I’m wondering if he spent a bunch of time incarcerated? That would explain his attraction to women 20-30 years his junior, as well as his ignorance regarding historical and current events. If he got locked up at, say, 18, and was there 25 years…
Maybe talk to your friend about it. Hopefully she'll be understanding. Regardless, your education matters more than some job. If you do quit, explain your reasons and try to leave on good terms and put in your two weeks. And if they still make a fuss and don't pay you, know that you did more than enough (you don't legally have to put in two weeks) and were mature and respectful about quitting and report them for missing wages. You don't owe your employer anything, but I understand the added dynamic of having your friend get you the job. Still, as you said, school is your priority right now.
Have you both been officially tested or is it just an approximation?
Also, I'd recommend just slowing down and actually taking time to explain things. It might take a while but do it. My friend has above average IQ and their partner has an IQ of 85. They've been together for 6 years and sometimes we all hang out. The lower IQ individual understands everything if we don't take their understanding for granted and explain everything in ways they can understand.
You've said in the comments that you can't get over it. You have already made your decision, which is fine! You are staying because its comfortable and not because its making you happy now. You need to just be brave and start the wheels turning on the clean break. Get all your ducks in a row and make the move you have already emotionally made and leave him. Sometimes there is just no coming back from certain situations, and its good to acknowledge your own boundaries. If it was me I would feel the same. Good luck, you've got this x
Talk to her about this. Be honest and tell her how all her comments make you feel. She shouldn’t treat you this way, and if she was worth anything at all, she’d apologize and never do it again. I’m gonna give the benefit of the doubt for some reason lol and just say maybe she genuinely doesn’t realize how mean she’s being and how this is effecting you, probably because you usually laugh with her. But communicate that it’s not ok and hopefully she stops. But I can understand if you just wanna break it off too.
She teases me sexually, shows her breasts, puts her hand in her panties, and like tonight, tells me she wants sex.
I didn't go to bed expecting sex because I told her I was tired.
Then I'm like ok, I'm in the mood, and I show interest back. Then she closes her eyes just 10 seconds later.
We live 20 minutes away. They certainly do have enough money. And they act like they’re doing us a favour for allowing us to stay at their estate
I’m wondering if he spent a bunch of time incarcerated? That would explain his attraction to women 20-30 years his junior, as well as his ignorance regarding historical and current events. If he got locked up at, say, 18, and was there 25 years…
I want to know what he said to her that he considered “not rude.” It’s definitely over though.
Thank you. I won't.
Maybe talk to your friend about it. Hopefully she'll be understanding. Regardless, your education matters more than some job. If you do quit, explain your reasons and try to leave on good terms and put in your two weeks. And if they still make a fuss and don't pay you, know that you did more than enough (you don't legally have to put in two weeks) and were mature and respectful about quitting and report them for missing wages. You don't owe your employer anything, but I understand the added dynamic of having your friend get you the job. Still, as you said, school is your priority right now.
Have you both been officially tested or is it just an approximation?
Also, I'd recommend just slowing down and actually taking time to explain things. It might take a while but do it. My friend has above average IQ and their partner has an IQ of 85. They've been together for 6 years and sometimes we all hang out. The lower IQ individual understands everything if we don't take their understanding for granted and explain everything in ways they can understand.
You've said in the comments that you can't get over it. You have already made your decision, which is fine! You are staying because its comfortable and not because its making you happy now. You need to just be brave and start the wheels turning on the clean break. Get all your ducks in a row and make the move you have already emotionally made and leave him. Sometimes there is just no coming back from certain situations, and its good to acknowledge your own boundaries. If it was me I would feel the same. Good luck, you've got this x
This is why so many women become completely wary and avoidant of backrubs. So many men only do it when they want sex.
Talk to her about this. Be honest and tell her how all her comments make you feel. She shouldn’t treat you this way, and if she was worth anything at all, she’d apologize and never do it again. I’m gonna give the benefit of the doubt for some reason lol and just say maybe she genuinely doesn’t realize how mean she’s being and how this is effecting you, probably because you usually laugh with her. But communicate that it’s not ok and hopefully she stops. But I can understand if you just wanna break it off too.