Marilyn_goddess live webcams for YOU!


MARILYNSEXX01 Public Chat Channel

Date: October 21, 2022

12 thoughts on “Marilyn_goddess live webcams for YOU!

  1. Your style sounds like he has some narcissistic tendencies…

    But it also sounds like he is setting you up to fail in order to prove that you don't love him as much, or whatever is going through his head. He is already upset about something, and it might be something that he is not talking about, and he may be creating situations in order to justify his feelings and you being the person at fault.

    I strongly, strongly suggest that both of you get into couples counseling to start to explore his complex behavior together. I am very worried that he is trying to create situations where you can't keep up on purpose.

  2. You think she’s the only one not seeing red flags because gasp!……..she’s kind of a red flag herself? Lol

  3. Op, I’m only 27 but my dad is also 50 and he said I’m not allowed to be with anyone that, behind closed doors, talks to me or treats me in way that would upset him if he saw/heard it. It’s my #1 dating rule and it’s never failed me.

    Your boyfriend is repeatedly and purposely doing things to make you uncomfortable or anxious in order to pressure you into doing, saying, and agreeing to things that you aren’t comfortable with. He acts a certain way because he knows that if he pushes you enough, he will always get his way.

    I have NEVER seen someone who displays this type of behavior:

    A- take full ownership of their actions and wholeheartedly apologize to the ones they hurt

    or B- say “I promise it will never happen again!” and follow through on that promise.

    He will act like this again. It’s never going to stop. Leave him before you waste the best years of your life on him. And also I hate to say it, but please be extra extra cautious with your contraceptives. Triple up if possible.

  4. absolute facts and 'assuming' is the keyword. i stick to what i believe in but as for the control part – that's where he tries to and it never works 🙂 just hoping i find a way to talk about this gently or appropriately to him

  5. Well not off to a great start if it's only been a month. When my wife and I were in 1 month of dating, I pretty much engaged with her all the time. “headspace” may just seem like either he's not comfortable talking about what's going on or it's just bullshit and he's trying to end it.

  6. People need an outlet, there’s nothing abnormal about it but I understand how it makes you feel. Do you guys work through your disagreements and she just brings them up again to her friends or does she only talk to them out it when they’re happening?

  7. Ew no it’s definitely not overstepping. It’s basic hygiene. I would not be able to handle it personally.

  8. Your relationship is already fucked up. They have already choose him over you.

    Go to your graduation and tell them you will come to his next marriage.

  9. Let's put the violence aside for a moment… he said he'd cut off his friend. What more do you want? Him to get arrested for beating someone?? Desiring violence is a pretty toxic trait if you ask me. You wanting your bf to get all riled up and angry is concerning, and I would look at that within yourself.

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