Maeve-ds live webcams for YOU!


ALL GOALS MET [Multi Goal]

Date: November 6, 2022

51 thoughts on “Maeve-ds live webcams for YOU!

  1. So you think lying is a better option? Building a relationship based on lying – I assume you are ok if she did the same to you? The problem is she was your ex gf. If it was a mate that would be different. Why do you want to hang with your ex anyway? Things can happen and if they don't happen, things may be implied or assumed happened. You are opening a can of worms.

  2. She kinda sounds like she has never had her own shit together. Consider it a lesson and bullet dodged. You can do better, friend. You'll find someone with the same relationship ideas/dynamics as you and it'll be that much better.

  3. And that could have happened but if a witness says she willingly went to the room then it shows she willingly went and wasnt forced to the room. Whatever happened after that whether it was rape or cheating i cant say but she willingly broke the boundary

  4. can’t bring myself to and i am in way to deep and i can’t handle confrontation.

    so me and my bf have be OFFICIALLY together for about 4 months i would say. before then we had been fwb for almost a year.

    Lol if you don't leave this man right now. You haven't even been with him long enough to argue that you're too invested to leave. He doesn't respect you and he's showing you his true colors early, believe him and get out.

  5. i did a program to start community college a year early, and my state pays for 2 free years of community college. i’m currently taking transfer classes so hopefully i can switch to a 4 year college and get a real job

  6. I guess because it's an expensive gift I feel like I'd be ungrateful to complain. I know I want to address it I just want to choose my words carefully. I'd like to use those last couple lines.

  7. He thinks me being defensive on eye color is causing him to believe I cheated. If I didn't suggest it, he wouldn't have doubts

  8. You are the side piece, that is his real gf/wife. Ya you only were allowed when she wasn't there, how do you know they have separate rooms? Just because there are two bedrooms that doesn't mean they sleep separately.

  9. I wouldn't worry so much about the labels. I would ask him directly if he wants to have sex with a man. At 22, he probably doesn't really know but you should at least talk about it.

  10. I'd send him a message stating “true, you're not being honest and now YOU'VE lost a good one” then block him on everything and move on.

  11. I think 10 years in either direction is not a big deal. Your stipulation is just a cultural bias. I think in the current culture here in the states, in most cases, under 25 is two young to marry.

    Have fun, but don't get serious or put someone on a pedestal.

    The older you get, the less an age difference on that level matters.

    I have 4 adult children all over that age. All my children attended university and have established careers.

    They all have compatible partners atm. The oldest 36 is only now considering marriage to a wonderful woman in her late 20's.

    If you want to see weird look in the mirror.

  12. I would reevaluate my friendship with a guy that’s 33 y/o with the age range set at 26 max. Even if we weren’t that good of friends.

  13. I will do whatever it takes for this child, holding my tongue and swallowing my ego for another few months to a year is absolutely within my power and plus there's a chance we can go to therapy together. I was raised in a two-parent household and I want to give my kid everything I possibly can. Thanks!

  14. To me, our own happiness should be our very top priority. It's the most important thing in life. Anytime we are unhappy, whether it be at a job, in a relationship, our environment, etc, we must make a change. Go back to where you're happy!

  15. yeah I think he has been a good boyfriend but always in the back of my head (from trauma and past relationships) is a bunch of doubts and mistrust and worries. and I guess this reading confirmed those doubts but idk how accurate that is.

  16. Yeah I just don't understand . She would probably just not tell him next time if she knew he lost trust in her. it doesn't make sense.

  17. Your boyfriend doesn’t get to “allow” you to do anything if you want a vibrator then get a vibrator he’ll get a sex swing if you want. If he’s so insecure that a sex toy bothers him that’s his problem not yours. You are long distance you have needs too I’m sure he doesn’t hesitate to jerk one out when he wants to.

  18. I Know, just have no idea what to do tbh I am really bad with girls. I did ask her out but she refused. Maybe try again later. I was thinking to maybe just try to kiss her. if she doesn't mind i know she is interested at least. if she slabs my face I know I went to far and I wil perminately back off. but that is just an Idea, maybe a bad one.

  19. The only people that need to do sex work are those hit with tremendous expenses that others do not have.

    People with chronic illness. Trans women that need their medications and can't easily get them. People with drug abuse issues.

    I mean I'm glad your bf is fine with it. But the people that need to do sex work and don't have any other choice are rare.

  20. I thought you were talking about solo adventures using your lotion and was going to just chuckle but that took a detour I didn’t expect lol

    No offence but your boyfriend is an idiot and has no clue what he’s doing. Worse is that he could easily be causing damage to you but, once again, he’s too dumb to even get that

    For the love of god please consider ending this relationship and find yourself a more experienced man who is eats fewer lead paint chips and crayons

  21. Look, you do recognize that it's not just his ex that lives there, correct? His child lives there as well. The child has grown up there, has friends, and a certain school system there.

    As for not talking about their divorce, I rarely tell anyone what truly broke me and my ex up. We're still good friends, and your fiance's behavior reminds me of how I feel about my ex. If you acted that way toward my ex, I'd have dumped you. “How dare you put my ex on the spot that, making him feel guilty and like he's putting us out when I had told you to leave it alone.”

    I still love my ex, but I can't live with him. As your fiance says, “we're incompatible.” Everyone thought we'd be together forever. But through a series of unfortunate events, we lost a precious one. The pain was too much. I can't stand the idea of being romantic with my ex, it makes my stomach crawl and I feel sick. However, I'm still protective of him and love him dearly. I just cannot live with him. When we divorced, we were unlike other couples. We fought for the other person to take things, instead of fighting over keeping things.

    Their generosity with one another sounds similar to my ex and me. I suspect something painful happened to your fiance and his ex, full of grieving guilt that's hard to share with anyone. And the thing that happened makes it impossible for them to live together any longer (incompatibility), but the loving care is still there. It's an irrevocable bond, like blood family. After you're married, she finds a partner, and the child ages, their immediate closeness may wane some. But maybe not. You'll have to decide if you can live with a guy who still cares about his ex, but can't stand living with her.

  22. Well, the friend who made us reunite wasn't the same who passed away, that one was just a friend of mine from high school, but yeah, she needed time to heal, I just loved her so much that I couldn't say no when she proposed to me.

    That's tough to read, but yeah, you might be right, I'm not religiously waiting for her to come back tho, I just want it, but if she doesn't, I will accept it and carry on, thanks

  23. It's not a big deal.

    You had ID – that makes this not a crime. So you don't have any legal problems.

    You dated for years. You weren't preying on her or grooming her, you had and have a legitimate interest in being with her. So you don't have any moral problems.

    Legit no one who knows cares, not even her. So you don't have any social problems.

    I fail to see what your hangup is.

  24. The honeymoon phase is real. You have a whole life up until the point you met to talk about. All of your dreams, experiences, beliefs, traumas, etc are there to be discussed. As you get to know each other better and better, you kinda run out of material to talk about. There is also an intense emotional component to a new relationship. There’s the excitement, uncertainty, novelty, and sexual exploration that occurs during the early stage of a relationship that is very intoxicating.

    If you miss long and meaningful conversations with your partner, and you would like to have more off that, then I’d suggest you start engaging in activities with your partner that you both find intellectually stimulating. Do you have shared interests? Shared interests are key to a long and fulfilling relationship. Always be doing stuff that you both love, and you will always have something to talk about.

  25. And what about the woman who has no assurance her partner didn’t cheat? Relationships are built on trust. Asking for a paternity test in a committed relationship really feels like you’re just leaping on an excuse to try to catch your partner cheating or hoping you can still get out of being a parent

  26. i seen some stuff on Instagram about bring a “low maintenance” friend, you know, someone who you talk to once a month and youre still best friends so Ive been worrying if my feelings of being dismissed are from being “high maintenance”. She is a good person when she's not with him though, and I do miss her a lot sometimes. I jsut am soooo tired of trying to be her friend and just getting rants and vents back….

  27. Thank you, I am not American and we only have one word for prison/jail in my language. That however seems irrelevant

  28. Leave it alone. You said what you needed to. The ball is in his court now. He can either show up and act like a grown up or he can stay home. If he shows up acting like the same old Bob, just say “thank you for proving my point” and walk away.

  29. Threatening you into doing what she wants and making her number one at others expense isn't a relationship. You can't do better with Tiffany or Kelly if you allow Amanda to act this way.

  30. She doesn't feel nudity is not a big deal, she is uncomfortable wearing 2 piece bikinis at the beach and she uses saggy clothes to the gym because she doesn't like showing of her body. Which is also why this whole situation feels so weird?

  31. I said that it wasn't healthy either and we both agreed to try to manage our time better, set aside QUALITY time with each other, and try to get into some better routine habits. Even with that it doesn't change that I feel like I am being lied to

  32. LOL this whole post seems like you are justifying this. Your not confused about all thats wrong, your looking for support for your bad choices

  33. You don't know what his friends had to go through to help him after your breakup. It may have been amicable on the surface but maybe there are things you do not know.

    In any case, you should let this one go. Let him have the sendoff with his friends, he will have an intimate one with you anyway and since you will join him, he's probably only accommodating his friends. Having a party is all about everyone being happy and celebrating and maybe he feels it can't be that if you are there.

    It's his going-away, let him enjoy, be the great partner that you are and let him have his way.

  34. You think i should've talk to both of them at the same time? Or not at all? I understand now that it was not a good idea

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