mongolian_slut, 99 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms mongolian_slut
Date: October 18, 2022
mongolian_slut, 99 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
If he wanted to marry you he would.
If he wanted to move in with you he would.
If he wanted to commit to you he would.
Come on people. Let’s not stick with people who don’t to commit to us and who have a different plan of the future.
– Clear sign of showing “wanting to be physical” – That weird comment how he can marry you one day and divorce the next, why the hell would you say that
All that needs to be said is your boyfriend is a grown ass man that’s responsible for feeding himself. You did absolutely nothing wrong, but you also shouldn’t have to be his mother and take care of him like this. Feeding yourself/eating enough is an adult responsibility. I think you should have a talk with him about his eating habits because if he is constantly “hangry” he’s probably not eating enough period. It’s not fair to you either because he clearly acts extremely rude and inconsiderate for something that is not your problem. It’s not fair he makes it your problem, either.
I think you just need to come right out and say it. If you want to give him one last chance – tell him to write out a timeline or plan for how he is going to deal with his mother. Or suggest opening a joint or just new account so he can save money where his mom can’t access it.
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Your girlfriend is most likely exhibiting these highly passive aggressive behaviors because she is annoyed or jealous of how much time you’re spending asleep. ? I would examine why she feels you sleep too much, or leave.
Paternity test immediately.
You should've gotten out a long time ago. You won't be breaking up your family. You'll be prioritizing your mental and emotional well-being so you can do better by your children
Probably not, if this grown ass man is willing to fuck over another guy's girlfriend (now turning into wife) empathy and rationally is not on the table, God, I can't wait to read an update on how his life crashed and burned in a few months! Fingers crossed guys!! ???
She doesn't trust you and is protecting herself, while still giving it a chance to improve. You screwed up, and if you want to make it right, you need to give her the time and space to heal from that hurt. You can't magically make everything ok again because you want it to be.
It’s a little bit of a non issue. If she meant it as a breakup, that’s it. If it wasn’t meant as such, you still had to break up cause quite understandably you don’t want a relationship without emotional and physical connection.
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I (24 F) ended a 3-year (abusive and manipulating) relationship a couple of months ago, I started using tinder, I met this guy (24M) and from the first day we saw each other we didn't get unstuck, we slept together every night, I met his family, I uploaded photos, we tell each other I love u. I feel so happy when im with him but at the same time I feel like it's all very fast and it's not that I don't like it but I'm afraid. What do you think??
Edit: Well, I've been reading most of the comments and I want to clarify that I'm going to therapy, I've been grieving for more than 3 months and I feel good being with myself, I wasn't looking for any relationship, it just happened, we sleep together every night because we both work and we do our thing during the day, I know I don't know him totally but I really don't have a bad feeling, I'm not going to live with him, I'm not getting married, I'm not going to get pregnant, I just wanted to know if it was too much quickly tell us I love you. We spend every night together because he is not from where I live, he came to work and in 4 days he leaves.
I never started smoking or drinking, I just said it would be nice from time to time to take the edge off and decompress. I haven't drank or smoked in who knows how long. And I was serious about converting. I regret treating her like a therapist though, that was never my intention.
Numbing lube is a TERRIBLE idea. You can get seriously injured and not even know it.
Sounds like he's a very confused person and you're better off moving on. There's no way I would put a partner in the situation he's putting you in.
I remember one mom at my child's school. I was shocked because of her build, height, etc. she literally looked like she was 13 and her child was in 3rd or 4th grade. I even asked another mom about it. Turns out, she was an adult, but just very, very petite. But I understand what you are saying OP because if I didn't know any different I would probably be judgmental like what you are describing. Is there any way you can get in front of the narrative in your community? At your child's school, etc? Your wife might need to go to some parents' events and start slightly dropping information like how long you've been together, her actual age.. and maybe how people have wrongly judged you for it. I do think you are going to need your wife as a 3rd party reference to start the gossip heading down a different path than what it is now.
She also coughed & sneezed on me all the time and got angry with me because I was disgusted. She claimed she was allowed to since it wasn’t on purpose and I was in the wrong for being grossed out – never apologized.
These stories are just the tip of the iceberg, I could go on and on (like when she screamed and cried in the grocery store when I said I didn’t want to exchange Christmas gifts since the whole thing gives me anxiety. I would prefer going out to eat together or going bowling. She DEMANDED I buy her gifts and this argument lasted weeks.. I wasn’t allowed to mention buying something for someone again without being guilt tripped).
And you don't see a problem here? You don't have a wife, you have a monster. What is wrong with you that you can't hold your wife accountable for her behaviour.
The damage you are doing to your own child is criminal!
You daughter deserves better!
So you had a crush on her when you were nearly 40 and she was 25? But she's “so mature”. Right.
You say he will never get violent but hitting things often precedes violence towards a partner.
You don’t get along. He’s trying to intimidate you into doing his laundry. How evenly split are the rest of your chores?
Don't shit where you eat plain and simple.