MeghanRoss15 live webcams for YOU!


Plug in Ass [300 tokens remaining]

Date: October 30, 2022

39 thoughts on “MeghanRoss15 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Him not having the conversational skills that you want doesn’t have anything to do with him “not knowing how to be in a relationship”. You’re clearly not seeing a future here and the relationship is new, I would end it before it goes on any longer. This is a lot of complaints for a brand new relationship and it’s not on you to stick it out or teach him how to be with you.

  2. 50% sex happens. 50% foreplay starts and then she closes her eyes fairly quickly.

    I thought maybe she isn't interested in sex. But she initiates it a lot, then does this a lot of the time.

  3. You’re so right, thank you for this! I remember I’d be sitting in class crying and then lighting up because he’d give me a CRUMB of attention once a week. I can’t believe I let that go on for as long as I did. I just don’t want T to be like him but I don’t think he will be.

  4. This is why people say men and women can't be friends.. Your friend started to flirt with you as soon as you told him you're struggling in your relationship ?

    Think about how embarrassing it is for man that his woman is talking about how bad he is in bed… To other men!

  5. Uh.

    What is going on in your relationship that your boyfriend needs you to “allow” him to be friends with someone online?

    Because this girl is right – if someone needs permission from his partner to play a game with someone online, then there is something wrong in the relationship. It sounds immediately unhealthy and controlling. “He should get a better girlfriend” was definitely harshly phrased, but if someone would tell me they aren't “allowed” to play with me because I am of the opposite gender, then I would also tell them that it sounds like they are in a toxic and controlling relationship. After all, it's a damn game – I'm not going on a date, I am not even seeing the person in real life. I am literally staring at pixels on a screen.

  6. He said he would just be “curious” or just scan through pictures. “But thats it”. He said he wasn’t even fully sure why he would, and that he would never like pictures nor message her. He still says that he was working through stuff that his exes did to him, and he feels as though he was possibly looking in case I cheated on him like I did? No idea.

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  8. If after 6 years your not ready then you'll member be ready to get married that's a long time to be with someone and more then enough time to communicate if you want marriage or not I don't see why he can't just be honest with her

  9. This is one reason people caution against big age gaps. You’re in different phases of life. You want to get married around 30. She also wants to get married around 30. Unfortunately those two things are not happening around the same time. There’s nothing wrong with either of you for wanting to get married at a certain age — it just means you’re incompatible on this front.

    Also family pressure is not a good reason to decide to get married.

  10. I wouldn't tolerate it because I'm sure my partner would have words if I did the Lambada with a random girl. Best advice, communicate your frustrations and if she doesn't seem to care then it might be time to reassess the whole relationship.

  11. I think it’s because it’s so subtle and insidious now that I get confused between it being valid criticism vs. him just being plain disrespectful and rude. I’m so bad at picking up on this, I just feel like it’s all normal. It’s only because I’ve been sharing this with my family that I’ve come to realize that something may be wrong with our relationship.

  12. Also she doesn't seem to tell anything bad about the other guy. For all respective reasons she kinda gives me the impression the dude was so grounded and mature, that it made her realize of what she could have done in our relationship and that's where she started feeling guilty for not trying anymore.

  13. He’s 10 years older than you and purposely ignoring your boundaries.

    He’s trying to knock you up so you’re stuck with him

  14. He is very sweet and does take care of me well in almost every aspect. Tbh I wasn’t looking for a bf (my career always comes first), but he did try pretty hard, and in combo with his friends and my friends helping him, we ended up together. It’s just this one issue that really bothered me.

  15. I feel like there's probably a lot missing here, probably stuff you consider not important or not relevant, though to her it is. It probably goes a lot further than “she doesn't like small kids.” It would be interesting to hear her side of things and I think it would behoove you to listen with open ears and heart. Maybe under the supervision of a family therapist. Her reaction feels like a great emotional overreaction that has been building for a long time…most people don't get that way just because “they didn't want siblings.” No, there's more to this and you should try to learn and understand it.

  16. He's not pro choice then. Pro choice means he respects your bodily autonomy. Anything less than the full endorsement of your basic human rights is antichoice.

  17. Going completely against this advice uve responded to OP respectfully so

    It is utterly important to walk tf away in the beginning before u get emotionally invested in someone when u guys don't want the same thing. This relationship screams her asking for an open one if you were to start getting serious later on if u continued dating her and her saying “well i did tell you in the beginning” which u won't be able to argue with but that's not gonna change the fact it's gonna hurt like shit.

    You say u can already tell ur falling for her so i think fwb is gonna be a tough one too if ur already emotionally attached. You stated u didn't want a relationship like ur last that gets tainted by jealousy and infidelity.

    Can u honestly say if u continue this you won't get jealous when she starts texting u less or canceling meet-ups because she has another side dude?

    It's completely okay to want to have a relationship where u are just it to each other and it's okay to have one where u see multiple people but u can't do both! Its lose-lose.

    U will end up hurt, she will end up feeling guilty for wanting to play the field and ur gonna end up with resentment towards her.

    And you will be walking into all of that hopefully positive and naive because u want to convince yourself you can do it…. until you cant! Because it doesn't seem like you are that kind of guy! You know yourself best.

    There are too many posts on here of people saying they can't leave their poly relationships because they love the partner but can't stand them sleeping with other people anymore. If you want stability and faithfulness and a family get that with someone that wants the same.. before kids get involved at a later stage and ur stuck not being sure if it's even yours.

    This coming from a woman! This whole situation sounds messy af. If you were my friend id advise you to just walk away.

  18. Even if he doesn't go to jail, which he could, he's at risk of losing his reputation, years in court defending it, and the tens of thousands of dollars it costs to do so. And, even if found not guilty he has already been judged by society.

  19. Your friend is doing the right thing by distancing herself from your and your boyfriend. You need to accept that. She can't be close to him until she is completely over him, and that won't happen if you insist on keeping her in your orbit.

    That's that. She needs to be no contact with him, whatever that does to your relationship with her.

  20. He is using you for when he's not with someone else. He has no intentions of staying with you (or seemingly with anyone else for that matter). Time to move on.

  21. That had me rolling. Like who feels the need to go meet their partner’s barber?

    Give that man his space. His barber doesn’t need to meet you.

  22. Op. It’s your exhusband. If he didn’t divorce you I’d be shocked because you are carrying a dick sized torch for your EX husband

  23. Leave it! This isn’t the time to hash things out with Bob. I personally wouldn’t have done that at all, sometimes you gotta let sleeping dogs lay. Id just be happy bob isn’t coming now. And honestly for you to have the audacity to send that to him, and not realizing the effects it would have is hard to believe you didn’t know what you were doing there. Really selfish if you ask me lol. This is their wedding and not about you and bob.

  24. There’s a difference between drama and boundaries. You don’t start fights at other people’s weddings, but you’re also under no obligation to take abuse just to keep the peace. No amount of therapy would make that a thing. It’s about healing, not conforming. Setting boundaries like this is very much a goal of therapy. People often misunderstand this. If you’re a doormat in a relationship and you go to therapy, it helps you learn how to stop being a doormat, not to be happy about it.

  25. Here’s the deal; you can’t demand she doesn’t go out with her friends. Maybe you didn’t, but you said you didn’t like it so I imagine you either said as much or got angry and treated her accordingly. That’s you being insecure.

    The mom thing is fine. You logically should just let her enjoy time with her family, but it would be dishonest to suggest that she couldn’t have reached out to you at all. I highly doubt she wasn’t on her phone the entire weekend.

    I’d like to know what you did or said regarding her going out. It seems like everything after that was a result of it but you’ll have to let us know.

  26. My initial reaction reading this is that you are not ready for a relationship. I don't think your mature enough, quite frankly. A little selfish, even.

    You are very focused on yourself; nothing wrong with that at your age. But a relationship requires sacrifice, time, and compromise. You can't just take breaks. It could be the right person, but if it's the wrong time it doesn't matter. There will be many “right people” in the future.

    You need to be 100% in the relationship or not in it at all.

    It's possible you are using the excuse of “exploring yourself” as a way to avoid intimacy with the perfect partner you describe. In which case you should separate and seek therapy for why you're using escapism to cope with the increase in intimacy.

    I hope this helps.

  27. We have no idea how drunk he was. He made no indication he was too drunk to consent. In fact, he said he was aware it was wrong and allowed it to happen.

    Just because alcohol was involved doesn’t automatically equal rape. Drunk people actually can consent sometimes, because drunkenness is a spectrum. I can absolutely consent after 2 beers. Probably could not after 6. If I was at the point where I couldn’t consent, I probably wouldn’t be thinking about how I am getting back at my partner for something they did.

  28. Then wait the 2 weeks and tell him. Definitely better face to face.

    Just tell him you want to be transparent and you don’t want him to hear it from someone else.

  29. well you can start by respecting her boundaries and leaving her tf alone. When someone blocks you and says they need time, that does not mean show up at their home ffs.

    At this point you just wait it out and see if she's willing to give you another chance. If not, do the right thing this time and give yourself space to move on from this relationship before jumping into the next one.

  30. He’s told me before that I seem overly worried about money

    lol Yeah, it's always the broke ones who say that crap. “You worry about having enough money to pay your bills and buy your necessities. What's up with that?? Also, I'm broke, can you lend me $1000?” They conveniently fail to acknowledge that the reason you can lend them $1000 is because you worry about money!!

    Tell him you need him to start making an effort to pay back the money he owes you, even if it's a hundred or two each paycheque. If he gets defensive or tries to make you feel bad for 'only worrying about money' be straight up and no nonsense with him. Tell him your good money sense made it possible for him to borrow a large sum of money that he desperately needed and going back on his word to repay it is not trustworthy behavior.

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