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Nami_shoolgirllive sex stripping with hd cam


35 thoughts on “Nami_shoolgirllive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. If you noticed red flags ? before, and you are noticing them again: your “Spidey-sense” is trying to tell you something ?. Don't ignore it. I would investigate.

  2. But they still did things as a couple and slept together during that time according to OPs comments. It was more that they weren’t living together.

    It’s no different then asking a new partner whether or not they’re sleeping with other people or the relationship is exclusive. If you lie, you’re cheating. It also exposes the other partner to STD risks and they’re 1000% entitled to that information.

  3. Yep this is what I mean in my original comment. Sorry for generalizing but this is so common for men to not really get how to network and share/be vulnerable in appropriate ways to build nonromantic bonds. Gotta work on that homie…

  4. This can be a form of emotional abuse. I dealt with it. I always had to “see a different perspective”. Like….. what was ALWAYS wrong with MINE?! And in 90% of cases, his perspective was the superior one.

    He once started a “perspective” argument over whether a slushie was a fountain drink. I wish I could make this shit up.

    In THIS case, is this new behavior? Is she stressed about anything? Not that that makes it ok but people who are stressed are generally more iritable. Everything is annoying.

    Is it possible she's just done with the relationship and feels it's reached its natural end? That's usually my first sign. When I start getting annoyed with everything my partner says or does and it's not just a passing bad day when everything is on my nerves in general.

    I would give it one last VERY serious discussion. If she turns it into the same argument or won't hear you, there's your answer. If there's no change there's your answer.

  5. People who can't qualify for AITA come here. Who canT qualify here goes either to TrueOffMyChest or Childfree, depending on the context

  6. You're not throwing it away, they did when they cheated. Frame it right man. Sorry you're going through this.

  7. He tells you like it was a normal part of the holiday, like getting a tan. He has demonstrated a spectacular lack of respect for you and put you at risk of a number of STDs there is no middle ground here. Keep this a*hole our of your life.

  8. Man day labor during covid KICKED my ass. All I wanted was a cold soda and to melt into the couch when I got home.

    When you expend energy massively all day around a bunch of dirty man's men, sex is the last thing on your mind, at least mine.

  9. As a Mexican and a daugther Ibdo send mpneybto my mother, but jus to suplement her pension, but she is still in Mexico, us 5 siblings only send 100 a month each,

    If you give in you, you will be taken advantage by her relatives, she needs to help with what she has.

  10. That's a them issue. It's nice to get used to the presence of an SO in bed, but it should only ever be a preference. If you need your SO in bed to sleep, you need some time sleeping separately.

    Don't know much about attachment styles, but it might be worth looking into those and maybe talk about what you find with your SO?

  11. I see this a lot with lingerie shoots.

    The woman feels super confident and wants to show off the photos, and everyone else just feels cringe.

  12. Well it's nice that he makes you feel desired when you're together! So he wants you, that's really the main thing to remember. For the rest, I don't know, maybe I'm an exception but I've never really expected, and never received, sexual validation by my partners outside of IRL. I don't think I've ever sexted or anything like that, and therefore I would not expect it from a partner (not that I'm against it, it could be fun I guess), maybe it's a generational thing or I'm just more a private person. Anyway have a convo about it with him, not only about your nudes but also the fact that you need a lot of validation to feel good. Maybe he can make a slight effort in that direction, and on your part I think it might have to do with self esteem, so you can try to work on that too. Just because he's not cybersxing you doesn't mean he doesn't love and desire you, obviously ?

  13. Michael's brothers and sisters will follow their parents lead, they stopped talking to him and cut him off originally after he'd come out to them and only started speaking to him again after their parents gave them permission to.. it's complicated.

  14. Normally yes. Someone argues that you did take the last of the milk or the sky is green, then shutting down the chat is absolutely normal. And yep, he’s practically exhausted his options to convince her. However this reply won’t work. It’ll fester and in the world of relationship betrayal this response is a step away from gaslighting.

    I think OP needs to return to the origin of all of this, her cheating and walking out on her family, if they want to fix today’s issues. He needs to continue to confront her assumptions and find out the root of them (which is her own infidelity).

  15. Yeah that's the worst part

    It must be terrible to realise that OP has spent 3 yrs dating an immature child…. willing to sacrifice nothing while expecting everything

  16. This is something that should have been said up front, because now it's going to be a tough situation for you both.

    Some people are totally okay with kids, some people at your age may not be ready to be surrounded with that. You're not a bad person for being afraid to tell someone, but this might end up hurting you in the long run.

  17. It happens as we age not just because we are getting older but because of other variables. As we get older we take on a career, we have kids, etc. so the frequency of physical activity becomes much less. We spend more of our down time watching TV or doing minimal exercise as compared to when we were younger. People who consistently exercise throughout their whole life do not have the problem of gaining a considerable amount of weight as they age unless there is a underlying health issue.

  18. Maybe explain to your parents you have no intentions of getting married now. Give them some opportunities to get to know him. I agree with everyone else that you need to spend time together in person. Do some aggravating things like assemble furniture or paint a room or something. You don’t know if you’re compatible or not until you’ve been through stress together.

    That being said I was 23 and my partner was 30 when we got married. We had dated for a year and moved in together after a month. That was over 20 years ago. Looking back idk wtf we were thinking, but it worked out for us.

  19. Maybe explain to your parents you have no intentions of getting married now. Give them some opportunities to get to know him. I agree with everyone else that you need to spend time together in person. Do some aggravating things like assemble furniture or paint a room or something. You don’t know if you’re compatible or not until you’ve been through stress together.

    That being said I was 23 and my partner was 30 when we got married. We had dated for a year and moved in together after a month. That was over 20 years ago. Looking back idk wtf we were thinking, but it worked out for us.

  20. And I'm not sure how to create the tension.

    Yeah, it's difficult. It's work. So the important part here is to not simply blame your husband for it (not saying you are) or get resentful about not having it. Because he's likely in the same position you are: would love to have it, not sure how to get it.

    Romantic tension CAN be generated by recreating the same type of environment(s) you had when dating. Do something *unfamiliar* to you. Something new. Go somewhere you haven't been with him. Eat something you've never tried. Etc. Lack of romantic tension is often a result of getting in a “rut” and simply doing the same thing(s) over and over.

  21. People who violate trust will definitely do it again. That's why it happened in the first place. Obviously this does not apply to things where boundaries weren't clearly set but it sounds like the boundary was set well.

    I would move on if I were in your shoes. It's not worth the trust issues and anxiety.

  22. There's a lot to unpack here honestly. He makes a few (honestly minor) points about you figuring out what triggers your migraines by possibly sleeping elsewhere during the experiments. Once you know for sure if it matters that takes you to a different decision point.

    The much bigger issue seems to be some real problems around his demands/expectations and general lack of support for you. I'd recommend some couples therapy as it almost seems impossible that he could think his current form of communication is helpful.

  23. Hopefully he’ll grow up. I’m 50. Dicks and vaginas look, smell, etc like um…dicks and vaginas. ???‍♂️ Maybe when he matures he’ll realize it for what it is. For the record, silly boy.

  24. Didn't say it did but people still fo it. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be for or against this, I have a daughter. Just trying to offer a balanced view on the why's and wherefores. This place isn't very good at that.

  25. It seems pretty clear to me that you have no current close relationships or friendships EXCEPT for Anna. That means you are relying on that one lifeline to supply all your emotional needs, and she is not there for you anymore.

    The co-parenting, you can work out. That's just logistics and politeness. But you are wanting more, and she is not willing to provide it. As long as you have no other inputs for friendship, you will be resenting her for not providing it for you. The first step to moving on here is to NOT rely on her for your emotional wellbeing. You have to find some way to connect to others, to put yourself out there, and start moving on with that part of your life rather than swinging in a holding pattern.

    You can't go backwards, you can't go back to how you felt about her, all you can do is move forward. There is nothing she can do to change the way you feel, it is all on you. You have to actually make the effort to create new influences in your life, regardless of how difficult it seems in the country you moved to.

  26. Honestly? It kind doesn't matter whether she's cheating or not, the bigger problem is that she's tapped out of your relationship. I would go see her in person, tell her that you're really struggling because you feel like she's not invested in your relationship, and ask her what's going on.

    If she's still unwilling to communicate properly with you, you should to end it.

  27. Would your name be on the deed? Would you be paying the mortgage or anything else in the house he is adamant about? If someone wants to get married then they will ask the person to marry them, not wait until the stars align and the 100 years cactus blooms on the edge of the oasis of the Sahara on a blood moon. Your family doesn't get a say unless they are financially supporting you and even then…no.

  28. OP,

    You probably need to go talk to an attorney and find out what your options are. If you can prove that she lets the kids with you to go on a date, this might work in your favor through a custody hearing.

    If you communicate through text slyly, this will be beneficial. When she goes on her date, text her and let her know that your unhappy that she left her children and husband to go out on a date. Do this each time she goes out. She might say some nasty things, just don't respond back or if you do, be nice about it.

    DO NOT go out on dates, be the best Dad you can be. Let everyone know that your wife is stepping out on the marriage, her family, friends, your family, everyone.

  29. You are exactly right, nothing can be gained by telling someone something that only hurts them

    Horrific logic, makes 0 sense. ” Oh I cheated on my wife, but she doesn't know so she is happy and I shouldn't tell her because of that reason”. See how flawed that logic is? Happiness in ignorance is not real happiness.

    You can almost tell the people on here that have never done something they regret.

    No. I just understand that if someone didn't want to be with me, because of the things I have done, they are not the partner for me. I have plenty of things I am ashamed of, I wasn't the best person when I was younger.

  30. You told me to read your post history, I did, and now I'm perpetually rolling my eyes. She's gotta have the secret to eternal youth or something if you keep coming back, and this sounds like every high school relationship I've ever witnessed. Both of you seem to be unfit to be in a relationship right now, let her fuck Tom if she hasn't already and take some time to reflect on yourself. Block her, delete everything of her off your phone, you both need it.

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