Laura Cristina live webcams for YOU!


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Date: February 7, 2023

33 thoughts on “Laura Cristina live webcams for YOU!

  1. Oh boy. He said a dumb. It's not a big deal that he was with someone more experienced and adventurous than you. It's a bit of a big deal he told you. That was a dumb and shitty thing to do but doesn't sound like it was meant maliciously. It might just take a while for you to heal from the comment. Give it some time.

  2. Since she crossed your boundaries, don't continue to see her. She could get pregnant from leakage. Not trying to cause panic but that could be her angle.

  3. You're right, he's not really interested. But him never having had a gf before (at his age), he's probably too inexperienced to even realize it or care. He's not going to end it. But you should. You deserve better

  4. Are you hanging around with folks who smoke? Places where others smoke??

    Because it does permeate everything.

    Your car probably has enough smoke smell to last for years. Air it out as much as you can.

  5. Seriously! Some massive record scratch moment when he mentioned he's a father. Who needs that kind of drama in their life when they're 21, living with same age college friends and has to imagine she'd be at least a part time step mother within the next year.

  6. I understand that you have been through, and are going through a lot. You did not deserve the way you were treated by your parents, and anorexia is a very challenging disorder that comes with highs, and lows. But despite this, it’s not your boyfriend’s job to be your emotional punching bag and endure abuse at your hands just because you’re going through personal challenges. The lying, yelling, emotional manipulation, blaming relapses on him for trying to live his own life and study abroad for three months… he did not deserve that and it was probably traumatic for him just as your own abuse at the hands of your parents was traumatic for you.

    The best thing you can do for your ex boyfriend is let him move on and heal from everything you put him through in your relationship. And then put your energy into your own personal journey and making sure you have a better handle on your ED, traumas, and BPD before you try to start a relationship with anyone else.

    Your ex may forgive you one day but he may not. He doesn’t owe you forgiveness and he doesn’t owe you a relationship again. You need to accept that and grow from your mistakes and let him move on.

  7. OP, I’m confused, how do you know it isn’t porn?

    Maybe she felt emboldened by your absence to watch in the living g room with the speakers up, move furniture and just do some freaky shit while you’re out of town?

    Dan said he didn’t see anyone else. It’s a possibility

  8. But they could have just never seen him again. I doubt OP's father is sitting at home feeling he's learned a good lesson, he'll be thinking he was right not to trust OP's husband.

  9. I see a therapist once a week and we talk tomorrow. The shock is overwhelming, and my brain is trying to adjust to the information. Just makes it more difficult to cut off communication.

  10. I’m tempted to tear you a new one for marrying someone who literally helped bully another human being to suicide. But in the interests of actually helping your son, who is an innocent child being negatively affected by yours and your husband’s bad choices and behaviour, I’ll try to keep this constructive.

    It is completely inappropriate for you to punish your son for behaviours and attitudes that you and your husband continue to exhibit. Children have a razor sharp sense of hypocrisy; why should be have his TV time taken away for picking on another person, when his dad is allowed to do the same thing and you laugh along? The fact that you, as adults, do this behind other people’s backs and not to their faces makes no difference to a child – they don’t understand the distinction. Which is actually good, because it shows you the truth – that belittling someone behind their backs is STILL BULLYING, even if you tell yourself it’s harmless. Children also lack impulse control and are much more “in their bodies” than adults, so they’re just as likely to use physical violence as cruel words and don’t make the distinction between the two so clearly. If you’re allowed to say nasty things about someone, you should be allowed to hit them, because at a fundamental level it’s not only acceptable but normal and amusing to treat certain people badly. This is what he’s learning from you.

    If you’re going to enforce consequences for your child’s behaviour – as you should – then you AND your husband also need to model the positive behaviour you do want to see. Think about how confusing it is for an 8 year old to be punished for doing something that he sees his primary adult role models do every day. There’s no way he can actually learn anything in such circumstances; he’ll just become even more confused and angry. Children learn from our example far more than from our rules or our lectures; if you want him to stop being a bully, you and your husband have to stop too.

    You say your husband is a good man, but I’d argue that only showing care and respect to people you personally care about is not the attitude of a good person. The fact that it may result from a difficult childhood is not an excuse; it shows a basic lack of empathy for anyone who he doesn’t have a personal connection with, and that’s something your child has picked up on. It puts non-family and friends in a separate category where their feelings are less important, less real, less deserving of respect than the feelings of those we care about. It creates “us and them” categories where there are two sets of rules for how you’re allowed to treat people; are you really surprised your son is hurting other kids, if that’s the attitude he’s seen his dad model all his life?

    I’m not saying your husband has to become a saint or anything, but you both have to agree on minimum standards of decency and kindness and model those consistently for your children. I suspect your husband will have to do some serious work on his own issues before you can do this, because the way he treats people speaks of a deeply damaged and insecure person who uses a lack of kindness towards others as a way to feel powerful and safe. Also if your husband really thinks he turned out fine, consider that times are different now; tolerance for bullying even at a young age is WAY lower, and the behaviour that he was able to get away with 20 years ago may have serious repercussions for your son if he does the same. Never mind the fact that if he goes through life as a bully, he’s unlikely to end up being a very happy person or having healthy relationships with friends or partners. If doing the right thing at a moral level isn’t enough to motivate him to change, consider that this is the best possible way to keep your child safe and give him a good future. Even if your husband is only capable of caring about a chosen few people, I would hope his own son’s future matters enough to him that he’d be prepared to put the work in.

  11. This has to be a troll post. Someone can’t be this awful and terrible of a human being and this stupid all at once.

  12. lol you got playyyyeeeeeddddd! and you still want to take the high road. you dumb? yes…..the answer is….yes.

  13. Don't get yourself too wound up over this aspect of it. Real life isn't often as dramatic as TV. In fact most law enforcement agencies have pretty strict rules about this sort of crap. He may be too busy trying to keep his job to use it against you. Not to mention the divorce or…theoretically…reconciliation.

    Unless you live in Bumfuq, Nowhere where the “good ol' boys” make their own laws and all those other old cliches, you'll be fine.

  14. It's pretty terrifying that he's 33 years old. This sounds like something a VERY immature and entitled teenager would do. And let me just say, the people who go around yelling how their co-workers and people around them are all idiots are usually the biggest idiot there.

    I doubt he'll ever get his old job back, and he just lost a reference/ probably got his whole reputation destroyed in his field. So he better suck up his pride and take a job wherever he can find one, even if it is “beneath him” and try and rebuild his reputation.

  15. It sounds to me like your FWB wants to explore their feelings towards you but also they are in love with their current partner. Since your adding that you don’t see yourself developing feelings for the current partner, I’d say stay out of it. If you are not open to exploring and developing a relationship with both of these people who, sounds like, are in a committed partnership then you shouldn’t get involved. Openness and sharing are important pillars of any poly relationship.

    That said, as an internet stranger I vote you explore building a poly relationship with both these people since you are in love with one. Love is always worth pursuing. Good luck to you!

  16. She did not want to support you through that or subject herself to your family. I personally am not sure I would be willing to put up with a difficult potential in law. For different reasons based on experience.

    I’m not saying it’s right. I’m not saying it’s fair. I’m just saying that you didn’t do anything wrong and that you will be better off being with someone who will support you and be willing to stand beside you.

  17. i am not seeking validation rather asking for advice. if you do not agree with me that’s fine. I am not against different opinions. but to attack me as a person when you know nothing about me or the relationship is where i cross the line. i have people messaging me offering me advice bc they’ve been in these situations whether it’s from my perspective or my bfs. the “argument” we had was more of a respectful debate. there’s no need to get all upset about what I said, you sound bitter and like a cheater ?

  18. At this point just tell him so you can figure out together, after 4 years dating communication shouldn't be this hard.

  19. How do you think it's not a fire hazard to smoke inside the building if it's a fire hazard ro smoke right outside it. Dude….

  20. Be careful she might be cheating herself and projecting her feelings onto you. Might be good to check that angle.

  21. If it's a small issue why is he willing to break up with you about it? The issue isn't your clothes, it's him being insecure and controlling.

  22. If it's a small issue why is he willing to break up with you about it? The issue isn't your clothes, it's him being insecure and controlling.

  23. I don’t want to not have him in my life? I just want to know if it’s possible for the relationship to be successful like this.

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