Natasha-malkova live webcams for YOU!


RIDE DILDO [744 tokens remaining]

Date: October 6, 2022

18 thoughts on “Natasha-malkova live webcams for YOU!

  1. Ok that’s good, honestly as long as your bf is nice and isn’t like a hardcore religious-fundamentalist or something, they’ll probably get over it after some talks and meet-and-greets.

  2. I don’t encourage violence. If you insult and harass people don’t be surprised when you get a punch in your face and i even said to him that he shouldn’t punch other people because he COULD get a problem with the police. I don’t like to repeat myself but i still did for you. I don’t judge him for how he reacted why would i? He didn’t do anything wrong MORALLY. Have respect and you will gain respect

  3. I don’t want to reduce a complex relationship with your father to something simple… BUT… does your dad have control of your brain? Your central nervous system? Your organs? Does he control your body? No. You have the control over yourself. Become who YOU want to be. And if you don’t know what that is yet, begin your journey of self discovery. Fuck everything that everyone has ever told you and begin again.

  4. Hello /u/ceilingfan9882662,

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  5. Is he an introvert? Because this kind of sounds a lot like me. Social anxiety+introversion+constant low level exhaustion= get one drink in me at your average happy hour and I'm ready to pass out and go home.

  6. Emotional cheating is a real thing, and sometimes even worse feeling to someone than physical.

    Your advice sucks.

  7. The purpose of dating is to see if you’re a good fit. This doesn’t sound like a good fit. So don’t marry her FFS.

    Also, what changed? What are her reasons when you discuss it? Have you two done any premarital couples counseling? Is it something she wants to change or is she fine with the status quo?

  8. Approach the other guy and ask him how long has she been cheating on you with him. His body language will tell you everything.

  9. You should read “Why Does He Do That” by Lundy Bancroft.

    As others have said, this is emotional abuse. The book I’ve mentioned previously can help you understand what it looks like.

  10. >Are you saying it will always end the way it did for me?

    The way you go about it, YES! (or at least it should).

  11. You'll keep trying to find the middle ground for a solution and she will do whatever she wants with the help of her support. Imagine if she started accusing you of being an abusive person or filed a false report just to get back at you for break up, what are you gonna do then? You'll be stuck in that middle ground trying to find where the F you need to go.

    Dude, when someone shows you their true colours, you need to see them and not close your eyes.

    Consult a lawyer ASAP and start documenting/ recording (if that's legal in your state) every interaction with her. Also, start accounting for all the expenses you have made for her as a counter for her claim.

  12. You don't get a uti from anal unless he went from anal penetration to vaginal. The fact of the matter is he only likes anal but he's probably scared you'll think he's gay. You need to rethink this relationship because he not only sexually assaulted you, but when you screamed in pain, he made it seem like it was your fault. He's not a nice guy and is definitely gaslighting you.

  13. Yeah, I can picture the girl in high school I had a huge crush on. 20 years later and she is still super hot? That's like a fantasy to this guy.

    Hopefully it will tone down. When I was younger if I was with a girl I was super attracted to I'd just blurt it out a lot at first

  14. Sometimes relationships don't work.

    Take your offer, that's a given. You'll come out then other end better for it.

    If you ask him to move he may say yes and miss his chance, or regret it and blame you. And who's to say that during the next 4 years you won't change, you're both young and figuring things out.

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