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MIREI_S2live sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat MIREI_S2

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Date: December 7, 2022

56 thoughts on “MIREI_S2live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Make a decision if you'd rather stay with her or go find someone willing to go that direction with you

    “Changing her” generally isn't an option that will ever work out

  2. you dont know anything about this relationship so stop judging. apparently I'm exhausting because i want a proper apology wow

  3. It's pretty clear on what you have to do. Leave this lot of people as they are not your family.

    Step 2. Do whatever you want /need to do to live your life.

  4. Lots of great suggestions as to how to convey consent without a written document, and for some reason, my brain hit upon a ketubah, which is a Jewish marriage contract. I think it's because this kind of stuff is legit addressed by those – the expectations, including sexually, of both parties, goals about children and parenting, lifestyle, all of it.

    Anyway, that's not quite what you're talking about, but it's closer to what you're talking about than some legal suspension of consent, notarized document, lol.

    If the only way this is sexy for her is for you to do it without her immediate and enthusiastic consent, even knowing how it feels to you even thinking about doing this for her the way she's literally demanding you do this for her… there's a problem. A big problem. You've essentially said the very thought of it makes you feel like you're violating her. If her response was, “Yes! That's the point!” then we're dealing with a r*pe fantasy, and that's something you either do or do not want to explore further (sounds like a hard no from you). If her response is (as it has seemed to be) that she doesn't care how you feel about it and thinks you're being stupid and unreasonable, then I gotta ask why y'all aren't talking about THAT. Right? Furthermore, what's up with her not caring if it's arousing for you?

    When we look at it from that angle – she is demanding you do something you've clearly communicated you're not comfortable doing and that doesn't turn you on, and she doesn't care and is trying to get you to do it anyway. There's a word for that.

  5. Being sexually compatible is a very important thing in a relationship, SSI I can see where someone would be worried if they're not compatible,. A month in and no sex would make me be reconsidering any possible long term relationship. Are you sexual, or is there some v other reason that you haven't had sex yet? Are you just afraid of performance? Have you told her that you're a virgin? I think communication about your fears should definitely happen soon.

  6. This is good advice! However, there's a very thin line between “friendly conversation” and cheating. Once you cross that line, you're cheating. At that point, you should probably just end your relationship with your boyfriend because LDR is not working for you. LDR doesn't work for most people, so just be aware of what you want. Also ask yourself…. How long are you planning to LDR for? When are you planning to be with him in person again?

  7. he doesn't want to do this because he doesn't have anywhere to go in his home country of Spain

    What would you and your partner do if you both were single?

    For me to gain residency in Spain, he needs to get a job in Spain then we apply for family regrouping. But that's pretty difficult to do.

    How comes you didn't think about this before getting married? I mean the requirements for family reunification for both the UK and Spain are quite transparent….

    Also…even if you didn't live with your husband for a while, having a job opportunity in Spain might open doors for you.

    my partner hates mine

    Why does your partner hate the UK?

  8. I want to add another thing…while he is chasing his dreams…you are just standing around and watching him…please start chasing after yours

  9. Sounds like the nephew brought it up only recently and she didn’t know about it before then. So it wasn’t randomly out of the blue.

  10. I move mountains for my wife a lot while she is at work I do a lot of cleaning the house as a whole since I work from home. Even the smallest thank you if she notices is all it takes.

  11. Hello /u/manthamoncayman,

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  13. He have ADHD or something? People with that can be impulsive and not realize it (I speak from experience lol).

    With that said… being able to balance your check book and make promises you're going to keep is a mark of being an adult.

    Long term… say he doesn't learn this stuff. You get married. You going to be okay doing the money and handling his “allowance”? You may be okay doing that and accept that for the rest of the package (assuming he's good in all other areas – this could be a more than acceptable trade off). You may not be okay “mothering” him like that while also mothering kids – or you may be more than happy with it.

    As for prioritizing you… I'd put this in the same area as budgeting. If he's not looking at the future – to plan out where his money is going… then that lack of future insight is probably also the reason he's not looking out for YOU in the future. Seems more immaturity than anything.

    hasn't been taught/learned how to “sacrifice for the future”. budgeting. planning for relationships. saving for birthday presents and anniversary celebrations. etc.

  14. She tried accusing you of hitting her, if that was told to someone else it could have had a severe negative impact on you!

    So you may have spoken rude to her and she opts to destroy your belongings, nope. It’s a shame that she has issues, but it’s not an excuse to behave that way to your partner.

    I would break it off tbh, she needs to help herself, if your doing everything for her then your enabling her poor behavior.

  15. Old username. Sorry. Haha

    She always said that she loves me, and don't want anyone else that me. I tried many times let her be with guys of her age but, the other guy she was dating is about my same age.

  16. Omg this. I literally just ended a bunch of friendships because my “best friend” said something shitty about my biggest dream and aspiration in life. When I talked to her about it she said “oh but I asked around and no one else thought it was a shitty comment. Why are you affected by this?” Which didn't bode well with me and then she went on to say I was responsible for how it felt to me, and yet she claims she offered me room to talk about my feelings. And another friend went on the same boat as her, saying I was overreacting and my best friend has given me plenty opportunities to properly talk about it.

    With people like that, all I can think is: good riddance.

  17. Not needed if trust is established. I don’t update my gf on day-to-day errands, neither does she, and we don’t want that either.

  18. Get jealous, that parts okay and you’ll never help it until you work on it.

    You do that by not acting on it. It makes someone feel controlled, and that they have a needy unconfident SO. It only damages relationships.

    The reality of the situation is anyone can cheat on me or leave me for someone else right? I have zero control.

    What I can trust though, is they chose to be with me so they wouldn’t do that. If they do, they suck, which is separate from me.

    When you get jealous, get busy. Crazy how fast you forget about it with your own friends and activity. Less you act on it, easier it is not too and actually give that trust you want back.

    This allows you to set reasonable boundaries(I.e. have female friends, but don’t hang out alone with them) or act like a confidant secure SO you would like to have (have fun w/ your friends, let me know when you make it home).

  19. Rule of thumb – until the girl doesnt say she wants to be exclusive you dont put any label on the relationship and automatically assume that you both see other people.

    This girl is full of red flags, be careful not to hurt yourself – stayed in an unhealthy relationship – had fwb relationships – didnt have a normal boyfriend at all – was willing to fuck two random guys

    Double standards of course but these are not the signs of the perfect girlfriend.

  20. She cheated on you and kept it from you for a year, extremely deceitful.

    She told you she’s in love with person she cheated with.

    She wants to “see where it goes” while she’s married to you?

    This is a lot of drama headed your way and probably a situation you should NOPE out of, not to mention she would probably do it again if this round doesn’t work in her favor. You especially don’t want to be with a partner that “shits where they eat”.

  21. She cheated on you and kept it from you for a year, extremely deceitful.

    She told you she’s in love with person she cheated with.

    She wants to “see where it goes” while she’s married to you?

    This is a lot of drama headed your way and probably a situation you should NOPE out of, not to mention she would probably do it again if this round doesn’t work in her favor. You especially don’t want to be with a partner that “shits where they eat”.

  22. Right, if she says yes, then she'll probably be all I think about. I meant that I know that there are plenty of fish in the sea, so if she says no then I'll be okay.

  23. Shocking someone who would blame his job as a reason to cheat wouldn't be good at communicating in a marriage.

  24. well to find that you will literally have to ask him but make sure he is honest with himself and he is not just saying no because he thinks your way to attractive for him

  25. It's super rare but it happened in 4 of your mother's pregnancies? Was your dad putting the condom on his scrotum or something?

  26. Unfortunately you made the decision to throw food money away after bad. You knew he hadn't paid you back and had very little means to do so yet you lent him another large sum. I'm afraid you are just never going to be paid back, he is 'living his dream' at the expense of others.

    Stop lending him money. He will definitely ask again because you've been such a soft touch.

  27. Wearing an oxygen mask at night is not a serious response to sleep apnoea. It’s a way to avoid dying in your sleep, but other than that it is a neutral response. It’s merely acceptance of the condition. You are not taking your health seriously. You’re playing around with it for kicks.

  28. Makes sense. I wounded if someone can print out a time sheet or like you said, when your badge entered. There’s nothing suspicious about wanting that.

    A few years ago when I was a supervisor, I had some employees that had asked me to just that and I thought nothing of it.

  29. Look at it this way. She chose you.

    Sure she shouldn't lie about exclusive during talking stage but talking stage is just that. You get to know each other before seeing if there is something more possible.

    You like her, she's loyal in relationship and she seems like she cares about your relationship as well and that's all that matters. Get out of your head and focus on her a not on what she did when she was single.

  30. This is exactly why you can’t just use a single data point to jump to conclusions

    What he said is a completely reasonable thing and happens all the time so unless there’s some form of corroborating evidence you should file this to the back of your head in case somewhere down the road something else happens

  31. So literally none of these fuckers who call themself your “family” took a moment to consider your medical school graduation? The one thing that literally every parent in my community will never shut up about their child doing, and your asshole family doesn’t even care?

    Honey. Honey honey honey. This is a wonderful moment to learn how to treat others how they treat you. Value yourself in this moment. You owe it to your years of hard work and sacrifice. You fucking earned this. All your brother did was stuck his dick in it (unless it was arranged then all he did was sit there and twiddle his thumbs). Regardless, neither are nearly as important as this and the fact that everyone disregarded you should tell you how much they care

  32. OP where in New York? I'm broke as a joke but I'll come to your graduation if it's on the east side of the state and we can grab dinner or drinks after.

  33. Yeah, but her family could still try not to be assholes about OP not wanting to miss her own graduation.

    My graduation date was given during my first year. The date was accelerated a year and a half because I zoomed through so many classes. My brother's graduation was known for at least a year before the actual graduation. So, the family could have known before the wedding date.

  34. A girl in this sub this week said she got cancer from that same thing. Does it matter if it meant something? Why get past it?

  35. But why should OP have the right to decide what her fiancé, her aunt and uncle talk about? Why do intense conversations have to be stopped?

  36. I think it’s just not what you want to hear, so you’re labeling it as unhelpful. You asked for advice, and everyone here is pretty unanimous that breaking up is the best thing you could do for yourself and the situation.

  37. yeah go ahead and divorce her. get your half of that house too my guy, it doesn't matter that you're not on the title.

  38. MISSILE DODGED Find someone who is mature enough to respect you and show you how to enjoy it without pressure.

  39. Get your head straight!!! Get busy!! Go for a run, read a few books, keep that mind busy…. In a few days/weeks youll ve over it…. Life is too short to waste with toxic people.

  40. Not in the US it won't.

    Infidelity is not anything close to the “illegal judge porn” Reddit thinks it is

  41. You stated your boundaries and don't respect them. I don't think she has much respect for you. By the way, are you sure it never went further?

  42. Girl, I'm obsessed with video games too but there's a time for everything. In a day, there's time for sleep, work (or school) and then free time. What your bf chooses to do with his free time is up to him. But if I were you I would not stay in this relationship.

    If he can't prioritize you over any hobbies it's a problem. I get that you love him, that you don't want to beak up. But do you really think you'll be happy staying in this relationship ? Where you're trying to communicate, be a healthy adult basically, and for what ? To get ignored ?

    You deserve better, I would sit down and talk to him, if he doesn't change anything then you know what to do !

    Good luck, take care of you please ❤️

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