MadisonAwesome live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 5, 2022

38 thoughts on “MadisonAwesome live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yes I agree it was quite a fast pace. I’m guessing this is probably how he moves naturally with other women…

    Ok, so how can I try when he has not even responded back to me on text? Call him? Write a letter and wait for him to contact me?

    Yes, I self-sabotaged because in retrospect it was too good to be true… so I reverted back before he can.

    How do I get to him without looking too desperate? I know not all men are the same, and I know this guy is mentally strong, mature and really has his shit together… so I’m scared that he already moved on and said fuck this chick.

    I’m having a difficulty in trying to figure out how I can reach him… I fear rejection, and I’m scared that I’ll go back into low vibration and energy if he ends up not picking up or what not.

  2. Exactly. OP has received variations of this response everywhere they’ve posted this even though they left out the fact that the girl told him that she was involved with someone else (she’s also ignored his friend request on social media). It’s not a matter of giving her “space” over the break and asking her out again, she’s simply not interested.

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  4. Leave it. She sounds like the sort of person who is looking less for a post-mortem she can use in her next relationship and more for the opportunity to dismantle your reasons in hopes of making you change your mind.

  5. 14 months is a brand new relationship, what is the rush to get married ? You are also 20, you are still basically a kid, enjoy your 20s the way you want to.

  6. You are not responsible for their feelings. They might be sad. That's okay. You can't continue something that causes you unhappiness to keep everyone else happy.

  7. Word of advice, if sex life isn't great before marriage, it's unlikely to become great after marriage.

    She has the right to do, or not do, whatever she wants regarding her body.

    But know that if you're marrying her, it's because of her personality, to build a life together, to do all that a marriage entails, and then if there's a good sexual life it's to be considered a welcome surprise. It shouldn't be an expectation. Good chances are she'll close her eyes and think of England until she's pregnant, and will straight up refuse any further contact when she doesn't want more children.

  8. I know i haven't tried talking to her about it yet i spent 3 hours tonight on the phon while i work letting her vent and joking around to help her feel better, the quote is something she said a while ago

  9. I often wonder if people just make these things up and post them because they have a fetish for being called names.

  10. You e been unemployed so what’s YOUR excuse for not caring for the animals? You seem happy blaming the rest of your family, but you could have been walking/picking up after the animals yourself. You agreed to them, you are not blameless.

    Grow up and take ownership of your animals, dude. It’s abusive and saying “I didn’t want them” is not an excuse

  11. You can't have ruined your life like that, that you are already pregnant with baby no 2 from your groomer. That makes me so sad

  12. 1 night per week

    she says you’re obsessing

    her defense in getting mad is I’m her only hobby

    A person isn’t a hobby. Your wife is mentally ill and needs therapy or some kind of treatment asap. She’s out of touch with reality

  13. Toxicity galore.

    My take of this post is that he could have negotiated in OP joining him in the shower after a 15mins head start.

    Conundrums like these got me learning to be hygenic, cleaning around, and set up dinners while holding down a vibed talks instead of making the ideally happier part(s) of my life (ie. Enamoured, betrothed, taken but non-LiamNeeson'd) so damn transactionally immature.

  14. Maybe she'd feel more comfortable blowing him if he wasn't a manipulative prick. And maybe if he wants blow jobs he should find a way to communicate that doesn't involve talking about cheating and dismissing her feelings.

    Is anyone compatible with an emotionally immature asshole?

  15. I’m reeeeally wondering what your parents would say about this guy, how bad the “money troubles” were, and how many times they had to bail you out.

  16. Kate is the toxic one it seems, and jealous of the fact you cut her out of your life. Her current behavior just proves that your GF gave you great advice in telling you to cut her off

  17. I don’t know that counseling would help. He’s always been money motivated. I’ve tried to explain that quality time isn’t sleeping next to one another or eating dinner together (As it’s a normal task we do daily) but he thinks it is. I feel like counseling would be a waste because he refuses to listen to reason.

  18. Kate is the toxic one it seems, and jealous of the fact you cut her out of your life. Her current behavior just proves that your GF gave you great advice in telling you to cut her off

  19. Of course! And I know that was the first LEGAL case of slavery. I read the article. That one case of one guy changes NOTHING. Obviously. He even lost everything later and when he died a white guy got his inheritance, not his kids.

    Our conversation wasnt about slavery, I literally just mentioned a question asked by my professor and an interesting (in my opinion) fact. I didnt have any intention of minimizing the white people's roles!

    And personally I think that the question “is slavery a result…” Is a very broad one. But still, I didnt ask my BF that question, I just mentioned that it was asked in my uni.

  20. The whole thing is that you weren't exclusive. Therefore it was frankly none of your business. When I met my boyfriend now of almost 3 years I was talking to someone else at the time. And when I realized my guy was actually great and the other was really gross we went exclusive that day. And he has never cared. It's not something to obsess over and if it bothers you so much then that's your problem. Deal with it how you want but realized she has done nothing wrong

  21. He's probably not cheating but it could be a point of divergence in the relationship. Always important to pay attention to those. Make her your friend?

  22. Any parent obviously wants to be in their kids life, but it’s better to never see them than for them to die

  23. Did he just give you the excuse of a 5 year old?! “Why did you hit your brother?” “I dunno”. Yikes.

  24. I do not blame her. I just wish she would try to be less involved in our relationship and push her point of view onto it. I also understand he’s an adult and if he’s easily swayed by something someone says then it’s a ?

  25. Your girlfriend went to another college and went to all the parties. She told you she cheated on you. And you keep digging for any possible reason to stay.

    What are you looking for here exactly? It sounds like you keep hammering her until she changes her mind to what you want it to be.

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