Megancherry live webcams for YOU!


Make me wet controling my toy!/Best tipper get a video #bigtits #latex

Date: October 30, 2022

79 thoughts on “Megancherry live webcams for YOU!

  1. You guys met on a dating app and he was never actually a friend before you started having sex? That sounds like this is not a fwb kind of situation and he is just interpreting things as: you guys are knowing each other and, maybe, eventually moving to something more serious than just sex. Communication is key in any sort of situation ship though, so you have to be clear about your intentions. Granted, him wanting you to cook or do his laundry is a separate issue, even IN a serious relationship lol

  2. Aww no ? the harsh reality is, deceitful people usually prey on nice people like you. You’ve done nothing wrong, and it’s a hard pill to swallow but you will get over it in time. At least it was 7 months and not 7 years, and you didn’t have a child together or anything. You have a clean slate now, take advantage. I hope you feel better as the days go by ? breakups are never easy.

  3. Aww no ? the harsh reality is, deceitful people usually prey on nice people like you. You’ve done nothing wrong, and it’s a hard pill to swallow but you will get over it in time. At least it was 7 months and not 7 years, and you didn’t have a child together or anything. You have a clean slate now, take advantage. I hope you feel better as the days go by ? breakups are never easy.

  4. You don’t love him. You write a whole list of reasons you can’t stand him and then say you love him? Baby, dump him. He’s 27 dating a 19 year old, think about why he can’t get a woman his own age.

  5. plus there is always chicken shit on the floor and on the couches in the living room.

    Is this a term in another language or are you saying there's literally animal shit all over their living room? Is this from a pet chicken?

  6. My ex would accuse me of the same thing. I have psoriasis and get itchy, especially at night for some reason and sometimes I scratch without even being fully awake. He would always accuse me of touching myself at night and I became terrified to move around in bed.

    Then he started accusing me of cheating. Then he spit on me. Then he became my ex.

    Guess who was actually cheating?

    There's nothing you're doing wrong and you should not apologize, but you should take stock of whether or not this is the relationship for you. My bet is he's controlling in other ways and you'd be better off without him.

  7. OK let me stop you. You’re not quiet you’re self-conscious, which may result in you being timid. Stop being timid you get to own your space and frankly don’t take your boyfriend back. He was a jerk to you and his mother was a jerk to you. it’s need to stand up a little bit more and speak out. You don’t need everybody’s approval. You will never get it. It’s impossible.

  8. My TL;DR for you:

    My BF is abusive but I love him so much. We only communicate through passive aggressive sexuality and don’t know how to have adult conversations.

    Uhhh – therapy. Lots of it. And move out.

  9. So your husband treats you like a sock. Why are you still having sex with him? I can't put into words how angry I am on your behalf.

    tell me I can go finish myself off if I want

    SO CAN HE. Selfish, degrading partners don't deserve sex.

  10. You’ve only just started dating and he’s already dismissing your needs in favour of him having his fun.

    Why is it more important that you have your parents approval (they adore him? So what? They aren’t dating him, you are) than that you feel safe and respected in your relationship?

    And going forward: isn’t it also possible that as soon as you’ve popped the kid out he will start pressuring you to have sex and not listen to the fact that you shouldn’t be having sex until 6 weeks after the birth to stop infections from his dick.

    He doesn’t sound like a very caring person. He sounds like a selfish douche who is only interested in fucking you. How about you leave off dating until you’ve had your baby?

  11. She basically asked you if you would love another person instead of her and got mad that you wouldn't. There wasn't a correct answer wich would leave her satisfied. A complete no-win situation.

    You didn't nothing wrong but, and I saying this as respectfully as I can, don't stick your dick in crazy, man.

  12. This isn’t a one time thing though…. How many different times do you have to catch him on different dating/hookup apps before you realize there is probably more to it? A hook up app isn’t for talking.

    Have you asked to see his Telegram conversations with these women?

    While you are working hard to better yourself and your future, he’s hitting up other women. Reread that. As many times as it takes to realize that maybe this isn’t the guy for you.

  13. Wow, no, he hasn't improved at all. What happened is that his threat of violence worked. From the very start he was threatening you with violence. Think about it: he didn't have to tell you he punched a hole in the wall due to your lateness. You have no idea when or why that hole was there. Even if he did punch that wall due to your lateness, he didn't have to tell you that.

    He told you for a reason. To threaten and warn you. He waa threatening you, intentionally, with physical violence, to keep you in line.

    And it worked. Its nice you learned to be on time more (I know how difficult that is with ADHD), but it should have never been coerced under the threat of physical violence.

    Your husband is an abusive man, and I urge you to really process that.

    Please read 'Why does he do that?” There are free copies available online. I suspect you'll recognize most of the traits described in this book, in your husband.

  14. You’re bringing up really good points… I don’t think I’d be able to take this much longer. Maybe things would have been different if I was more compatible with him and his needs but that’s not something I can change.

  15. Conservative family too – probably has been repressing a lot of feelings her whole life. Choosing to marry OP “because it was the right thing to do” rather than what she truly wanted. In this day and age it's amazing they lasted this long.

  16. All good, thanks heaps!! I’m super proud of who I am and I’ve worked very hard on myself on not being emotionally closed off so I’m not like him but it always felt like part of me was missing and wanting him to accept me/have a good relationship. It seems like he’s working on himself and trying to move past that because he’s making the effort by texting and asking questions about me to get to know me. It almost feels like a whole new relationship starting from scratch.

  17. $ cannot buy you class.

    Is he overt like this at regular restaurants? Was he like this before he made the money?

    Seems to me, he's either always been that guy and doesn't know how to act in different environment that calls for reserved levels of behaviors. Like my aunt who thinks it's okay to show up to a restaurant in casual clothes when it says formal attire only. Then throws a big stink about it and waves money around thinking it would allow her to get her way.

    I constantly have to apologize to any service worker that happens to be on shift and my aunt needs to be served. She literally dangled cash from her hands telling the servers that if they don't treat her well, she's taking it from their tip. (She does tip very well but it doesn't excuse the behavior)

    So he could be dummy.

    Or, now that he's making money. He's finally giving himself permission to be the asshole he's always wanted to be. And he DGAF about how he looks because he's riaach biatch.

    Orrrrr, he's just enjoying himself (maybe with some alcohol mixed in) and you're embarrassed because you don't want to be with the lovable loud mouth idiot.

    Figure out which one it is and act accordingly.

  18. My advice is to move on from her. She's not into you the way you are and asking for distance is a sign you have crossed a line she didn't want you to cross. Learn from this.

  19. Becuase I am a reddit stranger, not your best friend who is going to sit with you as you cry at your kitchen table rubbing your back and pretending like I didn't know you moving into brand new Tinder Boys house wasn't completely idiotic. I know some of us women aren't used to being told we fucked up or that something is our fault, but this is in fact your fault, and it's your fault for sticking around for a year. You had better get it togetherin life. You don't always have to make the best decisions, but it's actually realllllly easy not to make terrible decisions.

  20. This girl knows your bf is taken, so there is nothing for her to gain by declaring her love for him

    That’s not exactly true. For some women, the sheer conquest of stealing another woman’s man is what they gain. They get off on the power

  21. If you call the connection “insane* I recommend you to be careful. Just for the what you phrase it.

    I see a friendship here OP, and you should take it as such. If you wanna go further with it just be honest with him and share how you feel.

  22. Depends how much you want this relationship.

    If it's worth it to you try couples therapy and commit to 10session . Shouldn't be too expensive with insurance.

    If it's not that important maybe just bring it up 1-3x tops and if it continues break up.

    I've dealt with this and have been this way (when I was 18) and it's just pointless and sours your life eventually.

    Someone this irrational. If that's the only flaw maybe she can get over it if she realizes that's not acceptable and it damages the relationship

  23. Honestly if someone's objection to using a toy is that they don't get to participate as much thats a vibe, but I reckon you can participate and use the vibrator.

  24. Do not blow up the RA opportunity because of a college gf. You say it doesn’t matter because your parents pay for your schooling, but when your parents find out you threw away the opportunity to save them $20k a year, they may pull the plug on you since you aren’t taking their contributions seriously.

  25. How do I build my relationship with myself and enjoy being alone? I feel like I’ve been wondering how to be okay being alone for years now I don’t really enjoy a lot of things and things I do enjoy, I enjoy a lot more with friend

  26. You need to choose what you want, and what is best for you. If you plan to keep your child, you need to be prepared for him to be an absentee father. You can't force him to be involved with you. Either way, reach out to your family. You need a support system not centered around him.

  27. Is it possible to plan activities where you all go do something rather than hang out at home speaking a language he does not understand?

    The easy solution might be for him to learn how to speak your language 🙂

  28. Caught between a rock and a hard place. You should stick to your decision and just let the chips fall where they will. If you were meant to be with her and she feels the same it will be so. If this is a hill she will die on then it wasn’t meant to be. Don’t put yourself in a situation that could traumatize you more.

  29. Use laundry sanitizer and see if that helps. Find someone who has one, or see if you can rent an ozone machine. It will get rid of any smells in your car. There's a detailer I watch on YouTube and he has one and has used it many times.

  30. Your dad is insecure af, and what would really need with his equilibrium is if you tell him you love him the next time he gets feisty.

    “Come at me bro!!!” “Hey dad, I love you, man.”

    Be really calm and Jesus-like when you say it. It'll fuck his shit up.

  31. I guess you're there for…. At least half the day. I wouldn't make her a priority, but I'd maybe give her an opportunity to make it up to you??

    See, I wouldn't. I would stay out tonight at some local bar and then sleep in until I fly back. That's probably what I would do.

    But I'm not you. You sound like you're interested enough.

  32. Take as much time off work as you van get. Then talk to a doctor and get a script for varenicline.

    Also a lot of smokers have undiagnosed anxiety or adult ADD which they're trying to Self-Medicate for.

    Don't get your ego too involved in being “productive” at work or people thinking badly of you because you're feeling strung out for a few weeks. When you make a dime, your boss makes a dollar therefore family comes first. Let the boss kill himself over his work ethic, he's worth it.

    I'm not saying that nicotine doesn't help with anxiety, but there's much better treatment options out there that last longer than an hour or so, don't give you a stroke at age 45, and don't make you smell like toasted, lightly fermented ass.

    Please talk to a doctor about getting mental health treatment.

    Do it for your new child. If you're not willing to switch to

  33. Are you joking? This isn't a thing. Actual birthday? Ok yes we like to spend with our partner. But he's supposed to spend the night before your birthday with you as well? He invited you out, you said no, got mad he still went, and mad that he wasn't home for midnight? These are expectations of a child. I'm sorry, I'm not ragging on you but you're a 19 year old girl trying to get a 27 year old man to find the same things important that you do and that's just not realistic. You are being way overly dramatic. Although I typically have no issues with an age gap, the one between you and your boyfriend is going to cause huge problems in the long run because you seem young even for 19 and expect him to be at that same level and he's just not.

  34. What was the fight can you elaborate? I don’t want to say that’s a red flag but for her to do that without some type of note or reason seems cruel

  35. He doesn’t respect you. Let him go and bet he tries to come back. Whatever the case you can do better. You’re not a project you’re a person. This guy doesn’t want you he wants something he can show off. Objectification is a sleazy kind of relationship to have with anybody, much less the person you’d marry. He would most certainly trade you in for a newer model in a few years, or keep you around to get the groceries while he leases a new ride. Find somebody that wants to be with you as you are. Or let them find you. Either way let this fish go he stinks.

  36. I think with a little patience, he'll come around to needing to see you naked. I'm sorry about your complications, that sounds scary!

  37. This. It's ok not to be ok, so you can be ok. It's scary, and a lot to handle, but if it's the right decision, it's what you gotta do. It may linger in your heart, but it will hurt so much more if the bad, and very real possibilities come to fruition and someone, or everyone gets hurt.

  38. This. It's ok not to be ok, so you can be ok. It's scary, and a lot to handle, but if it's the right decision, it's what you gotta do. It may linger in your heart, but it will hurt so much more if the bad, and very real possibilities come to fruition and someone, or everyone gets hurt.

  39. Who would voluntarily bring a child into a broken family? Do custody hand offs sound like fun to them or something?

  40. Okay hi, this isn’t a update but i just wanted to say thanks for the advice. The reason it’s hard for me to just leave him is just he’s such a good person. He never insults me or like yells at me or gets angry at me which is kinda weird? Ive also know him for like a year just to let you know. In the beginning of our talking stage he was so sweet and he’s so funny. He’s not in his best mental state right now as well. He’s done good stuff to me and bad stuff. One of those bad stuff is that he was talking and spending time with another girl that CLEARLY likes him. He said that he never was with her sexually or romantically and he removed her from all his social media and after 2 months added her back on his social media? and he switched up on me like doesn’t act all sweet like before which is fine i guess but otherwise he’s a very good guy, i hope. ps he also doesn’t rush me with the nudes he wants but constantly asking like once a day.

  41. Wow, almost this exact thing just happened to me. But almost a year in after absolute bliss, he went cold but excused it with stress. Continued acting completely different toward me until I had to make a boundary that bad 'days' are OK, but weeks and weeks of feeling like he was mad at me without explanation was not tolerable. Now I'm not saying this will happen to you, but I had to share what did to me as it so closely resembles the same behaivor patterns.

    He said something dismissive about me to my friend one night, and later when alone I told him calmly it was hurtful and why.

    Well he immediately turned into a monster and started screaming all the worst things you could say to anyone, insult after insult about almost every aspect of me. I was vulnerable and open to him before, and it's like he was saving it all up to recreate and confirm my worst fears and break me. I ended it quickly after it almost did since I've had a string of unavoidable traumatic experiences I'm trying to get relief from and this one was NOT on my schedule. Make it stop please. We are in our 40s and way too old for this emotionally immature bullshit.

    Well he owes me thousands for rent I covered when he got screwed on a contract. I seriously think he manipulated me and then was trying to back out of the lease without paying me back by scaring me into submission. Or trying to gain control over me. Or he's mentally ill. This flip on me for no apparent reason except 'everything about you suddenly sucks' after being his dream girl was so bizarre. It was seriously a surprise to myself, close friends and family since we aligned in so many ways that were provably genuine and it was all green flags.

    I even knew what love bombing was before falling for it hook line and sinker.. No more more men till I heal from all the bullshit and learn to be happy alone for awhile. Dating when you are emotionally raw just exposes you to people who look to take advantage of your vulnerability by being exactly what you were missing, till they can really do damage.

    I could have made some better choices on this, but it can be so hard to deny yourself the chance it would continue to be a great relationship too. I'm gonna have to work hard in therapy to not have this shit relationship finale turn me totally cynical, untrusting or afraid to date again someday. I won't let him change who I am, but I have learned some lessons the hard way.

  42. The fact that neither of them are making any effort whatsoever on this front would concern me.

    It could be possible that she doesn't like me? But she has always complimented me to my bf.

    She didn't even accept my IG friend request which makes no sense considering she's calling my bf in the night and crying to him about her problems.

    I also don't get why my bf keeps us both so separate but he's leaving friendly comments on her pictures at the same time.

  43. Yeah this is a man who needs to think about the fact that he sees other people as his servants. I'm in my 40s and unfortunately I see this happen fairly often in men my own age. They just start assuming that basically every woman will do these things almost unconsciously. They have something in their hands they don't want? A woman is less important so she should take it. After all, it's only a few more steps for her to take it to the trash. Or if he needs to demonstrate his authority over another man, that works as well. Because he would never ever try to do this to a boss or his father. But to his mother? Or an employee? Absolutely. So it's not accidental and it's not subconscious.

  44. Don’t make a 2nd mistake by getting married to someone you do not love. That will just compound the stress. Time to grow up and make a plan to co-parent.

  45. Thank you for commenting, you made this easier for me to understand and you’re right he did think he was going to fix me, he said so himself that he thought i wouldn’t still be needing reassurance by now. I know i’m not the healthiest person right now, and i do have trust issues from the past and so i feel i’m very quick to notice energy’s shifting and inconsistencies and lies. It makes it very hard for me to tell what’s real vs in my head. I was really trusting him up until some minor things came up that reminded me of the same behaviour of my past relationship which began my overthinking with him. Now i feel like i’m a mess and always in my head and stuck on what to do. I love him and want to be with him and i don’t want to hurt him, i also don’t want to be hurt either. Should i give him some space so he won’t feel tired with me and how do i give him that without completely being distant from him. I want our relationship to work, he’s the only guy i want to be with.

  46. I think where confusion comes from is that he was using toothless to describe the woman. You are not toothless. You said hot guy, and in this context, you're using hot to describe the guy. Making it sound like you're saying he's not hot.

    You could have said something like “well I'm gonna go fuck a guy without balls!” Which I'm guessing he does have balls. Then it would have been the same thing. What you said and what he said are not the same, both are bad but not the same.

    But I totally understand it rubbing you the wrong way. Like what partner says that they WILL go fuck someone else? Weird.

  47. The main reason marriage is on the table is so that we can move together – her country has no good way for me to live with her without it.

    We have no intention on being properly “married” but simply the paperwork would be involved.

  48. Everyone is going to tell you this is abusive and it is. Anyone who cares the least little bit would not talk to you this way. Even in the midst of a bitter argument, people who care don’t do this. He has shown you what you are to him—believe it. If you stay, it will only get worse.

  49. Thank you! Idk why I’m so scared of getting murdered in the next few weeks. I feel in danger.

    I just felt guilty bc at first I thought maybe he committed suicide and he wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t report it to the police.

    I feel like I am going crazy ?? I’m so scared

  50. So after making out, you then left her to go to your friends…..

    Rookie mistake. You basically told her that you were no longer interested in her by doing that.

    So what does a young, drunk person do when the first person they are interested in during the night show they are not interested, they go find someone else.

    Your friends are idiots. You are not in a relationship, so you both can do whatever you want to do.

    If you want a relationship with her, then you need to step up, tell her that you are interested in being more than friends and see what happens.

  51. I definitely see why you would think like that, because that’s what I thought at the beginning. But after deep self reflection I came to the conclusion that he has a nature and habit to control things but it is not applicable to this situation. This man is literally miserable in his life. Because these sudden changes he was the most supportive and caring men I had ever met. In my opinion my is literally on the edge of losing it. He had to put his life on standby, not the mention that his dad was dying. He just doesn’t have the patience or the ability to provide me with all the attention and care I need. But does this mean that I have to give up on him and be selfish when he already has enough on his plate? Am I not supposed to stand by him and be a shoulder to lean on when things get too hard? Am i not supposed to be able to accept this much for the man that I love?

  52. Am I the only one that feels like they have read this author before? I mean story is different but style of writing is starting to show pretty quickly.

  53. I'd say leave, but your abusive wife needs to gtfo of the house and go live alone with her anger and abusiveness since that's what she prioritizes every time she raises her hand to you.

    A guy I know stayed until he was forced to flee the house half naked in pajama pants and bare feet, with their child in his arms, through the snow after his now ex wife stabbed him.

    Abusive people will never change, because deep down, they feel entitled to abuse you. Maybe they were victims of similar abuse once, but they make a choice to continue the abuse cycle, just as thousands who suffer even worse abuse never choose to abuse another.

  54. You’re conflating two different things. OP is about lingerie. Other person commented about someone they know discovering an affair due to waxing. A thread about waxing not necessarily being an indicator of an affair/sex proceeded.

    In your hypothetical it’s possible that there is gaslighting going on, but it’s a hypothetical you created in your own head. Perhaps that’s the disconnect.

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