Naruto and Noahl , ♡ the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Naruto and Noahl , ♡, 19 y.o.


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Naruto and Noahl , ♡ live sex chat

Date: October 17, 2022

72 thoughts on “Naruto and Noahl , ♡ the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. That's exactly what I did. I explained where I messed up and apologized for it and left it at that. I'm not expecting or even asking for her to forgive me. I just wanted her to see that I was sorry for that comment. Maybe she'll see it one day, maybe she won't. Either way it's a lesson learned. Thanks

  2. Just ask them if you arent invited it's their loss . I know it must feel shitty but you're better off without the ppl that dont include you in important occasions. Walk away. With head held high.

  3. Don’t give your career up for this guy. He’s shown he wouldn’t be willing to do the same for you. He won’t even go to visit.

  4. Yeah, mostly. It's just that the ratio is like 90% women 10% men so it can feel a bit stifling sometimes. Overall a very good sub though

  5. Idek where to put this.

    Gaining weight and being comfortable with it is not the same as being content to be a drug addict.

    Your wife deseves someone who will appreciate that she's more than just her appearance. And you deserve someone exactly like you.

    She's not what you want. She's not going to change. You're not going to budge. Just divorce her and go find someone on your level, whatever the fuck that may be.

  6. It actually is the same as those other guys – because it literally does not matter at all. There is nothing to get over. People existed and did all kinds of things before they met you. She wants to be with you now, and you should be grateful she isn’t completely turned off by your total lack of experience. See, it works both ways.

  7. Y’all please don’t bother to give this woman any rational advice or comments. She is an absolute jerk in her comments. I never understand why people come in these subreddits and tell on their partners and then act like fucking piranhas when we go “hey that’s not normal!”

    Beat it, OP.

  8. Lol. I learned that exact lesson when I was 12 and staying with my elderly gran. I'd asked her for a hairdryer and she'd went through my aunts old bits and pieces and found one, it was from 1963 (this took place in 1993/94). When I went to plug it in the plastic back fell off the plug but I figured oh well, it's only the plastic bit, so just pushed it all the way in the socket with my fingers – one on each metal prong. Seemingly the scream was heard in the opposite tenement block lol. I started off crouched in one corner of the room and ended up on the opposite side of the room, on top of the bed, so I must have been thrown violently upwards as well as back. Worst part was that gran was terrified but unable to rush upstairs to check on me so she kept shouting up but I was physically unable to answer for several minutes. It took me almost 24 hours to stop shaking and the pain in my arms, hands, fingers and head lasted several days. Turns out that hairdryers from 1963 don't have much in the way of modern safety protection. At least it spurred gran to buy me one.

  9. Maybe they aren't worried, rather jealous because you changed your life for the better? Idk it's complicated. Maby have a talk with them?

    I Still think they are a bit manipulative, maybe it bothers them that it has become harder to do it.

  10. She cheated on u that’s like a NO itself and secondly what’s more important you and you guys relationship or her group of friends? It’s clear she have to come to a conclusion honestly.

  11. no; ive always known they are my half siblings. i just assumed my mom remarried my dad. my next older sibling is like 6 years older than me but my oldest sister saw everything as she is like 10-12 years older than me, so they were cognizant of what happened.

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  13. It sounds like you're having a hard time with a few issues. Not just the gift giving, but you feel like your giving 100% all the time and not getting the same effort. That's a super fair feeling. I don't really get the other commenters a bit. I don't think this is an unrealistic ask at all, getting your spouse a gift on a holiday is super basic. Having ADD is not an excuse to just skip out on this. Especially since it sounds like you have made it clear it's important to you.

    I think saying “don't bother” was a bit much but I can understand how your upset. you might want to just say I'm giving you a seven day grace period to make this shit right. Your an adult and if you don't treat me like you care I'm going to stop thinking you do. I don't know. That sucks. It's fine to be upset just try to not say anything you'll regret.

  14. This is not how a healthy relationship works. He is manipulating and abusing you. Tearing you down mentally when you need him the most. In my opinion it would be best if you concentrate on yourself and your mother and in this bad relationship before it gets worse. And it will get worse

  15. I'm scared to lose her as a friend

    Why? You've known her for 4 months. Thats a very short ammount of time to make a really close friend. You've also been in an argument for 25% of the time you've known her.

    However I just don't have many other reasons to explain our connection.

    What connection is that? The one where you have been super awkward around each other and barely able to speak for 1/4 of the entire time you know eachother? Thats not a connection.

    Let it go. She probably isnt into you and even if she was, you dont want a relationship with someone who is this unstable.

  16. This is going to happen over and over again. Now over health concerns, later women with same interests, blah blah. Dump him now.

  17. That’s what I’m trying to figure out right now. If this is the first or if I’ve just been compliant throughout our relationship

  18. This is so fucking hard. I was sort of in a similar but opposite situation with my ex. She was cheating and pregnant with (I assumed at the time) our first kid. I found proof of her cheating, confronted her, but she was like 5 months pregnant. We went to therapy, things were fine for a year or two, she got pregnant again with our second and it was like a light switch flipped and she was treating me like shit. I assume she thought I was baby trapped or something. I got some good advice, that was basically “if you can’t be healthy mentally in this relationship you aren’t going to be a good parent, you owe it to your children to leave”. A few years later I met and married the love of my life. We’ve been married for 10 years now, and have 2 kids together in addition to her helping raise the bonus kids. A few years back my ex did the same thing and emailed my wife directly and accused me of cheating and said she had proof. You know what my wife did? Fucking laughed about it.

    I know how hard it is to even contemplate raising a child as a single parent, I’m not gonna lie, the reality is even harder. I put my life on hold for years and focused on my kids, but I have an amazing partner who I trust and she trusts me, we’ve been through shit and I know her heart.

    Your husband fucked up. It is up to him to repair the damage that he caused, he doesn’t get to demand you heal quicker. If he doesn’t recognize the damage he’s done to you, to your relationship, and to your unborn child, then frankly he doesn’t deserve you. I promise you divorce isn’t the end of the world, and I hope you pull through, but put yourself first and if your husband isn’t ok with that you walk.

    Go to therapy, individually and together, but take the time you need to heal and you alone decide the timeline for that. Best of luck.

  19. I wouldn't regarding a relationship with a cheater as beautiful.

    She cheated before and she'll probably cheat again. You don't need that.

  20. Yeah, when I look at it from an outside perspective it doesn't feel like much really. I think I just have a low bar in regards to what I deserve.

    Yeah, I'll try and keep it that way, I still need to collect some stuff from our house though and I'm dreading mentioning it because that feels like I'm breaking up with him all over again.

    My friend will hopefully be coming to see me tomorrow, but if I try to talk to it with my mom she will tell me she hopes we can work it out, when I really need someone to say no, I've seen how bad it's been for you, please don't go back.

  21. You have so much projection going on it’s hard to even read your comments, you are spamming all over this thread as you clearly have issues related to this in how you talk about the situation.

    It’s simple – He wants a relationship with both parents, he did nothing wrong and he wants both his mum and his dad. Nowhere is there any indication he is a ‘trainee cheater’, that is 100% projection from you.

  22. it honestly sounds like she has ptsd and borderline personality disorder. it’s really tough to deal with this- and people with it can be easily taken advantage of

  23. Wouldn't you find it wierd that a person of opposite gender after 3 – 3.5 years of small talk and constant study related exchanges suddenly asked you to “hang out”? In my head that sounds like a do you want to go out with me. In which case a yes could mean a misunderstood date and a “no” could mean.. ew this mfker was into me this whole time, and if there is such confusion, I fear of losing whatever formal relationship we have. All this could happen just cus I was bored.

  24. It sounds like they both wanted this. Nothing said he made her do this. But yeah, she's 100% blameless here /s. It's a little weird only 2 people took part in the threesome.

  25. Trust me, there's almost definitely no misogyny fueling your husbands response to the gender, he probably just invisioned being a father to a boy, not a girl. It takes a bit of getting used to, especially if you've started putting together a certain image in your mind of what parenthood will be like (which, by the way, is never remotely accurately either!). From what you've said, he isn't denying your unborn daughter, he's simply expressing that he would have liked a son.

    With my first, I knew I would have preferred a boy. I wanted a boy because I am not the girliest girl, and felt I would struggle to meet the needs of my daughter if she turned out to be extremely feminine. It was silly, I would have managed of course, but in my mind I just couldn't see myself having a girl first – I am not sexist, I am not a misogynist, I just always saw myself as a mother to a boy.

    I never admitted this to anybody and just wanted a healthy baby, as we'd had a loss previously. As luck would have it, it was a boy, and you could see the pure subconscious elation when we found out the gender.

    Fast forward to baby number 2, it was the opposite. I was happy with either as a brother would be good for my son, where as a daughter would be a totally new experience. When I saw it was a boy, I was shocked. Not sad, not disappointed, just shocked, because I was convinced it was a girl. Despite not caring either way, I found myself grappling with some odd feelings – I knew this would be our last baby and I felt robbed of an experience I have never really been that bothered about (having a daughter). I knew there were things I would be unlikely to experience (at least, organically) because its unlikely we'll ever have a girl now.

    What I'm trying to say is….preference for a particular gender in my case did not come from a place of superiority or dislike of one or the other – it came from my personal insecurities of what I felt I could manage as a parent. Perhaps your husband wanted a son because he knew he'd have a lived experience of what it is to be male, and could therefore have more of an hand in how your son is raised.

    You're right in not assuming that your husband is a misogynist pig, and I really don't know where all those accusations are coming from.

  26. Not everyone who has been assaulted is crazy or broken. Not everyone who has been assaulted is incapable of enjoying consensual sex. The common misconception we are beyond repair is the reason many of us keep information like this hidden from our partners.

  27. He is the one in the wrong here. What does his mom think you've done wrong? And why is he (at age 38) running to his mommy to talk about his relationship troubles, especially when he's the one cheating? What did he even say?

    “Mommy, OP is so mean to me. I try to talk to the ladies with the big boobies and OP won't let me. She is so mean. I like the big boobies”

    Yeesh, drop this man child and hold out for someone who doesn't cheat, treats you with love and respect, and isnt a momma's boy.

  28. Well, yeah the theoretical concept of love is shareable, but your ressources are not shareable. You have only a limited time to spent with a person.

    Hypothetically, if she had two partners, she would always have to decide who she spends e.g. the night with, who she spends her freetime or holiday with. This could lead to very stressfull dynamics where in the worst case both partners want to be the favorite. In the best case, the relationship will just get more distant.

  29. There's two simple things here that would most likely help you.

    1) Give her the explanation from the start. So don't just say: “I'm not driving to work tomorrow” say “I'm not driving to work tomorrow because parking is too hard”.

    The first way of saying things seems like a lead from you to get her to ask you why. But she doesn't engage in the manner that you want her to so you get annoyed. She has no way of knowing that if you don't share your thoughts with her.

    That leads us to number 2) Tell her that this is bothering you and that's why you might seem rude or short with her when she seemingly jumps to conclusions.

    Try your best to not make it sound like it's her fault because this is something that's bothering you, and that should be the reason for you to bring it up.

  30. Then why are, apparently both of you here on reddit asking for advice? So now he likes her? He was only suggesting to get rid of the cat.. no biggie then I guess. You do you and good luck.

  31. Listen to your gut. Don’t get married.

    Just because you have been through a lot together doesn’t mean you are stuck together forever. Your partner might be a good and kind person but that doesn’t mean he’s YOUR person.

    Read back your letter and imagine a friend of yours wrote it. What would you tell that friend to do?

  32. Well that sucks, I’m sorry. I’m not sure there is any advice I can give. But he’s entitled to make that choice. He is a grown man led by his parents to make decisions. Perhaps you’re to find one who can make their own decisions.

  33. Well that sucks, I’m sorry. I’m not sure there is any advice I can give. But he’s entitled to make that choice. He is a grown man led by his parents to make decisions. Perhaps you’re to find one who can make their own decisions.

  34. he does not want to get back together, leave him alone to process this his way. you think about yourself and how you are going to process this. no one is going to be angry at you for getting an abortion because you don't want to take care of a baby by yourself. congratulations, that's called being responsible, and guess what? you can have a baby with someone who wants to be with you when the time is right. don't bring an unwanted child into the world in hopes it will magically make your ex come back. not fair at all to the child.

  35. At least your biological child will grow out of his tantrums. It seems like your husband never did. He's acting out because shit isn't going his way.

  36. Please do not think you can fix him, that all he needs is love and you’ll prove it to him. You’re in the eye of a tornado and can’t really see what’s going on with him.

    If you keep thinking of the good times, ask yourself when the last truly good day happened between you too. Don’t think of a nice, romantic dinner while ignoring the fighting earlier that day.

  37. My fiancee had a coworker flat out ask “wanna eat me out?” And I've never wanted to go fight someone so badly before lol, made my fiancee so uncomfortable and I don't like someone being disrespectful to her or our relationship.

    OP doesn't seem the type to ask “hey is this guy gay or?” and just sorta jumps to his own conclusions. A lot of women make the same social media posts as OP's gf, she's probably been posting like that for ages and its just become her norm so she doesn't see it as inappropriate. As for the not texting, I still feel it was to give herself some space from OP hence the “I miss him so much” post but not reading his messages. I don't know though, I'm not her

  38. Accountable is what I did was wrong, I'm sorry I will go.

    Accountable is not, but she's done worse to me, but she didn't respect my boundaries, but she touched feet with another dude, and I didn't.

    You are doing the latter

    You are shit talking this girl into the ground to hold onto that you didn't do something as bad as she did, so she shouldn't break up with you because it was only once.

    Tbh. I CANNOT see why you are fighting so hard to be right in this situation she doesn't even sound that great

    She should break up with you for the shit you've said here alone.

  39. This, 100%. Make up any excuse you think he’ll believe as to why your paycheck isn’t going into his account anymore.

    If you have a manager or ANYONE higher up in the business that you trust, tell them what’s going on; maybe they could even cover for you by saying ‘oh, I’m sorry, we no longer conduct business with ‘X’ bank, so we cannot deposit to that account any longer’

    Whatever it takes, YOUR money needs to stop being under HIS control. You need a life raft right now, and he is currently making sure that you can’t afford to buy one….

  40. I imagined saying that and I imagine her client saying”I thought it was funny I just didn't laugh”

  41. NTA You have a partner problem and frankly, it doesn't seem like he cares. Cut and run because it looks like this will get worse.

  42. Disclaimer, I am a gamer and so is my gf. This really just comes across as your partner being unreasonable and unable to understand perspectives that are not her own.

    Is this girl legit stupid? She sounds kinda like she is.

    Maybe frame it to her as if you were playing in a soccer match and she yelled rom the sidelines that she wanted you to go grab her a coffee. Obviously the game doesn't stop happening because of your gf's needs, and you are leaving the other players hanging by just walking off the field in the middle of a match. These are pretty fair comparisons imo, soccer is also just a game unless you are playing it professionally.

  43. what is the plan

    stay married to your wife for your daughter?

    take her to polygraph and

    ask how many people cheated on you

    Didn't she have sex that night

    don't stay with liars

  44. Ummm….. This is patently false (source: I do criminal background checks for a living).

    “Simple Assault”, even when initiated against a police officer, government employee, or emergency worker, is generally a misdemeanor.

    “Felonious Assault” is usually charged in cases where there is an unusually severe level of injury, or when intent to kill or grievously harm (maim, disfigure, etc.) the victim.

  45. No, I don't want to get back at him, I have no emotional feeling towards him. I am not jealous of his family nor do I want him to “choose” me, I DO NOT want him.

  46. I think he’s just not putting it all together. Some guys are kinda brain dead until you lay it all out for them and be a little more blunt with your feelings.

  47. My opinion is no. Breaks are stupid and do not work.

    What are the reasons for these arguments. What does she say about how you feel alt the you only going to see her? What does she say when you talk about all these issues?

    You have a problem. You talk about it like adults. You don't just run and hide from it and hope it goes away. Because it doesn't.

  48. He’s a creepy guy OP. You’re young and you’re going to get a lot of unwanted attention. It doesn’t mean you have to be nice to them though. You can say “thank you” be dismissive of the compliment or when it’s out of line like this guy you can call him out on it. Tell him he’s making you uncomfortable and if he doesn’t stop be mean. I’m sorry your Mom isn’t taking you seriously

  49. We haven't done any pre-marital counseling. We do live together for the past 6 months since we got engaged and it's going fine, so that's good at least.

  50. I mean this is all up to you and how you would feel about that. Obviously you liked her a lot it seems, so a fwb doesn’t sound mentally healthy for you to engage. But, if you can handle it, want to, and understand a relationship isn’t in her mind then sure. You never know, it could lead back to a relationship, but I wouldn’t drag yourself through that in hopes it does.

  51. umm ok I get it now. I guess he has always been hoping that I could go back with him. but yea, I get what you are saying. Am I in a position like either I have sacrifice too much or he has to sacrifice too much ?

    but then again if I gave it more thought, wouldn’t me hoping him to stay in the US is the same? I I’m not considering that he already has a job(which he really worked hard for) ? Now if I put it this way, I feel screwed. Cuz we love each other more than anything and yet we can’t have the life we wanted if we choose to stay together?

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