity is forcing you to do without. That is the opposite of what a true provider does.

    He doesn't need to make more money than you to provide. His salary is enough, it sounds like, to put food on the table and clothes on your back. Him forbidding you for treating yourself or your home to nice things simply because he can't comfortably afford them is bizarre and unnecessary. What was once a well-intentioned desire to be a provider has turned into an overbearing chokehold on the joint finances – more than half of which is yours.

    Nobody can tell you how to spend your money. Least of all someone who doesn't want you to have nice things because they can't get them for you.

  5. Forget the delivery room! I wouldn’t want this d-bag in any room!!

    OP, I’m so sorry you’re married to a complete asshole, but I can tell you, from personal experience, you can raise your kids alone just fine. It’ll actually be easier than having to raise your kids and deal with a top-tier jackass.

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