May-taylor live webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 3, 2022

9 thoughts on “May-taylor live webcams for YOU!

  1. I know you don’t want to hurt your kid but I’m sorry to tell you but that happened the minute you decided to have a kid with an unworthy man

    You know deep down it never should have been him and it’s only getting worse. Children learn through observation and to be frank, if your child is a boy you’re teaching him that being a shitty father is okay and if it’s a girl you’re teaching her that its acceptable to allow it

    Too many break up their families over stupid things (or nothing at all) but this isn’t the case here


    Wtf do you mean his bills and money are separated? That’s not how marriage works from a legal standpoint and you should never have allowed that

  2. Dudes getting shitfaced nude + your wife with no clothes on, and your like, sure honey go for it? WTF. Really tough to have any sympathy for your feelings about it now. How do you determine where the line is in that situation. Cheating, probably not, unless she invited it. Absolutely idiotic to be in that situation, yes.

  3. I don't necessarily agree with your husband, I think he is just worried. I believe others have covered that well.

    I am sure many will disagree with my take but your friend is in an abusive relationship, that much is clear. You should be encouraging and empowering her to leave. Nothing good is going to come out of the situation she is in now, she is setting herself up for more hurt, make sure she doesn't take you down with her.

    That relationship is very unhealthy and potentially dangerous to yours as well, look at it this way if she was dating someone who was continuing to bet her up what would your thoughts be about that? Why is it any different because the abuse is emotional. So in a sense this is an emotionally violent marriage. If it was a physically violent one you would probably be a lot more cautious. I would warn you not to think of it any differently, it's already bleeding into your relationship with your husband.

    I know this is a harsh thing to say and it sounds like I am blaming the victim but when you have a very codependent relationship that kind of thing is toxic. Something is wrong that your friend is willing to allow herself to be abused. If she was taking care of and enabling a junky I think your husband would have a right to be concerned because toxic situations like that tend to infect your life even with the best intentions. While I feel for your friend, you would also be wise to be careful here. Besides they have a tendency to force you to make a choice anyway.

    I suspect your husband intuitively knows this but isn't good at articulating it. Again I know this won't go over on this thread, but I have seen it happen too much.

  4. Ugh this makes me second hand angry!! Tell him to grow the fuck up! No you're not wrong, you're being a normal adult. Can this relationship really last with him behaving like that?

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