Mia-hott live webcams for YOU!


Tonight, we have a date you and me.

Date: October 16, 2022

13 thoughts on “Mia-hott live webcams for YOU!

  1. Unfortunately, you might be hard to deal with. That's the point. You can feel offended or ask him why?

    Most of the time, it's finding offense, needing to be right and being argumentative that pushes good men away. Assuming he is a good boyfriend.

    Love doesn't cause war. Love ends wars. Wanting to win at any cost is war.

    Find out why he wants to move? Even if you move on. You may run into that same problem. Learn from this experience. There may be something to this. Try to be objective.

  2. “My girlfriend bought me a thoughtfull and expensive gift, and now im angry!”

    My dude, what the fuck are you doing? Just fucking buy yourself something different if you feel like you absolutely need to spend 350$ on something.

  3. Pro-tip: stop listening to how others (especially those trying to sell you things – even if its just some BS lifestyle) define masculinity.

    If your relationship is strong, and you both work to keep it that way, then it will be strong.

    There is no way to accurately describe all “females”. Every human being has their own thoughts, feelings, and opinions.

    If it bothers you, discuss it with her (and maybe a therapist).

    My partner makes more than I do. Neither one of us could give less of a fuck – because we're in it together. We celebrate each other's successes and deal with eachothers losses – y'know, like PARTNERS. we've been together 12 years.

  4. There’s two ways to go. One is enforce this with hired security if necessary but prepare for the enabling family to see you as an Ahole who can’t take a joke. The second is matching his joke in a way that makes him suffer. This will require you to be able to absolutely let his clown suit go in the moment. The idea is to make him an offense and affront to himself. The levels to that are: trap him in his clown suit. If there are zippers , super glue them shut. Get industrial grade Poo-Juice or Doo Drops and pour it down the inside of his outfit. He wants to be a clown, make him smell like the pile of shit he is behaving like.

    OR, do nothing and sit on it- wait until he has what is supposed to be a positive life affirming occasion and ruin it for him by upstaging him.

    OR, give him cheap shitty clown themed jokes for the rest of his life. This might be the best one of all, you can have fun with this for years to come and challenge yourself to find more and more outlandish clown themed gifts forever.

  5. Unless the ‘foster parents’ are her aunt and uncle’s friends and watched the daughter for a few days, your GF is likely lying. Children don’t get tossed around foster homes as quickly as this.

    Have you seen the daughter/been told by other family members your GF had a daughter?

  6. So sorry you’re pregnant with this man’s baby.

    They knew what they were doing. Once again, Reddit makes me so glad I don’t have a sister.

  7. Tell Mark that in spite of his dim view, your little lady brain can handle exposure to things without demanding to do them, too, and he needs to calm the fuck down.

    Seriously. The way he’s treating you is fucking insulting and infantilizing.

  8. This sounds like ur saying the bf should just be used as a placeholder. “Well I guess if ur crush isn’t into you just stay with that fucker u already got, maybe a better crush will come along next year” … yikes

  9. I told him I feel objectified. And because he watches me through a screen he doesn’t think of me as a real person with feelings, just an actor.

  10. I can definitely apologize and take accountability for my actions, but he also needs to apologize and take accountability for his as well

  11. It’s very disrespectful to you and your relationship and it certainly can lead to cheating. Don’t accept this. How will it make you feel when you see him flirting with other women (or hear about it).

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