MissFluo live webcams for YOU!


Golden Ticket Show In Progress. Tip 50 to join the show

Date: October 4, 2022

10 thoughts on “MissFluo live webcams for YOU!

  1. You are 19. PLEASE Leave him enjoy your life. He is toxic for you and will only drag you down. Experience everything that is out there. The world is massive don’t get sucked into his spiral. He is an adult leave him to his daddy to look after.

  2. It was the case for me at OPs age. It took me a LONG time to figure out that, actually, I was not doing anything wrong by touching myself. It's not a betrayal. It's healthy, both physically and psychologically (as long as you're not doing it dozens of times a day, of course).

    OP, should you come across these comments, he is indeed insecure and controlling. At 33, that's unlikely to change unless he's willing to admit and address those habits. And perhaps not even then. Don't do what I did at your age and assume this is just how men are. It isn't this is just how RUBBISH men are.

    There are plenty of attractive, well-adjusted men in the world who would LOVE to have you on their arm (and touching yourself in their bed). You don't need this particular individual and shouldn't settle for it. Let him be rubbish on his own.

  3. Yes, but they way you are wording this post, it sounds like you just took advantage of her for her caretaking and now you feel all better and want her out.

  4. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    We have been together for 2 years and living together for about 4 months , in that time he has been noticing things he didn't know before, I guess it's bc we couldn't see each other frequently bc of work. When we started to eat together everyday, he noticed I shake the soda bottles because I prefer them without the fizz, he said it was gross and starting buying his own drinks and naming them in the fridge. This continued happening with other types of food since we could never agree on what to it since we are polar opposites (i'm really sweet and he's salty). When we went to starbucks together he noticed that I took about 10 packets of sugar when I only use 4-5 for my coffee , he asked me about it and I said “you never know when you might need it” , similar conversation when he asked me why I also keep silicia gel packets. I noticed he would look at me weirdly when i did this things but i thought he would stop eventually. when things went south was when he opened my drawer to look for something and saw that I saved a bit of my dead animals fur in different ziplock bags separating them by name. He knew I had lot of memories from my pets around the house but for some reason this triggered him. This erupted into a huge discussion about how it's creepy ,unhygienic and beyond disturbing, saying it's some kind of strange obsession. At one point he said ” i can't even think about what other weird shit you possibly do”, I tried to tone the discussion down and explain but he wasn't having none of it and after some shouting from his part he left. I've tried texting and calling him but he doesn't respond, I asked his mother and she said he'll be staying for some time in her house to “think things through “. I don't know how to approach the situation when he comes back.

    TLDR: boyfriend is ghosting me because of memories i have from my deceased pets

  5. Can't he find look for jobs in photography? There must be jobs where he can at least earn something. And the experience is never a bad thing. If he can't or won't do that, you might be fed up with his dedication to his art. Could be he becomes famous one day. But even Annie Leibovitz worked for money. So did most photographers.

  6. Straight people are incapable of being near each other without their genitals magnetizing. Yet somehow it’s queer people who are too sexual and need to be kept away children ?. I know so many queer men who are capable of being roommates with each other and not immediately fucking yet somehow straight men and women can’t?

  7. Break up with her. If she lied about something as innocent as her age what else has she lied about.

  8. Have you ever tried to get her into rehab. She needs help you can not provide. I know it's hard, but maybe you can find her help.

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