Manesummers live webcams for YOU!


8 thoughts on “Manesummers live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yeah its good advice. I'll treat her like any other girl and forget about the other stuff. She was responsive to that so I don't feel like she wants special treatment or anything

  2. Oh I know you’ve done a lot! He’s watched YOU struggle. You’re a parent to two boys and a man child who doesn’t take half a second to think how his actions or lack there of impact you.

    The answer is, he doesn’t care. Look every relationship has ups and downs but when my wife comes to me and says “I need this, I feel this way and I need this to change” I freaking change it! Same when I say that to her!

    I work full time, I work nights even and she’s doing the bulk of the parenting and home stuff. Her job is 100% harder and I work 4pm-4am. She organises our lives so it works and our children so they go where they need to and get what they need to. I pretty much throw money her way and I’m fed.

    Do I parent as well? You bet your ass I do but the organising… dear god. The running around, making sure things work? Bugger that. I would rather do my grave yard shift.

    However, due to the effort we both put in we are very much in love. Extremely intimate, always make time for each other and NOTICE at best and listen at worst when one of us needs something.

    If he can’t listen after years and year PLUS therapy? Why would he now? He doesn’t care and you deserve better.

  3. Let's be clear here – his preferences are a view of his morals. A good person does not have this problem.

    Yea, I’ve heard that before about people’s sexual preferences…

  4. My advice is do not get pregnant with this guy do not get pregnant with this guy. Your relationship is not in a position for this to be a good idea. It’s not gonna fix anything even though he just tried to claim it will. It will not, and you will be alone with the baby. Please please don’t do this in fact, are you sure he’s not gay and this friend of his his partner and he’s just not coming out because that’s a lot of time to spend with one person who is not your girlfriend.

  5. Like if it hasn’t happened in 6 years it’s never going to happen. It’s not the weight! She could be Adriana Lima and he still wouldn’t bang her. Maybe she could grow a penis and that would finally make it happen.

  6. That definitely sounds excessive. I could see telling someone that ONCE in sort of a “it's funny my usual type is X and you're Y but we're great together” kind of way, but I see no reason whatsoever to bring it up more often than that. The fact that this is regularly occurring is a little weird and a little rude.

    Are the characteristics she's bringing up something impossible to change (i.e. something like height or ethnicity) or something you could theoretically do (i.e. something like fitness or hobbies or your overall 'look'), in general? Because I see two possible explanations for this.

    She's just kind of tactless and doesn't realize how often she's saying these things or how they would be received. This is more likely if the things she's bringing up are things that you could not possibly change about yourself.

    She's trying to influence you to better match her usual tastes. This is more likely if the things she's bringing up are things that you could theoretically change about yourself.

    Either way the solution is the same. Have you told her that you're not thrilled with these comparisons given how often they're coming up? If you've got situation #1 then she'll likely be mortified to realize how often she's doing this and how it's bothering you, and should make an effort to stop. If you've got situation #2 then she's more likely to get defensive and argue in favor of her right to make comments. The former is fixable, the latter isn't.

  7. are you familiar with cultural abuse?

    Ie. When abuse is so common amongst a culture that their abusive behavior is part of their “culture”.

    … Syrian culture doesn't sound very modern, open, and loving.

    I'm Chinese and the current communist culture is toxic as f.

    It takes years of hard work to shed the abusive cultural identity.

    He sounds controlling as f and I'm sure the culture has some impact.

    Not to say there aren't empathetic and loving Syrian people. Just the cultural as an identity as a whole.

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