Mafer Ruiz live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 13, 2022

12 thoughts on “Mafer Ruiz live webcams for YOU!

  1. It is not normal. Red flag. Up to you if you can deal with it or tell him he needs to resolve his issues otherwise you walk away

  2. You should tell her that that means they flirt and spend a little too much time together. Maybe she needs to put some distance there if she wants to protect your relationship.

  3. Yeah no, that's not how that works. Healing from infidelity happens on your timeline. It's common for the wayward person to want to completely ignore it, and common for the betrayed person to want to keep discussing it.

    You're allowed to take as long as you need to process and deal with that. I'm guessing that plays a role in your current feelings, and with good reason.

    Have you two thought about counseling?

  4. Any relationship you will ever be in, will have this feeling. It will have this phase. This is where the real love begins.

  5. Proud of you for knowing your worth and dropping him immediately. Fuck him, he’s scum, and you should find someone who isn’t trolling for teenagers. ???

  6. Here's some bad news for you… Your girlfriend says she is over her promiscuous past and that's fine. But she has made that past her own defining quality. It's the one thing she brandishes like a sword and shield at all possible times. Most people don't care, but by telling everyone she meets, she's focusing on that side as what defines who she is. If she is truly over it, shut the hell up and just move on and be the “you” that you want to be. Your coworkers and random dudes at a bar are not her AA group or psychologist that she needs to be telling that to. In other words, yes the guy who made fun of her is wrong, but when she offers up such shit in a conversation, she brings it on herself.

  7. Ugh. I feel your pain. I'm allergic to a lot of laundry detergent (it's not the scent, it's the concentrators in the fancy detergents). Gain is one of the worst.

    I dated a guy for awhile that insisted on using Gain on all of his clothes, sheets, towels and bedding. Despite me asking him to switch. Despite me breaking out in horrible hives all over my body. So I stopped sleeping over at his house. I offered to buy him new detergent. He still insisted that Gain was the best and he wasn't going to switch.

    Yeah. That relationship fizzled out fast.

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