KylieBlaze live webcams for YOU!


Free the boobies #topless time [Multi Goal]

Date: October 4, 2022

17 thoughts on “KylieBlaze live webcams for YOU!

  1. I think that there's a explanation way more simple than a crazy test.

    GF really can't go and it's afraid exactly that OP would take a really REALLY good friend, if you know what I mean.

    So GF wants OP to take Sys just to keep him for going with someone else and plus keep an eye on him.

    Very insecure and immature but not as crazy as this test thing

  2. Tell her she needs to see a therapist about him because he clearly traumatized her but you don't have the wherewithal to listen to the constant stream of vitriol about him.

  3. NTA.

    I don’t know if I’d say he is a full-on A either, just selfish and immature. You were definitely deceived, this is something he should have brought up as soon as things grew more physical. He got off and you don’t get to? F that, dump that weak sauce.

    I take it back, he is an ass.

  4. Most women won't judge you, I actually 'like' when my bf cries because he isn't afraid to be vulnerable with me

  5. Not really, im a big proponent of self defense and safety, me and my s/o have our own tree, then i also have my parents and siblings on a separate tree on that app.

    Me and my s/o have been together (6yrs in february) and have communicated so much before. The app helps especially because she has an old iphone that dies quick, so i get a notification when it goes under 10% and i remind her to charge or i just ask where she will be within an hour just in case. We are pretty open in communication which did not come easy. I think over time there will be better comfort between you

  6. Anyone can fake being nice for 2 months. Abusive and toxic people often seem too good to be true at first. That’s how they catch their victims.

    One thing sticks out about how “perfect” things are is it’s all material, and you say you protest him buying you things but he does it anyway. That communicates to me that your wishes don’t actually matter to him. I would wonder what you owe him for it in the long term. My husband wouldn’t buy me something I specifically tell him not to because he respects my wishes. For example, he wanted my input on the wedding ring he got me because I am the one that would be wearing it and he wanted to get me a big flashy ring but I had something else in mind so he bought the one I wanted instead.

    Under no circumstances would someone that respects you say such horrible things to you. Period. Especially over something so minor. I would have an incredibly hard time trusting someone after this.

  7. why does no one no how to read… i said she might feel that way. i wanted to give her a little support since OP is being so condescending and acting like he knows exactly what’s going on in her brain. i also mentioned that minor plastic surgery clearly isn’t actually an issue for him because he had no idea she even had surgery until recently. i think he just doesn’t want to be able to tell she has plastic surgery and he’s worried she’ll go further. which, if that’s the issue, then ask her about her plastic surgery plans.

  8. You can love someone and not be with them.

    Sometimes these behaviours just cannot be worked out within a relationship and a person needs to be on their own to learn and grow.

    It really is a chance for you to work on any insecurities, see what fuels the jealousy and heal it so you can better deal with these situations in the future.

  9. So you hooked up with your husband who had abandoned his family. You pumped out two kids with him, made your 6 year old his primary caregiver until he died 4 years later. Named her the same name as one of the kids he abandoned originally. Farmed her out to family to raise after she finished her caretaker gig with her father, are calling her a psychopath and mad she isn't financially supporting you? Do I have that right?

  10. Well she clearly has little respect for you or your agreed upon boundaries. She is testing your resolve littler by little and you are whining but conceding ground each time. May be time to find that missing backbone. Now it’s a sugar baby date to a ball, next it’ll be an open relationship you didn’t want. Just saying

  11. Judging by your comments you’re shifting your lifestyle to appease him. This may work for you now, but i guarantee it will boil up 10 years down the road if you choose to stay with him. Even cutting back on your enjoyments isn’t enough, it sounds like he wants you to stop socializing altogether. You need to have a partner that either wants to enjoy these things with you, or has no issue with you doing these things you enjoy (assuming there is no reason for him not to trust you). Sounds toxic as hell and I wouldn’t be letting my partner tell me what I can and can’t do. Break it off and live it up, you’re young.

  12. Thank u so much! I'm very blessed honestly and have a really silly ass husband who is obsessed with his little girl already so i can't complain. ?

  13. So sad to read this sort of stuff.

    Have some standards and boundaries. This guy can take a fucking hike. Easy come easy go. NEXT.

  14. I suggest crossposting this to r/LGBT for some answers that may better address what is happening between you and your friend. I know you said that you are not gay and neither is he but, you are engaged in homosexual situation-ship. I think you should ask for advice from that community.

    My advice: you two need to have an open and honest conversation about what is really going on between you two.

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