KristinaSun live webcams for YOU!


Hello guys !!!!) Strip dance [297 tokens remaining]

Date: October 4, 2022

9 thoughts on “KristinaSun live webcams for YOU!

  1. He has no obligation, but yes ir sucks. Nothing you really can do. But try do the same to see how he reacts. equal rights 🙂

  2. Has he sent any live pictures or videos? The good thing about snap is that you can't fake a live picture or video as filters will always show.

  3. I’d leave but I’d be sure to save every single text she has sent.

    I’d actually text her and say something like “just so I’m clear on what you want, you don’t believe I’m an abuser and I haven’t done anything abusive but you’d feel better if I got screened and saw a therapist?”

    I recommend doing that because honestly she sounds like a girl who is going to accuse you of doing God only knows what when you do leave her dumbass. She’s going to try and play the victim like her girlfriend and say she had to leave an abusive relationship. You will then have texts clearly showing you weren’t.

    Now I doubt they’d do very much for you legally but at least you’d have something to show your family and friends in case she does try and start drama.

  4. No she's a fucking psychopath look at OPs post history. She has threatened to kill herself, him, and any girl he ever left her for along with a bunch of other crazy shit. Op you need to leave before something terrible happens.

  5. No she's a fucking psychopath look at OPs post history. She has threatened to kill herself, him, and any girl he ever left her for along with a bunch of other crazy shit. Op you need to leave before something terrible happens.

  6. Honestly, it could be great, but it could be the end of it. It's a big risk, and you both need to decide if it's a risk that you're willing to gamble your relationship on.

    People go into 3somes with these grand ideas of fulfilling fantasies and getting closer and then it can take something as small as you making a noise or a face with the other girl that you've never made with your girlfriend and boom – seed planted, foundation undermined, beginning of the end.

    I've had 3somes and more in my time, but I'd never do it in a committed relationship, only ass fling fun. Too much at stake.

  7. Always trust your gut instinct and stick to your dealbreakers.

    If someone claims to be an atheist but wants you to change your diet, convert to their family's religion and is open about their plans to impose ancient religious customs that they don't believe in on your children- all those red flags tell you everything that you ever need to know. About them, their future and how compatible they are with your dealbreakers & personal values.

    This is the reason why I have dating dealbreakers that weed out all the religious hardliners, guys raised in religious households that have kept contact with religious identarians & crank zealots or their likeminded less obviously overbearing pals and all those who appease religious elements.

    It doesn't matter whether the specific religion mentioned is buddhism, christianity, hinduism, judaism, scientology, sikhism or anything else.

    I am a 28 year old British woman raised in a controlling toxic revolutionary household with lots of crank food & drink prohibitions, where there was no pork or lamb allowed as a matter of maternal family tradition. The harsh indocrination campaign to obey other people's religions started from the age of 2, during childhood I was often savagely attacked by violent child abusing religious fanatics of different persuasions in punishment for refusing to conform to their religious traditions of religious garb, daily prayers, fasting or celebrating their religious festivals.

    My own mother was raised in a brutal ultra-traditionalist religious household that glorified the worst of medieval religion, had a long tradition of arranged marriages to blood relatives, taught that self-harm & separatism were holy and viewed electricity & almost all of modern life as evil. When she told her family that she had decided to marry an atheist she was almost beaten to death and disinherited.

    My mothers extremely traumatic childhood & the loss of contact with her ultra-trad family led her to be very violent, lonely and an appeaser. Of almost all revolting religious cranks, habitual criminals and predatory revolutionaries.

    I was raised in a toxic & controlling household surrounded by unreasonable adults who constantly imposed bizarre rules, vitriol and all manner of nasty conspiracy theories upon me. For this, I will never forgive my mother, religious fanatic maternal grandmother or their vilest pals.

    Ask yourself- 25 years from now do you want your teenage or adult children to be writing a similar online post about their childhoods asking random strangers for advice. Describing their earliest memories of how appallingly they were treated in their own childhood home and how their parents allowed horrifying religious cranks to impose their vile bull upon them for 15 years+?

    Good luck!

  8. It’s fair to say to him, “I respect myself too much to be your secret.”

    If he’s really into you, he’ll want to share the relationship with everyone.

    Gotta go on dates to get kissed. Invite him to the movies. Kiss him if he’s having trouble moving things along and that’s what you want. There’s no reason the guy has to take the lead.

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