Melissa live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 18, 2022

9 thoughts on “Melissa live webcams for YOU!

  1. If you have decided to get a divorce then by all means go ahead. That shouldn't stop you from living your life.

    But I am gonna be real honest with you, and this is gonna be brutal so I apologize in advance. Here it is – there's a reason that your wife picked you and no other woman before her did. And the reason is the average woman is more picky than your wife, and with the average woman you don't/didn't meet the threshold.

    Now why do you fall below the minimum threshold of the average woman? There can be a while number of reasons- your personality, your anxiety issues, the sheer fact that there are other men -it can be literally anything. Again, I am not calling you names or anything, just putting things into perspective.

    Your wife overlooked and accepted all these perceived 'shortcomings' that you have that other women in the past couple not get over. Your wife extended you that grace and kindness that other women could not. But unfortunately you cannot seem to extend the same grace and kindness to her, especially after you knew everything about her past.

    You say your forst time wasn't special to her – but I say it was special enough for her that she married you, not any of her past loves or anyone with a alot of experience. You were inexperienced, she was patient with you enough for you to learn and be better while she could have gone and found herself a guy who was not a virgin. If you dont realize this dedication is rare then you actually dont deserve her snd probably better that you two go your separate ways.

    After you divorce your wife will be out there dstingbin no time because she's sounds like a social outgoing person that attracts a lot of people. You on the other hand will go back to your life before you met your wife and realize how truly difficult dating is. The grass isn't always greener.

    I wish you the best

  2. Mom and congregation should butt out. Tell them all in one go, your wife included.

    You needn't regain your wife's trust, because you never lost it.

    MT sounds unusual, but your wife has no reason to part with him until he's done something wrong. And should have no problem to dump him in case he does. If she still decides to part immediately because the whole matter been blown out of proportion, that is non issue as well. I wouldn't, because that would be yielding to Mom's manipulation.

  3. You're both dummies. If I had a sharp pain in my back so horrible it made me “wail,” it would be time to head to an emergency room, not stand around arguing. Yeesh.

  4. Man, it’s ok to be hurt by her behavior. It’s ok to feel down when relationships break down for any reason. It’s not a matter of fragile egos. You are hurt. She is hurt.

    It’s you and her vs the problem, not you vs her. You can start with a clean slate from whatever it is you think is happening right now. You can talk back to her and be open and mean the feeling that this passive aggressiveness and silent treatment is not working. You can admit to need to take a break. You know where your stand, and if she cannot acknowledge that you are both at fault, and that she also contributes greatly to the demise of the relationship, you have a good standing leg to let it go.

  5. This person did the respectable thing that many people struggle to do. Although painful, he was right in his choice. Sex drive, whether high or low, is not singular to specific genders or sexualities.

  6. Is your husband bi? I just read a book where they guy asked for that and it was because he was struggling with his sexuality.

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