Lily live webcams for YOU!


Play with nipples 5 min [Multi Goal]

Date: November 27, 2022

11 thoughts on “Lily live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yes please. These men who despise women, I am begging them to just either date men or nobody at all. Leave us alone if you can't stand us, ffs.

  2. It was frustrating to read this and hear the terrible way you've been treated. So I very much understand why people here are recommending angry retorts to his behavior.

    However, maybe there's a beneficial way to go about this, redirecting his negative energy. If he is like most men, he simply wants to feel respected (and doesn't understand he is getting in his own way of that). Have you asked him, “When you make these requests of me, are you honestly trying to help me, or is it something else? What's behind the way you treat me?” If he doesn't know, tell him that's okay, and to stop making such requests until he figures it out. When he does have an answer, if there's anything good in his intentions, I think it's possible to affirm that goodness, while also telling him what alternate ways he can treat you, to live out those intentions in ways that breathe life into the relationship.

    Perhaps he's like that because his father was a doormat and he despised it. Perhaps he grew up poor and it means a lot for him to give you nice things. Perhaps… well, there a million possible explanations. I hope he opens up honestly and tells you, and that you're able to come up with healthy ways to redirect the energy you're experiencing.

    I'm sorry you're in this situation. It sounds awful.

  3. Well, all of what you just said is logical and reasonable. Problem is, his GF is not in a logical and reasonable mindset right now. You can't use logic to get her out of a position she didn't use logic to get into. I agree she needs separation from her friend, that might be the only thing that will clear up the GF's head on this.

  4. Is your house completely childproof?

    I'd say in terms of what's in my house relatively yes. I am open to criticism if she has any but those have not been made known to me. I just bought the house last month so it's pretty new.

    Is anyone living with you?

    I will have a roommate that I've known for over a decade and teaches children for a living. He's only staying until he gets his own house.

    Is your house clean enough for an infant?

    Yes it is because it's a new house. No because I have boxes currently from moving. But I'm not trying to have the baby over right now but in a month.

    Do you have any relatives who will be coming out and trying to do potentially harmful things like kissing the baby – risking infections?

    Just my grandma in terms of holding the baby. I may have friends over but not to touch her. That being said, she is religious and her church people have been to her place and I've held my tongue.

    What about Covid and other infectious diseases?

    I am vaccinated and would want everyone around her to be so.

    Are there people coming in and out of your house with frequency that could give something to your child?

    No more than she would have people over. I can think of 12 people that may be over for any reason.

    An infant is still developing its immune system, needs to have security, consistency, stability and of course safety. Can you promise us that you are offering all of that, and at your dwelling is on a par with where the child now is? If so, it should not be a problem.

    This isn't something I feel I can quantify in a reddit post. But I am more confident in what I have to offer than the mother. I have a whole house with a separate room for when she gets older. Currently, mom lives in an apartment and has to share a pretty small room with the baby. While the common rooms of her place are clean. If there is any critism of my ability to clean, I would also direct those back at the mother. Personally, her room and past places she's lived in were not clean places at all. To reiterate, I think I have a much better living situation, hands down. One that I do not object to the mother utilizing on “my days” with the baby.

  5. I'm really sorry for what you went through, and I wish you a very fast recovery. Truth is, you've been raped, repeatedly. There's just no other way around it. And the man in your life, who's supposed to protect you from that happening (I know women don't need men for that, but just saying) is the one who brought it down on you. He knows of your emotional attachment to him and he's exploiting it in the most disgusting way possible.

    You're still young, and you have your whole life ahead of you. Please, please, leave that relationship as soon as possible. You owe this to yourself. I hope you find love with a decent human being who will value you for who you are. Best of luck with you.

  6. Tell us about her family. Do you know her dad? Mom? How was she raised? Does she have a good relationship with them?

    Tbh i could answer these lol but trying not to. I think she has issues that needs therapy so she can go look for healthy relationships.

    And honestly you too. This aint it for either of you.

  7. Are her accusations of being financially abusive tied to the times she is overspending?

    I mean, you're not hiding anything from her – she's welcome to join you in speaking with the accountant. She could probably make her own appointment to do so if she wished to on her own, I expect. She's your support to continue as a SAHM or pursue education or employment.

    None of that looks like financial abuse or control to me.

    Good on you for working on yourself and working to be more present and capable as a father and around the house. Hopefully she'll engage with you…. and start addressing what's upsetting her.

  8. Changes made that are only because someone threatens to break up with you are not likely to stick.

  9. And I'm saying that OP is acting weird about not being invited to the ceremony and acting like he's the one man out. Every wedding I've been to like the one he's describing has taken 1-2 years to plan. They have been together around 2yrs. Depending on when the save the date went out, he may not even be considered as someone to he at the ceremony. Honestly, the ceremony is the boring part, the pictures are the boring part the only good part is the reception. To me personally I feel there is information missing on why he feels he needs to be at the ceremony when he's already invited to the reception.

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