MilaFox-BH live webcams for YOU!


❤, ️ Sloppy Bj ❤️ [1290 tokens remaining]

Date: February 23, 2023

27 thoughts on “MilaFox-BH live webcams for YOU!

  1. First of all dump her, second test your self for STDS third if she gets pregnant have a PATERNITY test done, I feel like she wants a baby.

  2. This group is no better than any “rate this girl” groups that got national media attention in the 2000s to show how apparently sexist men are.

    Groups like this are sexist, degrading, just as vile as its members and that it may have had at some point an occasional fringe benefit is completely irrelevant. These groups would not be OK even if everything in them were true, no more than a secret group were men talk their honest and truthful opinion of someone's attractiveness. It is vile. It is disgusting that this is the level women are still at, and haven't learned the lessons they themselves tought. Be better.

  3. I mean even IF stewing the poop was a viable solution here, that doesn't mean it's the BEST solution compared to immediately eliminating the clog (and smell!) via plunging.

  4. You already avoided and dated. Nothing has changed or gotten better.

    You want different futures. You as stealing time and opportunity from each order to find people that want the same futures.

  5. Well I think it’s important to consider how often you see him physically as well right? Maybe he’s not a big texted? How are things when you see eachother physically?

  6. Please let the housemates know what’s going on. This sounds really scary for you. He doesn’t sound like he’s above raping you if the self loathing gets out of hand. At least one of them should know or let friends/family know you’re in an unsafe situation. I’m sorry you’re going through this.

  7. Thank you for taking the time to share your advice. My sister paid for the nose job herself with her life savings. My mom tried her hardest to convince her to fully recover first before getting any surgery but my sister would not listen. My sister said she is an adult and she could not stop her.

    I think I have convinced my mother to go to therapy now, and we will start seeing a therapist together. I hope this will help us manage this nightmare better.

  8. Didn't even have the courtesy to tell him, he had to find out on his own? Cheaters are the worst kind of people, you don't deserve to be with anyone. If he was smart he'd have nothing to do with you.

  9. Look up what being a “little” is. She may be trying to coax you into it slowly without coming out and saying it.

    It's a link where one is acts child(sub) like and the other is the dom. Can flip roles too.

  10. He definitely is not versed in how to talk without hurting others feelings and using stereotypes.

    However, if I had to save his ass, I’d say that it’s not that he doesn’t like your personality but that your personality doesn’t match with the fantasy of being submissive.

    Please don’t read too much more. Talk to him about understanding why what he said was hurtful, but don’t think you have to change your personality one iota.

  11. When I got married, i asked family and friends for their wedding song so we could put it in the play list. And I danced with my dad, stepdad, and FIL.

    Do a dance with both! They’re both important adults in your life.

  12. I will say that my husband and I had a blow up fight in the car coming home from groceries over a $3.50 coffee creamer. We make over 100k per year in a Midwestern US state. It was not about the creamer, it was about some pent up anxiety about money in general that blew up volcano style over coffee creamer because it's a non-necessity that only I consume. Because of the language the bf used I would say it's likely this isn't about money at all, but also money issues don't always come out in logical ways

  13. I'm probably wrong so I will apologize in advance, but, I feel like she's distancing herself from you.

    Every weekend? Either there's another guy there, or she's too immature for the next level of your relationship. My suggestion, tell her you're tired of being alone every weekend and you are going to start going out with your friends, male and females. What she says next should tell you everything you need to know where you stand with her.

  14. I’m in the UK so that’s actually legal here. I’ve distanced myself from him & will continue to do so, it’s just such a stressful situation, the last part is my thoughts too, I would never want him to be alone with the baby

  15. I wish it was a fake Even if I did ask him I would never trust him as he'd just meet her behind my back anyways I'm looking for somewhere to go temporarily

  16. OP,

    What she is proposing is a one sided open relationship that does not benefit you in any way shape or form. So you have to ask yourself, why?

    I get it, you love her. Do you get to say yes or no about a potential partner of hers? Do you tell her the ground rules, like it only happens in your house/apartment. STD test need to be shown before anything happens (god forbid you get something incurable due to your GF sleeping around). What happens if she breaks said rule?

    Its ok for her to sleep with people but not you? How selfish of her. What happens when she sleeps with another guy behind your back or another woman?

    You see, there is a potential problem in everything and we all say it would never happen to us. Yeah right, do you not read all the things on here. IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME.

    I honestly would not feel comfortable with this. If it was the both of you with the same woman, then I would feel a little better. I think if you let this happen, you will be back here later telling us another tale about how you two are not together anymore.

    Good luck

  17. Okay lol you can keep up then. stay mad. I imagine you’re very bothered seeing hundreds of other comments disagree with you and echo my points about a 36 year old man unable to support his mom without a roommate being a broke deadbeat.

    you’re clearly taking this very personally. whose life choices are you trying to defend, yours or someone you’re related to? maybe your kids haven’t moved out yet? make better choices for your family than OPs boyfriends mom lol

  18. Nope you are not overreacting. If you are in a relationship you aren't supposed to act single. Follow through and kick her to the curb if she goes.

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