Melonsboobss live webcams for YOU!


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Date: February 18, 2023

12 thoughts on “Melonsboobss live webcams for YOU!

  1. Sorry, maybe I misled you – but she never said she will be with him in a relationship. She just says if he asked her to meet, she is not ready to do that.

    Ultimately, she just has issues with being controlled or told that she can or cannot do something, and it applies across all faucets of her life, not just relationships. She has said she does not want to be in that relationship anymore.

  2. You are not unreasonable at all. This is an Emotional Affair. Doesn’t matter if it’s flirty or sexy. It’s an affair.

    The fact that he has lied to you and hidden things from you is the absolute proof that what he is doing with her is wrong and not okay and whether he will ever admit it or not, he knows it’s wrong. If it were all above board he wouldn’t lie. Period.

    Plus if they were just friends it would look the same message wise as any other friendship. I doubt this does. Just count up their messages and then count up those with his next closest friend and yours. Usually an EA has a gazillion more than even the ones with a partner/spouse.

    Get the book Not Just Friends by Shirley P Glass and spend time figuring out how to set boundaries for both of you.

    However be very aware that EAs are very impossible to pull back if they have gone too far. Your initial ask of him was NOT wrong. Because he lied about her multiple multiple times he should absolutely cut contact completely. The relationship crossed boundaries, which disrespected your relationship. He broke trust. The only other option is complete open devices with an agreement for how often they can have contact, what kind and complete transparency. But that then puts you in a bad situation and would likely not work or be effective.

    If he had wanted the friendship he shouldn’t have taken it to a place where it disrespected your relationship. It’s on him and he needs to deal with those consequences.

    Know before confronting what YOUR bottom line is and what line you need in order to continue. You are already hurt and upset and the longer they continue this friendship the more it will eat at you and impact how you view him and eventually hurt your love for him. But you also need to know up front where your boundaries are. If he is too far gone in this “friendship” what will that mean for you? Can you be in a relationship with him spending so much time with someone else? But are you also ready for what would happen if he can’t push the friendship back or cut the relationship.

    I would strongly encourage you to consider both IC and MC. EAs can be devastating on a relationship and can end them so I would not marginalize or minimize how this will impact you and your relationship.

  3. When I was 18 I thought I was in love with a man half way around the world that I'd never met. We talked all the time on the phone but that's it (this was 2003ish). Looking back now I realize how silly I was being because I had zero life experience and was just happy some guy showed interest in me.

    Maybe not the same reasoning for you but take a very serious step back and think about the situation. You're in a long distance relationship with a person you've never ever seen the face of…

    I did meet one person I talked to long distance around then and let me say: if I could go back and slap some sense into younger me, I would definitely do it.

    Meet some ppl in your area. Do fun things for yourself. Hang out with friends. Don't put your hopes and dreams into one person you've never even seen live.

  4. there’s no reason to exclude your father. if you do feel close to your step dad and YOU want him involved, you could do half the dance with bio and half with step, just have bio goes first. otherwise, its perfectly acceptable to just have bio involved if thats okay too. it would, however, be very cruel to exclude your bio dad, considering the fact that he wanted to be involved, he didn’t leave you. your mom left him and took you with

  5. Fuck him. You got a bit of a spine and now you want to throw it away?

    You are going to enjoy yourself a lot more with that fuck at home sucking his thumb.

  6. Yeah, watching your toxic and likely abusive ex every time you hang out with your friend is just childish, she should just grow up.

  7. No. Someone makes it happen.

    He made it happen because he was working different hours and wasn’t seeing you.

    He has enough time to be with her.

    He knows you would take him back but this gave him a chance with the other.

    This is about your low self esteem.

  8. Sure, people can form bonds with animals. But adults realize that wanting to see a pet because you formed a bond with it at the expense of another person is not the proper thing to do.

    I was in a long-term relationship when my now-ex found and bought my dog. She absolutely loved him, I absolutely loved him. We broke up, she kept the dog for a while but ultimately she couldn't keep him so I now have him.

    We both are now married to other people. We do not talk at all. We both agreed to move on completely. I'm sure she sometimes thinks about the dog, but is her wish to see the dog worth potential drama, etc? Is it worth even driving a couple hours?

    No, because it's not a human child, it's a dog.

    Individual situations can be different but staying in touch with an ex for the sole reason that you had a pet together is not a thing to do.

  9. how long has it been since you've had sex?

    because it sounds like she's feeling undesirable now and lashed out – which was completely the wrong way to handle it – but the question here is how often has she been turned down, and how often does she make an effort like this?

  10. Guy here. Not a guy thing. Just a shithead thing.

    I've never sent my buddies nudes in general, but I'm sure they're for him.

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