Lorena and Rony live webcams for YOU!


fuck Pussy [Multi Goal]

Date: December 29, 2022

28 thoughts on “Lorena and Rony live webcams for YOU!

  1. You absolutely need to break up with him. It didn’t fair to him that you waste his time and potential prevent him from meeting someone that actually does want to be with him.

    It’s selfish for you to continue this. Being on your own can be scary but you’ll just have to put yourself out there and set this boy free.

  2. Hello /u/NeighborhoodSpare733,

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  3. Hahaha what a home wrecker but what did you expect. So you’re telling me, you didn’t like watching someone fuck the dog shit out of your girl?

  4. Oh I see, so you were seeing your fiance before your divorce was even finalized. This tells me that you were either cheating or that she was a rebound. I think you and your ex need to admit to each other that you are still emotionally involved. That is why neither one of you wants to dissolve the business or let one of you buy the other out.

    You need to admit to your fiance that the only reason you got with her was because you wanted a child. You also need to admit to her that you are not over your ex and let her move on to someone who really wants to be with her.

  5. I don't want to be a downer here but THC at a young age (especially for men) has serious ties to early onset alzheimer's or weaker long-term memory.

  6. Thank you. My world's really turned upside down in the last 24 hrs. What I thought was just a goofy guy is turning out to be a monster.

  7. Unfortunately towards the end of high school a lot of friend ships/ groups fizzle out. Its not necessarily something someone did its just life gets in the way and people realize they cant maintain countless friendships anymore. Im only friends with one person from high school when i was in a group with over 30+. Youll gain better friends who are actually mature and will make the time.

  8. Yeah like it was long distance for a while just seeing eachother for about 4 months. Then we started the relationship exclusively, long distance too for another 4 months then I moved down to hers. Sorry I should have added that in at one point.

  9. That’s all they ever wanna do when they want to open the relationship in the long ass marriages. They’re just looking for permission to cheat. And then it’s all shocked Pikachu when their wives find someone because if they don’t find their wife special why would another man. But they forget that at one point in time they found their wife remarkable so another man will and oh cue the regret and crying and why didn’t I consider that no they were just thinking of I wanna bust a nut and now They are alone again or with a vapid hoe bag instead of a supporting life partner.

  10. Leave Stock up on Narcan until you leave Lots states have good Samaritan laws. If you see someone OD'ing you can call 911 without fear of being locked up.

    “What you are doing is going to kill you, and I dont want to watch you die, so I'm leaving”

    addiction isnt a moral failing, but it is a disease that requires treatment. If he doesnt get treatment he will die. You are not obligated to sit around and watch it happen

  11. Can you break the lease? As it is a better alternative. Than staying with someone who has no respect for you or your supposedly relationship.

  12. I do. I typically keep my work clothes in the guest room closet because they smell like…work in Chicago (Lol, think that's the best way to put it). But thank you, will be keep up at it at getting to the bottom of it the best way I can.

  13. Washing/showering before sex is like wiping after a shit, neither is a curtesy, it’s a damn requirement, lol

  14. It's probably because she isn't 16 anymore. I heard a lot of women get a lot less attention into their 20s. Which by itself is pretty gross but unsurprising with the world today

  15. Wow. If it were my wedding I'd just let him embarrass himself. It's not funny, He and his parents will be amused but everybody else is just going to go “wow, that guy is an idiot”

  16. dude cut them both out of your life and go to therapy this can‘t be healthy, why do you want to be together with someone who assaulted you multiple times. He clearly doesn‘t care about you if he did that and I wouldn‘t be surprised if BF and your „friend“ have something going on.

  17. Wow. If it were my wedding I'd just let him embarrass himself. It's not funny, He and his parents will be amused but everybody else is just going to go “wow, that guy is an idiot”

  18. But then where do we draw the line? If we are saying even legal adults shouldn't be making decisions, then why do we let them make voting decisions? Decisions where they have to put their life on risk like joining military? Why let them do anything where there are chances of them being misled or manipulated?

    I am not saying what is happening is okay but there are tons of inconsistencies to wrap my head around.

  19. You said to the other commenter that they don't understand because they are not a woman. And suddenly it's not important because it doesn't suit your narrative at the moment. Changing what you say every time someone says something inconvenient or showing your inconsistency is an action of someone immature. Not to mention it's obvious thanks to your last reply that you are a shitty and not loyal partner. Your mask of a poor oblivious girl has slipped. Lol

    I worked in different environments and places. And had to navigate through many different situations. Never stringed a guy to eventually reap benefits from it and thanks to this I haven't had any problems because of it. Boundaries can be set in a diplomatic way. You are entertaining him because otherwise you would lose those benefits.

    Reading a post and writing a reply is like two minutes, if that's being invested for you, you have enormous problems in focus and thinking department.

    Nah, people seeing through your bs are honest and not an inconsiderate. I'm not blaming women for actions of creeps preying on them. I'm judging your actions of being disloyal to your bf and benefitting from stringing a guy who you don't want to set boundaries with. Don't lump yourself with women that actually want to get out of the situation they are uncomfortable with, not saying “if he's a sucker, he can give me more money” or “my bf is weak because he suffers consequences of my actions”. You are contradicting yourself constantly.

    And it's “your status”.

  20. It is an unethical for people in relationships, treat others like their maids the pure laziness is totally unfathomable. I would not be in a relationship that I’m expected to do everything a partnership is equal, not one-sided.

  21. Makes sense to me. She is saying you show your love by things other than sex. Yeah, she is right

  22. The baby progresses in development weekly that's why people refer to it in weeks not months. Same thing with the development until toddler years.

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