Kylamorrison live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 18, 2022

18 thoughts on “Kylamorrison live webcams for YOU!

  1. “I understand that you are grieving heavily right now, but I am not willing to be your emotional punching bag. I am trying to be supportive, but the way you are treating me is not ok, and I'm not going to put up with it. You can reach out to me when you're ready to talk but I'm going to take some time away from you for now, because this is not healthy for either of us.”

    He's taking it out on you because you're the safe option, but you don't have to sit and take it, and you SHOULDN'T. Back away from the situation. And he DOES owe you an apology, grief may give you some leniency but it doesn't absolve him from that kind of treatment.

  2. I've been down this road before personally. Happened to me and my wife. Being gaslit over something that is a legitimate issue is frustrating.

  3. “Hi Dave,

    I believe this email was intended for me although it was addressed to Alice.

    The travel delays sound so frustrating g and exhausting!

    With such such notice the options for travel times and seating were limited but I always try to meet your preferences.

    For upgrading I will have to check company policy and travel budget, but I will let you know!

    All the best, Annie”

    Then CC whoever would know the travel budget and policy-HR or his boss.

  4. One emotionally unavailable person… If you still want to pursue this it is OK, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone as it could lead you to a bad place mentally as well.

  5. If you are drunk like blackout drunk. You cannot give consent. I think you might of been given a drug that on top of the alcohol impaired your memory. I would go to hospital and then not have anything to do with that person. Just put yourself in someone else's shoes and think of the advice that you would give them. This guy is not a friend or anyone I would have anything to do with.

  6. She gave you proof of her infidelity. Go to a lawyer. She’s clearly the breadwinner so you should be due some alimony. Cut your losses and get out while you can.

  7. OK, let him divorce you then. Before you do anything, visit a divorce lawyer on the sly and find out how you should proceed.

    Look, this is literally driving you crazy. Your selfish husband won't take you seriously. It's every person for themselves from here on out.

  8. So this isn't the ex you were thinking of going back to 13 days ago? If not, you obviously don't care about him so what's the big deal? Let her have him.

  9. I am jumping on the comment “low cost sliding scale mental health care”

    I got into a research study for EMDR and my appointments cost $10.00.

    So look for studies also.

  10. Been there. Literally my friend found him on tinder and sent the screen shots. He denied it, said he didn’t do it, but one of the photos was a photo I took and hadn’t been posted or sent to anyone. He caved tried to convince me nothing happened. I forgave him and stayed for 3 more years. Leave him, get tested, and don’t look back.

  11. Understandable. And no problem. It will work out eventually if there is genuine love. Also congrats on the house.

  12. That's really impressive.

    How do you do that, like how do you feed the AI the story & get it to spit out a final chapter like that?

    I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm old & live under a rock.

  13. Thank you for posting this. This is the 3rd post I have seen this morning where the guy is a complete doormat. STOP WORRYING ABOUT HER SAYING YOU ARE INSECURE. She is talking to a guy who likes you for lengthy periods of time. You are not insecure – you are insane for not speaking up.

    I am now done for the morning and hopefully the rest of the day. I seriously hope this is a troll post.

  14. You accept feeling second to his wandering mind or find someone else. He’s not changing.

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