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miss_juliaalive sex stripping with hd cam


4 thoughts on “miss_juliaalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. No… This is a bunch of the straw men that the right sets up come to life.

    You know when you just watch a Ben Shapiro or a Fox News segment and they are ranting about the radicals forcing everyone to be personally fine with everything Trans? The folks who want to take away your personal freedom to have an opinion on something? Usually it's a straw man because nobody is actually like that… Until this crowd calls you a bigot if you don't want to have sex with a trans person. And they fulfill all the RW crazies wish lists so they can slam them in the public square.

  2. Lol this comes down to do you count porn as a deal breaker. Some relationships are fine as long as the sex life doesn’t get affected and their are some who out right think watching porn is cheating. So it all depends on what are your boundaries and dealbreakers are.

  3. Yup. This is where I gave up on him. Bodycount doesn’t matter, but consent & safety does. Smiling and ignoring questions about that is a negative answer in itself imo.

  4. If he does not trust you with your own money this is a red flag! I suggest you both take an on line money personality quiz and have some conversation about how to deal with your differences

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