Lia-sun live webcams for YOU!


lia-sun Public Chat Channel

Date: March 31, 2023

12 thoughts on “Lia-sun live webcams for YOU!

  1. I really appreciate the response. It made me reflect and I realize how much I was affected by a 10-year enmeshed friendship where my friend would go silent treatment for indefinite periods of time where she’d constantly be considering ending the friendship. It was controlling but also my norm for so long. Even though I’m finally free of that friendship I feel so flooded and triggered when conflict occurs with my relationship because I’ve had to unlearn this style of communication (or lack thereof). I’m learning to tell my partner I’m not going anywhere but just need time to process when conflicts arise.

  2. She sounds like a pretty cool lady, and I’m sorry for your loss. Those are parts of the “THINK” acronym for pro-social communication. Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? Is it kind? If it’s missing too many of these aspects, don’t say it.

  3. You evidently barely knew your husband before you married him. Seems as if you're so young to be married anyway. Not understanding how you got yourself into this. What a shitshow.

  4. I cannot believe the sheer amount of people who think forgiveness is moot. They must never have done anything wrong in their lives, never have hurt or disappointed anyone. It's insane the amount of saints in our midst. People change. People grow. When they aren't in denial of the hurt they've caused and express regret of their actions what is the point of holding their past against them? I'd understand your reluctance to forgive if he had done someone tragic, like hit your friend with his car, or something irrevocable of the sort.

    The bully you knew is long gone. Whether you forgive him or not, you're mad at a child who is no more.

    Consider forgiving him. Consider it practice for forgiving your own children, who WILL disrespect you, disappoint you, lie to you, talk back to you and shut you out. It is what kids do. It's what growing up is. Acting in ways they will later regret.

  5. This man will drain your happiness and energy for the rest of your life. Say goodbye to any dreams you had of vacations and good relationships with your friends. And enjoy raising your kids all by yourself.

    Trust me, he’s showing you who he is and you can’t fix him.

  6. He can choose to walk away from the vulnerable little life that he created, but it'd leave the poor kid worse off and that's the ultimate test of character, isn't it? Trading your comfortable existence for someone else's when their entire existence was your choice. There certainly are bad options, and that is a big one.

    The alternative view is teehee, I ejaculated millions of sperm directly into a fertile womb which is indistinguishable from deliberately conceiving but I had my fingers crossed behind my back so byeeee.

    Those maligned baby boomers supposedly had a thing about participation trophies and it turns out they weren't wrong! You play the game, you get the prize. It pays out for 18 years or life, whatever is sooner.

  7. She could flip??? She unplugged all the electronics and brought them upstairs while throwing all of his clothes downstairs. This person is completely unhinged

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