Minjuaimin live webcams for YOU!


minjuaimin Public Chat Channel

Date: February 11, 2023

9 thoughts on “Minjuaimin live webcams for YOU!

  1. Pairing up a couple activities might be the way to go now that you mention it. She's not big on movie theatres, and I've been looking tirelessly on concerts coming to our area but nothing she likes. She does like art tho may have to look into something in that department

  2. You're in an abusive relationship. Judging from your other comments you're unwilling to change your live and end the abuse. Not sure why you even posted other than to complain with people telling you what you already know.

  3. This is an AITA post and will probably get removed. But: Breaking up with someone because you want a partner who is ambitious is not shallow. Seeking validation from idiots on Facebook is shallow.

  4. Does she know that you’re posting these here? I don’t feel that it’s right for anyone to comment on these without the artist’s explicit permission to post them here, in this sub, with these words from OP. It feels like sharing screenshots of someone’s diary for strangers to analyze.

    So OP, has she seen this post and given her consent to solicit stranger’s opinions on her art and what it says about your relationship?

  5. Yeah.

    Vaccine and covid denialism is one thing, but being a russian apologist is just being a supporter of warcrimes and genocide. That's definitely not someone you want to be in the same room in, and for sure not in a relationship.

  6. 45 year old here. I would laugh in his face, and then upon realizing he was serious, I would peace out. Absolutely no fucking way does anyone need to watch me step on a scale outside of a doctor’s office. Especially considering that you are a completely healthy weight. Obsessing over such things is one way to end up with an eating disorder.

  7. Sounds like it could be postpartum depression. At least that should be ruled out first, if everything was great until you had your son.

    This sounds like an extremely difficult situation and I’m really sorry that you’re dealing with this.

    I don’t know if this relationship is salvageable, but I would recommend, for now, at least, that you stop flirting, and stop initiating physical contact with her that she clearly does not welcome. If she is depressed and there is something to save here, hugs and flirting that she has made clear she does not want may sour her on those forever by building negative associations. I’ve had partners who touched me when it was not welcome and even when I wanted to make the relationship work it was impossible to get past the self-protective impulse to pull away from touch that I had started to associate with someone violating my consent.

  8. If you intend to keep Laura, you will have to act as if this has all been forgiven and forgotten, despite your misgivings. There's not enough history here to judge whether Laura is plagued by dark suspicions herself, or if it is Lucia who has been telling Laura not to trust. If it is Laura, then you will face more accusations. If it is Lucia, then after this embarrassment, Laura will not be so quick to take Lucia's advice.

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