NaynaTracy live webcams for YOU!


NaynaTracy Public Chat Channel

Date: January 2, 2023

8 thoughts on “NaynaTracy live webcams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/Fluid-Ice-4632,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  2. Seems OP is a bit stuck up / inhibited. I mean, to me it might be a bit cringey, but nothing extraordinary especially if it's done among friends.

  3. You cannot find a compromise in this situation. His dealbreaker is having a dog. Your dealbreaker is not having a dog. There’s no way around that. It’s time to move on and find someone who wants the same things you do. I don’t want to sound harsh, but this relationship is already over. You’re sacrificing something really important to you and it will always weigh on you as long as you’re with this guy.

  4. Maybe he's just shit at using his phone.


    To delete an app from your home screen you press and hold it and there are two words at the top of the screen. “remove” and “uninstall”.

    You'd have to be pretty useless to choose “remove” when “uninstall” is right there.

  5. I'm not sure. Sometimes losing someone does make you see that you've been incredibly dumb. However, it's very hard to believe that he suddenly wants children and marriage when he really didn't want it this entire time.

    You both deserve to be happy with people that want the same things as you, even if it isn't with each other. It almost sounds like he just doesn't want to lose you, so he's agreeing to anything you want?

    Take your time on this one. I personally don't feel like his desires changed that fast, but that's just me.

  6. I had to actually look up what scat meant, it is shocking. Maybe she just didn’t realize this was a type porn people can watch, I had no idea. And if she did know about it, maybe she thought you would never take part in it. Has she seen any other videos? It’s one thing to know about your past, it’s another to actually see it. And I mean it must have been shocking to see you in this type of porn. I don’t think you can ever unsee that type of image, especially if it’s your husband.Plus you lied by omission, I totally get why, but still to learn about on her own. She p’s got a lot to process, she’s probably in a little bit of shock. Maybe after a few days she will calm down enough that you can talk about how to move forward

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