Lu, ♥ the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Lu, ♥

Lu, ♥ live sex chat

Date: November 4, 2022

13 thoughts on “Lu, ♥ the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. There is a thing called platonic love. And when you are vulnerable or in a more down state of mind it is easy to mistake that for true love. She supported you, cared about you and etc. So maybe you are just starved for those things in a partner. You could have clinged to the care and let it escalate in your mind into a full blown crush. But it is just a presumption.

    All in all in order to love someone, you need them to love you back. Without it you just love the idea of what it could be that you created in your head.

    DO NOT tell her. She is happy and does not deserve to have this burden placed upon her. She loves you as a friend, so you telling her will do nothing but put her in a place where she has to distance herself from you.

    My advice: therapy. Try to find out why this could have happened and with the tools a therapist can give you, heal and move on from this.

  2. Wait, which bit would be seen as abuse? I'm assuming the checking because at that age he could check himself, but not the rest, right?

  3. Ask your mum.

    Reaction could go either way.

    And often on reddit you would see it’s the ones accusing all the time that are cheating.

  4. All of your feelings are valid and natural.

    Either show her this post and our comments, or be brutally honest with her. Tell her how exhausted you are, physically and mentally. Tell her you’re at the end of your rope. Tell her you love her, but you can’t be the one that keeps her going.

    You want kids. Can you live without them? Or will you grow resentful and bitter?

    I’m so, so sorry. —hugs—

  5. I’ve been crying so much I can’t even open my eyes anymore. I used to be that paranoid girl cuz I’ve been here before, I built up all the walls so I wasn’t gonna be cheated and betrayed again. Guess who teared down those walls? What a joke.

    His dad was unfaithful and he grew up knowing that, he knew how that destroyed his mom and how much resentment she had for her husband. I don’t want my son to grow up in that environment, he’s only 1 so he doesn’t understand any of this yet. But you’re right, babies are smart and they see everything, even if they don’t understand it.

  6. The lead is a dick. This is easy. Bring in a pizza party for the team. Or Donuts. Or.. whatever.

  7. Well then he doesn’t, because they’re a part of her and so is the psychological reasoning behind her wanting them. If he only likes her to look and behave the way he wants her to look and behave, he doesn’t actually like her.

  8. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I (31F) been dating my bf (33M) for just over a month and he’s had a hard time maintaining his erection during sex. He doesn’t cum from sex and usually needs to jerk off. Fortunately he stays hard long enough for me to cum most of the time (he says I cum pretty quickly compared to others he’s been with). He doesn’t seem to think his ED issue is a problem since I finish first, but the sex doesn’t last long and sometimes he can’t stay hard long enough for me to cum. This is not the way I imagined sex with anyone I’d want to be with long-term. I also wonder about how this would affect our ability to have kids. He looked into a non-invasive treatment and they quoted ~$1400, and he asked if I could share the costs or do a ratio split of some sort. I think sharing costs is unnecessary since it’s his body and it’s a heath procedure with lifelong outcomes. He said he’s only considering the procedure for me and he’s fine with his situation otherwise. I wouldn’t ask him to share costs of an IUD given it’s my body. I think he should foot his own medical bills especially this early on in the relationship. Any advice on how to handle the situation?

  9. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I (31F) been dating my bf (33M) for just over a month and he’s had a hard time maintaining his erection during sex. He doesn’t cum from sex and usually needs to jerk off. Fortunately he stays hard long enough for me to cum most of the time (he says I cum pretty quickly compared to others he’s been with). He doesn’t seem to think his ED issue is a problem since I finish first, but the sex doesn’t last long and sometimes he can’t stay hard long enough for me to cum. This is not the way I imagined sex with anyone I’d want to be with long-term. I also wonder about how this would affect our ability to have kids. He looked into a non-invasive treatment and they quoted ~$1400, and he asked if I could share the costs or do a ratio split of some sort. I think sharing costs is unnecessary since it’s his body and it’s a heath procedure with lifelong outcomes. He said he’s only considering the procedure for me and he’s fine with his situation otherwise. I wouldn’t ask him to share costs of an IUD given it’s my body. I think he should foot his own medical bills especially this early on in the relationship. Any advice on how to handle the situation?

  10. This level of cruelty is horrifying (and that of the co-worker, too!)

    Hooray for Benji, super relieved you are away and safe. Divorce is entirely appropriate here btw.

    Best wishes and healing to you and your floof!

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