MusiKin live webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 1, 2022

15 thoughts on “MusiKin live webcams for YOU!

  1. Fuck dude. I’m so sorry.

    I was in a somewhat similar situation. I was in a long term relationship (5 years) and my bf started getting realllyyy close to a female coworker. It raised so many flags to me, but I convinced myself I was just being jealous. We had a party at our house one night and he invited her. He spent the entire night with her and not a minute with me. My friends AND his friends were commenting about it (I went through his phone and saw his friends calling him out for it the next day). Long story short, we ended up breaking up because of his “friendship” with this girl that he wasn’t willing to let go. I believe he tried to pursue a relationship with her at that point and didn’t get anywhere and came back to me. I stupidly took him back. Guess what? It happened AGAIN a few years later with someone else. I finally ended it last year (after 8 years of being together) and I can honestly tell you I have never been happier.

    Please learn from my mistake. Do not let this man con you into letting him stay. He had every intention of physically cheating on you and IS emotionally cheating on you. This is not okay. You do not deserve this kind of treatment. If you stay with him, this will ALWAYS be in the back of your mind every time he works late. Every time he puts his phone down a little too quick. Every random smile he makes.

    He admitted everything. There is no coming back from this. Please lawyer up.

    I’m so sorry and good luck ❤️

  2. Hello /u/IdkMyUsernam6e,

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  3. I'd take what she's saying at face value. She's into you, but not enough for the opportunity cost of being able to date locally.

    Trust me, a crummy relationship (barring abuse or whatever) is better than a good long distance relationship.

    Maybe life ends up with you two being closer in the future, but long distance is a crummy premise for a relationship. It exacerbates the negative parts of a relationship and minimizes the positive. They should be used as a stopgap measure for people who are already committed until they can get closer again.

    Find something closer, and maybe stuff works out down the line with her; however, I wouldn't try being friends when your romantic feelings are there. You'll get hung up on her and nobody benefits from that.

  4. You hurt him greatly when you confessed that you faked orgasms and that your ex always made you orgasm from PIV. His sexual confidence might take such a big hit that he can't recover that from with you, or it may take months or even years to get past what you said.

    You just need to keep reassuring him, sit him down and explain your point in calm manner. Do not insult him or accuse him turning you off for his “exreme insecurity”. This type of insecurity is quite regular with men, many want to try their absolute best when trying to make their woman climax from PIV.

  5. Record any interaction you have. It will act as a proof against false allegations and deterrent for her getting violent.

  6. well if she isn't into you what choice do you have? Maybe it's a sign to move on from your bf either way though if you're unhappy and thinking of other people

  7. Can I see a citation for that? It’s impossible to access the validity of that claim without evidence and it would be interesting to read.

  8. Jeez, from the title I thought you were actively emasculating him or something. He’s got a pretty skewed perspective of what it means to be a guy.

    Act like you are struggling with opening a jar of pickles and let him come to the rescue? /s

    This seems like a red flag to me.

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