Kylefoxx live webcams for YOU!


36 thoughts on “Kylefoxx live webcams for YOU!

  1. Your agreement outlined your boundaries (not sleeping with others) and therefor what you consider cheating. She violated your agreement. Don’t try and rationalize or justify her behavior, she cheated and lied.

  2. Is he seeing a therapist? Cause a depressive episode lasting months is plenty of ground for a clinical depression diagnosis(as far as I know) and with a diagnosis he can get proper treatment.

  3. Most people that don’t wanna get married and stuff might be because they already married and can’t seem to get the other person to get a divorce and he probably doesn’t wanna bring that on to you but that’s my opinion I seen it happen a lot especially bcz of Las Vegas

  4. A good friend would be honest BEFORE walking away and give the person an opportunity to remedy.

    If you’re already past that point then there’s no point in wasting your breath. But there’s no need to “break up” formally either. Just stop calling her or taking her calls. Stop meeting up. If she asks why, I suppose you could tell her but it’s unlikely to make a difference.

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  6. Anything between very distanced to cordial/warm, honestly.

    It’s pretty natural for adults in their 20s to grow more independent. That process naturally leads to some distance between parent and child, but it’s not a bad kind of distance. It’s more of a “I respect you, so I don’t have to parent you anymore“ kind of thing. That’s the ideal.

    It’s when parents don’t want to give up on that dynamic, or when they are narcissistic m, cruel, or unaccepting, that I have seen people end up on the more-distanced end of that continuum.

  7. You do not need to understand him because he is not an understandable person.

    The way he is acting towards you shows that he views you as someone he has authority over.

    Please put a full stop to this reletionship. Everything about this person sounds like a 'only get worse' type situation.

  8. While I think it’s fine to be friends with exes, the lack of communication or boundary setting is odd. Does she often cause drama? Regardless, since you don’t want to be friends, just cut her off.

  9. Mate, what are you DOING???

    You barely know this woman, it's not your kid, you do NOT pay alimony or child maintenance!!! If she is concerned about her financial status, she needs to get a job.

    I was a single mother. I worked, paid my own mortgage and bills and didn't ask anyone to pay for me. Please protect yourself from a potential gold digger, you sound very naive.

  10. If my husband off and told me the outfit he doesn’t care for so much that I happen to love makes me look like a frumpy mom with no style and is obnoxious would he be praised for practicing radical honesty? Or would he just be a giant asshole to his wife? There’s a reason part of communication is to ask yourself before you speak what the intention of saying something might be. I don’t think he should have kept asking, but for Christ sakes why did she go into explicit details and explanations? Don’t borrow trouble.

  11. Totally different situation. I take care of my mom, she's disabled in bed, so basically all the load is on me. This is a very hard situation, to be someone's caretaker. People might think this is easy, but it can be so draining sometimes you can't avoid the bad thoughts, awful thoughts. Like how life would be better if you didn't have to deal with all this.

    It's hurtful, especially because even with all that, you love your wife deeply. I know it feels like a selfish decision, but it's not easy to deal with someone so sick. Also, your expectations and need are not being met. It's not her fault, obviously, and you knew that she had this problem, but like you said, you didn't expect the load you would have to deal with.

    If I was you, I would think really carefully, because you are not seeing a way out of this, and you already seeing you can't take much more. That and the fact you changed your mind and want kids… I would talk to her. Tell everything, that now you want kids, that you don't know if you still can deal with it.

    It's not fair to her to be with someone who doesn't want to be there, even if love is there. It's not fair to you to be there and forget all your wishes and dreams. Maybe it's better to do this now, while you both are still young and actually have a chance, than later. Also, there's no way this can be changed a bit? Her situation, I mean. Like Cannabis treatment or something? That can change everything for her.

    But anyways, this was way too long. I wish you the best of luck, whatever your decision is.

  12. I can’t tell you what’s a dealbreaker for you, but this would be an easy and quick decision.

    No one I’m dating could ever rebuild the trust they broke by accusing you like that

  13. Thank you! We’ve already set all the rules and planned very much ahead. This isn’t something we’re taking lightly and a lot of trust in relationship lead us to being to talk about something as serious as this.

  14. Walk away…..You’re clearly the backup plan and she’s trying to manipulate you

    Why should you be someone’s second choice? You deserve to be someone’s first choice and live a drama free life which you will never find with this woman

  15. Back story I was in a relationship with my boyfriend for like six months and I enjoyed those six months and me I have zero to no sex drive meaning I can go weeks/months without sex, but my boyfriend can't, he would ask for my sexual attention but I just brush it off, He would even trying making dates to get me in the mood but I couldn't.

    This is the definition of incompatibility.

    So my question is do guys really have high sex drive?? If so, what should I do to make my next or future partner understand my sex drive situation, because seems like sex is “important” in a relationships.

    Every person is different, you just need to establish this early on with each person you meet.

  16. I totally agree with all of this, as a real estate paralegal who previously did family law. It's a legal nightmare, I can't stress this to people enough. A friend of mine did this against my repeated warnings (v similar to OP, she made A LOT less than him). Long story short, she ended up $42k in debt from the house sale.

  17. I didn't mean to come off as rude and I'm sorry if I did, it's just my personal experience with dating cis guys has been much much worse regarding consent

  18. Leave her or I sweat I will find you and force you.

    It is unacceptable and unforgivable. Not in a million years.

    She is scum, utter and disgusting scum.

  19. How is it your birthday gift if you are uncomfortable and the other two are sooo excited about it? I don’t know any normal two best friends who would be so comfortable jumping into dirty conversations, much less sharing a husband between them. Something is sus, your wife might be into her best friend and this is her way of exploring her sexuality without feeling like she’s cheating. What’s worse is that she’s trying to gift wrap it as a good deed for you so you feel hesitant to even question it or back out. Very clever, I gotta give her that

  20. You can never 10000% know for sure- but you CAN watch for red flags that are easy to ignore without kids in the picture.

    How is he with chores/helping out? Are you always doing the bulk of the dishes/laundry/cleaning up after yourself and him? If not- great! If so (and he SUPER honest with yourself, REALLY admit it if you’re always the one cleaning up) this will only get worse after kids.

    Do either of you have pets? If so- how does he help out? People who never want to walk a dog, change a litter box, or spend any time with a pet that isn’t just the fun parts are NOT going to want to change a diaper or get up for night feedings.

    How does he handle being told “no,” when you’re too tired to watch a movie with him, go out for the night, have sex, do something fun? Someone who gets huffy when you say “no” is someone who is going to run you into the absolute dirt when you’re exhausted from child care. Someone who takes it in stride is someone who will likely be able to navigate parenthood well.

    Look for the (even minor) red flags. Division of labor Division of expenses Division of emotional labor Attitude when rejected Attitude when asked to step up and help Attitude towards people you care about, and service industry workers His tone and body language when expressing times he feels frustrated or upset

    If any of these things set off alarm bells to you- they’ll only get worse. If they don’t, he sounds like a great partner and potential father to your kids!

  21. Good news – I spoke to him on the way home from work and he's confirmed that he's planning to split their finances and have his own account for his pay. I'd mentioned it a few days ago – I guess he's thought it over and decided I was right.

    I also told her what she said about granddad's money, and he laughed and said “I hope to f*ck she doesn't think she's getting to spend that, your granddad didn't go without all his life so she can blow all his money”.

    It looks like he's taking what steps he can ?

  22. You’re right. And it sounds ridiculous when you say it out loud. I know herpes isn’t THAT bad but there’s such a stigma around it I know that most people would run! 🙁

  23. APOLOGIZE YOURSELF! Jesus christ dude what is WRONG with you? YOU ditch HER on your anniversary and you expect HER to reach out to YOU?! CONTACT HER. Then let HER dump your ass and now you never have to worry about disappointing her again. You DON'T deserve any relationship until you become a wayyy better person than you are now, and this is the first step.

  24. He clearly needs help understanding that birthcontrol pills and condoms are enough. Not finishing inside her is…. Not what OP wants, and that’s valid.

  25. it's not just about cleaning habits, it's about all aspects of their personality.

    A person doesn't change, not really. they can work on themselves if it's what they really want but ultimately changes made for others never stick.

    I dumped so many potential boyfriends because I didn't like what I saw. I refuse to settle when it comes to make it or break it issues.

    The last one told me it would be perfect! Maybe he could be the one to make me slow down (I am very active and always on the go with projects) and I could make him speed up (lazy couch potatoe man). I rolled my eyes, it doesn't work that way, you either want to be active because it's good for you or you don't, if you do it for someone else then you just end up resenting the person forcing you to do it. Another time a dude told me when he found out I didn't date smokers (they stink, sorry not sorry) that I could be the reason he quits!!! (OMG SO LUCKY!!!!!)

    Just like you forcing her to clean and her forcing you to live in a landfill. you need to figure out what is a “ok I can live with this” and what is a “nope, unsubscribe” to you in relationships.

  26. He added the car to his insurance. I talked to the insurance people and they said I wasn’t even allowed because his name wasn’t on the title m and he didn’t even put my name on his policy. This all happened at 3 am on Monday. He canceled the insurance on it a couple of hours ago

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