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Monthain007live sex stripping with hd cam


29 thoughts on “Monthain007live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. She has friends to stay with.

    I see where your daughter got her horrible attitude, ignorance, etc from though.

    You're missing the entire point, 40 year old with a 19 year old daughter who got knocked up when she was a stupid child herself. She has places to go. She has friends to go stay with. And she is an adult, so let her get a taste of being an independent adult.

    You're a bad parent because you raised a disrespectful 19 year old who treats you like shit (we see now you taught her to do this yourself) and who has no concept of the adult world. She is still FULLY a child. She is living in her childhood as a 19 year old adult in your house and you're powerless to stop her. You did not raise her.

    Like do you understand that concept? She is your child, but you did not raise her. She is not raised. She is not acting like a 19 year old young adult transitioning into adulthood, she's acting like a bratty 10 year old who knows if she just stamps your feet and ignores you you'll eventually run out of steam and go away.

    Because you yourself are a 40 year old child who never grew up.

    I'm not a lunatic. You're just broken, and you broke your daughter, and are not even smart enough to see it.


    If this is actually your daughter and not a stepdaughter, you created this monster. It’s hard to course correct at this point when you’ve been permissive and not set or enforced boundaries. She has no respect for you and why would she? There are no consequences for her. Seems to me you need to give her 30 days notice to either pay her rent, clean her room, and perform a set of tasks you lay out for her or she needs to move out.

    I'm not the only one who sees you, you utter moron

  2. Girl, you were…and are…absolutely worth it. He wasn't. He is so freakin shallow that he can't be content with only 1 woman. He's the one with the problem, not you.

    Leave that asshole in the garbage where he belongs. Don't risk what you've got by chasing pointless information.

  3. i mean bro i aint gonna tell her “NO! you aint allowed to post” cause she obviously is but i told her i wouldnt like it, i thought it was the next best thing cause i cant say no obviously

  4. Yes you sound a bit jealous here and too involved. You however do have every right to be upset on your friend bailing on you. Communicate to her you are happy she has found someone and they seem good together but if she could consider you and existing plans in the future.

  5. Realized that she won’t be the last and keep going. Make yourself a better person to the point she regrets her decision. At the end just get up and keep going.

  6. Tell him you will need to ease into it or not do it at all. Put your foot down. Tell him it will take a while because you still aren't comfortable with the idea and if he pushes you, you won't do it at all.

  7. Seems weird to me. I won’t immediately jump to cheating because something tells me you’re just not on the same page about your relationship. Have you had a conversation about how things are going thus far?

    I’d think it’s weird if someone was calling me their girlfriend but they’d never met or hung out with my friends or family. Not putting this on you just that it’s also very weird on her side

  8. I have not talked to his exs. I would if they would be willing, but it wasn’t appropriate. The first one, I don’t know her name. The second he has kids with and I don’t want to cause any problems there and the third he was literally pushing out the door as I was coming in. When we first started dating I caught him in a pretty bad lie. He told me he was divorced and I looked up the marriage license and he actually wasn’t technically divorced yet. She had moved out just months prior and it hadn’t been finalized. He is open to counseling, but he’s not making any attempts to do it. I have told him I want to. So I know it’s gonna be me planning, scheduling it and probably paying for it. I still would do it though. He is not cheating. We actually work together at the same hospital, and he’s always home or communicates very well when he’s not. So I really don’t think he is cheating. My goals in therapy would be for him to work on his own issues. I’ve told him I’d really like it if he could do therapy himself and us do it together. He hasn’t made any attempts to go himself. And I think that’s probably because he’s put in a lot of effort convincing himself once again he is not the problem. I’d want him to help me more with the domestic labor of the house. Listen to and validate my feelings when he does something inconsiderate and selfish or that hurts me. And I’d like it if he did more for the relationship from his position. Like plan dates and trips, buy flowers, cook dinner, make an effort in sex and not be a selfish lover. You know, the things that people do in relationships to show the other person they love them and care for them. I really just want the simple things from him. I want to give him all the love and acceptance in the world and show him I love him and it be reciprocated. I am working on accepting that who he showed me in the beginning is not him. I kept spinning my wheels hoping that person would come back.

  9. A dad at 40 isn't old at all? But if he doesn't want to have any children, that's a whole other issue

  10. I appreciate you, I’m not looking for sympathy I did this to myself I just feel stuck from the repetition of insanity.

    My b I snapped on ya

  11. You called it. I bet he was planning to show her all the comments explaining that he’d actually been sexually assaulted and was IN NO WAY to blame for what happened with this malicious woman.

  12. Don’t threaten or the cat will end up “missing” or dead. Just go straight to the police and report it. Then get a divorce. Only a cruel piece of shit would take away someone’s pet that comforts them. Your husband is a psycho piece of shit. Go to the police. No redeemable qualities here.

  13. Do break up with him.

    He continuously disrespects you and your intelligence. Say you are over and if you want make sure to tell him why (he is a POS, and did yxz).

    UpdateMe! Please

  14. He sounds like a very controlling person. Of course he was against breaking up and wants you back. How else is he going to control you?

    He is even controlling being broken up with, negotiating it down to one week probation. If you cave and get back together with him, I feel like you're in for a lifetime of this behavior from him. This is the easiest time to end the cycle. Keep feeling lighter and at peace by ditching this guy for good.

  15. Thanks. I thought making it clear this was not something they get a say in would be easy, but it dissolved into a “respecting your parents” conversation and how I was just out to be difficult and accusatory. It’s hard to separate (Asian/Christian?) guilt from what should be an adult conversation?

  16. Beware, 20F. In almost all cases the only thing a 32M would want someone your age for is that you're more likely to be inexperienced enough to tolerate nonsense (or abuse). So if he's already warning you that he's going to do some sh*t and he's already guilting you into preemptive blanket absolution you can be certain some unpleasantness is about to follow. The good news is that you have the power to choose to leave a relationship that's taking advantage of you. Don't give up that power.

  17. You make some very good points. Taking a step back and looking at other red flags she might of missed and really see him for what he is. There’s a 10 Year age gap as well. Typically men who date younger women is because he knows women in his his age wouldn’t put up with his misogyny. While no one can charge someone. But when he shows you who he is believe them. My other thought is I wouldn’t want to sleep next to someone who smells, but that goes for me as well. They both need to make the effort not to go to bed not smelling, IMHO.

  18. Thanks for the response. It’s painful to imagine he’s checked out after everything I do for him, : (

  19. Why? Have a discussion with her and let her know how you feel. She may ask you to come along. She may tell you to fuck off (I really doubt it). She may change. But I guarantee nothing different will occur if you don’t talk to her about how this makes you feel.

    But hey, if you and other posters here actually communicated with your partners, there wouldn’t be any stories to bring up on Reddit.

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