Mazikeen18 live webcams for YOU!


9 thoughts on “Mazikeen18 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Have you gotten an ultrasound? Sex used to be painful for me and then I discovered I had ovarian cyst (PCOS). Maybe try getting an ultrasound if you haven’t already

  2. I don’t think he’d act on it, but I still do hate the comments. I subtly hinted at it one time to his mom “oh will I see you at the cabin tomorrow night too? Oh stepdad didn’t invite you?” And she cried about it for days and started complaining about him to the kids. (Went back to normal a week later)

  3. Her logic is sound. Hormonal birth control can potentially fuck up a lot of things in your body. No birth control is a 100%. If she gets pregnant, she is the one who have to either go trough an abortion or go trough a pregnancy and birth that will alter her body for 9 months and potentially permanently alter it. If she keeps it she now has a baby, can she count on you to stay and be a good, stable co-parent for the next 18+ years? Will you leave her hanging?

    The burden of accidental pregnansies have always been unfair, but its so normalized that most dont think much of it.

    That being said, you are well within your rights to say that this isnt for you and walk away as well. If you dont want to wait for PinV sex till an unknown date in the future, that is entirely your choise to make and you can absolutely walk away.

  4. Thank you. I do, but I'm not sure if I have the strength to go through with it. I've had a really shit few years with other issues, and honestly I have very little emotinal strength currently (hence the pitiful post!).

    Yeah the breakdowns make me really uneasy. I've usually comforted him through them, which now feels pretty gross. I wish i'd reacted in a way that honoured myself now. I'm fine as I am! I think…

    I have a lot of thinking to do. Thanks for commenting.

  5. Don’t do it. You can trim it but let him know it makes you physically and emotionally uncomfortable to shave it completely

  6. Then why be with your partner?

    Because I love her and she loves me.

    I agree with majority of what you've written, but you're still approaching the situation from this simplistic viewpoint of ''You either trust me or you don't''.

    I think I made my point clear, so I won't repeat it here. I'll just say that o one should be offended or take it as a slight against themselves if I say that I don't trust their reactions in all circumstances. I don't trust my reactions in tempting circumstances, despite my best intentions.

    To take your position to the absurd, would you be fine with your bf sleeping in bed with another girl, that you know likes him? If not, why not? Don't you trust him that he won't have sex with her? Don't you trust that he's a reasonable adult who will keep his word? Or do you maybe think that that's the type of situation that is inappropriate for a person in a relationship to be with – and it is inappropriate because it often leads to cheating? Would you be fine with your bf doing absolutley everything with another girl except outright sexual contact? I have a feeling the answer is ''no'', and that you would also be uncomfortable with certain situations that are still not outright cheating. Well, for some people, living with another man is a situation of that kind.

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