Madison Jones live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 27, 2022

10 thoughts on “Madison Jones live webcams for YOU!

  1. This would be a fine comparison if it was her clit or labia that was pierced. Dicks and tits aren't comparable lmao.

  2. You have been fair.

    He might try to get out of paying child support by saying the child isn't his and petitioning the courts for a DNA test.

    So be prepared for that.

  3. An example of how this could’ve been avoided as another “you always have to be right” scenario would’ve been so say “is there a particular reason you’d prefer the train? Because I’m concerned that the current strikes might affect the schedules. Are you totally married to the train idea? Or could we compare the options before we make a decision?”

    My dad is someone who has to be right all the time. And I have always fought against it being something I do because I find it frustrating with him.

    The best way to do that is change how you approach discussions with people. Instead of stating your counter opinion first, start with curiosity about theirs. That way it’s more of a discussion than what can feel like an argument. Responses like “that’s really interesting, I haven’t heard it explained that way before.” Or, “I’m curious where you heard that? It’s new information to me put like that.” “Wow. I could totally be wrong, but I’ve heard it the complete opposite way. I wonder how we both came to different conclusions.”

    There is the possibility as well that your gf is like my husband, and sees any type of discussion or healthy debate as an argument. I don’t mind disagreeing and hashing things out with people, but he hates the conflict inherent in disagreements. So with him I make sure not to disagree about something unless it’s really important.

    Don’t ask her opinion about something if you’re just going to argue that your opinion was right all along. An example of this is my dad will ask my mum “would you rather have Turkish for dinner or Japanese?” Then whatever she says, disagree and make the decision he always wanted. She gets so annoyed that he bothered asking if he wasn’t actually going to take her opinion into account.

    So that’s my two cents: 1) be more curious in how you approach and phrase any differences in opinion. 2) don’t bother disagreeing over things that really don’t matter.

    Because like someone earlier said, would you rather be right or happy. Because if you insist on being right, you may end up unhappy because your insistence on being right makes others unhappy with you. Especially if it’s about something inconsequential.

  4. Oh? That wasn't very clear from your post.

    Guilt is a feeling that demands absolution. In my experience that absolution can be found through self reflection and introspection. If your husband did wrong to you then he is accountable for his wrong regardless of the wrong you did against him. You should hold him accountable for his failings, just as you are being held accountable for yours. If the goal is for everyone to be as happy as they can possibly be, yourself included, then martyring yourself in guilt serves no purpose. it's a continuation of the selfish behaviors that lead to the guilt the first place.

  5. My current boyfriend bought me my phone and I would have never considered expecting him to pay the monthly fees. That's insane.

  6. I don't think he's planning on seeing you again, and even if he was, you definitely shouldn't see him again.

  7. When I got pregnant with my first child, my MIL and I didn’t get along well. She didn’t support my marriage to her son because we were young. Throughout my pregnancy, she pushed having an elective c section because she had c sections and thought they were awesome. My now ex husband made it clear she needed to back the fuck off or risk her relationship with her grandchild.

    You know what she did? She became one of our biggest supporters. She bought the crib, showered us with gifts and me with attention, painted the nursery for us. She was there for my entire 30 hours of labor (also induced early due to preeclampsia) and got to see her grandchild be born. She came to visit and brought us food every time, helped with the baby so I could rest, and was overall extremely helpful during my postpartum period. She did NOT demand that her son and I cater to her, bring our newborn to her house, or have tantrums when I was too sore and tired to entertain guests. She’s now incredibly close to all three of my kids and it improved our relationship considerably.

    You chose the absolute nuclear route to go by speaking to an attorney. No judge in the country will give grandparents rights to a grandparent whose own child doesn’t want them to see their kids. The fact that your child won’t speak to you says volumes about your character and parents are allowed to make choices in the best interest of the child. Right now you are NOT in their best interest. It sounds like your son was dying to move out of your house and your oldest granddaughter didn’t care for you much if she didn’t want to see you after that. My now 12 year old has refused to see my own narcissistic mother since she was 9 because even at that age, she could see how my mother is.

    You fucked yourself, OP. Get some therapy and maybe you can see the error of your ways. But this may be a bridge you burned that is irreparable.

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