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4 thoughts on “lanataylorlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Have you thought about losing weight and getting in shape? Your partner might not be attracted to you any more.

  2. A month and a half is still the puppy stage. Maybe it has to do with her autism, but I don't know, I don't know much about neuro-diverse issues. But people with Autism don't communicate well or rather, “because autistic children are unable to read emotional affect in others, they do not have the full range of perception to gauge and adjust their own communication skills.” So she may not be communicating well, basically.

  3. If you don't want to get married to her with every fiber of your being, then don't propose. You don't need to break up with her, but make it clear that you do not intend to propose for at least how ever many years. She can then decide if it's a dealbreaker.

    DO NOT CAVE into doing something you don't want to do out of fear of losing her.

  4. OP I think you need to be more assertive in your communications to your wife. Tell her this is a marriage ending issue for you, because it’s not at all about how she looks but is about how she’s reacted to you expressing a concern over something that is significantly impacting your wellbeing. You’ve come to her with a valid concern about something that negatively impacts your life and she’s minimized your feelings, told you to just ignore it and suck it up, and this is despite her being the one best suited to make the situation better for you. Tell her you’re not willing to accept inaction from her. Don’t be willing to accept it. Ask her if she would to the same thing to your daughter (minimize and tell her to “suck it up” because she doesn’t see something your child is really struggling with as a big deal). However your wife responds to that, you can consider it and decide what you find acceptable from there.

    Your wife needs to support you with this, plain and simple. It doesn’t matter if she thinks the situation is a big deal or not, what matters is that you have told her it’s a big deal to you (assuming you have, and haven’t just made passing comments without truly addressing the seriousness of the impact on you and your daughter) and she has ignored that. If she’s a decent partner she will try to understand it from your perspective and work with you to make the situation better.

    It’s not about what other people think, and it’s definitely not about her looks. It’s about her minimizing your valid concern, ignoring a situation that is negatively effecting you and your daughter, and dismissing your view of the situation as being less important than her own assessment of the same. That shows some serious lack of empathy from her, which is understandable to be upset about.

    All this is predicated on the assumption you’ve communicated the severity of the impact on your life with her. Please make sure you’ve actually communicated to her how severely you’re being impacted, and how you need her help in dealing with people outside the relationship. It’s not a big deal to her because she’s either positively impacted by it (she likes it that she looks young) or neutral. She needs to know it’s it’s a big deal to you. Use lots of “I” statements – I feel this, I am impacted this way, I would like it if you could help me with this. The words “you should” or “you always” or “you need to” aren’t going to be helpful here.

    Best of luck! It’s not an easy situation, and not something you need to just ignore or suck up.

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